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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I can't disagree with him as some backroom deal was made. Buttigieg was increasingly becoming the most annoying candidate still in the race. He shifted from medicare for all to a public option once he realized the moderate lane was more viable for him. He talked about wanting to be the candidate to unite the country while taking shots at Mike Pence's religious beliefs. He tried to emulate Obama and to me he just came across as a phony. Good riddance but unfortunately you'll pry be in the political landscape for the next 30 years. This tweet by the way is smart if the goal is to fracture the Democratic party as much as possible to ensure low turnout come election day.
  2. It just makes it more likely that nobody will win a majority of delegates going into the convention as more candidates will now be able to hit that 15% threshold needed to acquire delegates in each state this Tuesday. The "2nd choice" polls for Buttigieg supporters are pretty evenly distributed across the remaining candidates. By the way, Joe Biden is the youngest male remaining in the race which is hilarious. They should hire you. That's brilliant.
  3. BTW...I was being sarcastic. Joe's losing his marbles.
  4. Biden had all his mental faculties intact as far as I can tell through debates and interviews as far back as 2016. He's only seemed senile recently. I don't think there's any irresponsibility on Obama's part in making him his VP choice. I do agree that he's not up for being the presidential nominee. Bloomberg is pry the most qualified having run a successful business that made him a self made billionaire and being mayor of a major city for 12 years. I agree with you that he won't win though because of the reason you cited. Also, Biff Tannen would destroy him in a general election as he's already making fun of his height which is hilarious. I think most voters understand that Bernie's pie in the sky proposals are unrealistic. When they here "medicare for all" they think he's going to fight like hell to lower premiums and deductibles. He's going to make sure more people are insured. When they here "free college" they think finally somebody will do something to lower the increasing cost of college and the debt that occurs because of it. When they hear "expand social security" they feel confident that entitlement cuts won't happen with him as president. They can sense that his promise to raise the federal minimum wage isn't just lip service. He's like Trump in that way. Most Trump voters didn't think he was going to build a huge and beautiful wall with Mexico paying for it. Nobody thought he was going to round up all the illegal immigrants and deport them. They thought finally somebody will get serious with border security and illegal immigration. When they heard him promise GDP growth would go up to 4 and maybe 5 percent they thought he'll do more to stimulate the economy. In a hypothetical matchup between Bernie and Trump. Trump won't be able to attack Bernie from the left like he did Hillary when it comes to trade. He won't be able to chastise him for his Iraq War vote as they're both isolationists. They're both perceived as "outsiders" so Trump can't even claim that role this time Just screaming communist and free stuff is a weak tactic as they used the same playbook against Obama and failed. We have a decent economy right now so I think Trump will still win, but it won't be as easy as Republicans think.
  5. I'm inclined to agree and Einstein's quote about the definition of insanity applies here. Kerry and Romney were stronger moderate candidates than Biden and still lost. Nobody was excited to go to the polls and vote for Hillary. I felt like I was going to jury duty when voting for Hillary in '16 but I went because the ACA saved my brother from certain bankruptcy. I really thought the Republicans would repeal it if a Republican won the White House. I guess it comes down to I know Biden will lose to Trump while I think Sanders has a puncher's chance (even though I'm more ideologically aligned with Biden).
  6. That's not how it historically works though as ideology is just one of many factors people look for in a candidate. People are willing to vote for somebody slightly more liberal or conservative than them if they like that person and think they can win in the general.
  7. That's a bunch of mularkey. I read this was the first primary he's ever won even though he's ran 3 times (maybe 4) within the last 30 years. I was surprised at how much the endorsement from James Clyburn had on the voters (the exit poll showed nearly 50% took that endorsement into consideration when voting). The main reason Dems are voting for him is he was Obama's VP. Older black voters especially given they're more conservative and they showed up in droves in SC. Hillary won 74% of the votes there in '16. To me Biden's the Democrat's version of McCain. Maybe he'll pick a Sarah Palin as his running mate like AOC.
  8. Pry not. Obama's job will be to "unite" the party at the convention the best he can after what's looking to be a brutal primary. It's more difficult to run as a Democrat as you have a more diverse base of all races and religions while the Republican base is mostly white and Christian. The lack of minority support for Pete, Amy, and Pocahontas means they have zero shot so they should put their pride aside and drop out. Bloomberg may sink Biden with his vanity project.
  9. Three interesting developments that can happen between now and Super Tuesday to propel Biden. -Obama officially endorses him. -Klobachar and Buttigieg drop out. -Bloomberg drops out and throws his money behind Biden.
  10. You want to eliminate the CDC? Even most libertarians think that maybe that's one of the few federal agencies we actually need as it's related to national defense.
  11. It's going to get to a point where Hillary will come out on Sunday and ask all primary voters in Minnesota vote for Klobachar and all voters in Massachusetts to vote for Warren.
  12. Problem is the bottom 90% of players he's referring to can't afford a lockout given their short careers compared to other sports leagues. The owners will always hold the advantage when negotiating a new CBA.
  13. I wish we could have both like a 6'4 229 lbs. WR who runs something like a 4.33 40 yard dash. It would be even better if we could steal that said player in the 2nd round.
  14. He reminds me a little bit of James Hardy in my totally uninformed opinion.
  15. I don't think he's up for it again. Also, he did the Superbowl halftime show in Pasadena. The only two really memorable halftime shows besides that one was U2 after 9/11 and Prince in the rain.
  16. The Tyrod trade and Glenn trade worked out well for us I think. Maybe Beane should only deal with teams in Ohio.
  17. It's all about turnout like usual for Dems as far as down ballot races go. Can his popularity with young people and Independents who usually don't vote where policies like marijuana legalization, medicare for all, and college debt relief are popular turn out more people at a higher rate of more moderate democratic voters he may lose? It remains to be seen if he is the nominee. Nobody really knows until election day unfortunately. You really think Democrats in Congress would allow that? At best he somehow gets a public option through.
  18. I doubt he comes to Buffalo after spending his whole career in Dallas unless we overpay. Beane won't overpay.
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