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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. The board was too difficult to monitor on an official team's website. Bokyo most likely made the call as McDermott had bigger fish to fry.
  2. My prediction is the Bills draft their starting right tackle in the 1st round, extend Dawkins, and kick Ford to LG. I doubt Beane puts that much money into two tackles. We go WR in the 2nd. DE and SLB will be addressed in free agency and in the later rounds of the draft for depth.
  3. To be fair, voters often will vote for the two front runners to make their vote count. Klobachar was smart enough to get out before Minnesota voted. Warren's downfall was she was wishy washy on her healthcare stance which is the most important issue for democratic voters. She released a M4A plan and when that didn't take off she switched it to a public option. Then she got desperate as her poll numbers slid and played the sexism card against Bernie after hiring Harris/Clinton staffers. Just a lack of authenticity and consistency in her message was the downfall of her campaign.
  4. I guess but if you believe in lanes than Texas would lean moderate if you combine Biden's and Bloomberg's votes.
  5. There was a surge when she looked like the frontrunner and polled close to Biden nationally. Then she hired Kamala and Clinton staffers and decided to play the sexism card on Bernie of all people. It was a political calculation that backfired and now all she's done is given Biden wins in Massachusetts, Maine, and probably Minnesota. To be fair, Bloomberg hurt Biden but not to the extent Warren hurt Sanders. If she was committed to the progressive movement she would've dropped out on Monday.
  6. I'd do it for a two year rental player as his compensation is pretty fair with his production. I don't know much about his character though so I'd be careful. He might demand a new contract and sit out.
  7. It's the difference between career politicians that shift positions with public sentiment who put on a smile and politicians that stand for something. The reason she never got far with Democrats is because she was more anti War/regime change than anti Trump. If she towed the party line she'd be at least looking at a VP slot right now.
  8. The fact that nobody in the 49ers front office has categorically denied this rumor is noteworthy. If the reports that Kyle Shanahan questions Jimmy G's decision making and ceiling are true than I guess it's possible especially given the out in his contract. The 49ers would be playing with fire though with Brady's age.
  9. If only that guy could run again. Damn term limits.
  10. You're underestimating how weak a candidate Biden is. At least Hillary was lucid. At least Hillary didn't vote to join NAFTA. There's a massive distaste for the baby boomer generation DNC politics by people under 40 in the Democratic base. Less than 5% of those under 30 voted for Biden in CA I believe. You're just not going to get the turnout or bring in new voters. This election is a perfect time to send a message to the DNC and give them the middle finger and say "I'm not voting. You guys gave us four more years of Trump." You better change the way you do business or you'll keep losing to a candidate that doesn't even know Kansas fricken City is in Missouri. PHUCCCK.
  11. Those type of backroom deals have been done for years but they’re usually not so obvious. I’m actually impressed the DNC was able to coalesce that quickly. Unfortunately, they picked the football equivalent of Rex Grossman to try and win the Super Bowl.
  12. The perils of working in the Trump administration. Roy Moore decided to run again
  13. If Bernie can keep the delegate vote close tonight then Biden will remind voters why he's so vulnerable the next couple of weeks when he inevitably congratulates Janet Reno for running a great campaign when Warren drops out.
  14. Oh god. Buttigieg didn't gain black support because he was gay. He lost because he was an unknown who was running behind Biden that happened to be the VP of the first black president. Same reason Klobachar couldn't gain any traction.
  15. No. They actually polled this and there was little difference between black and white voters in SC when it came to voting for a gay candidate. Candidates like Hillary and Biden simply showed up in black communities and listened to their wants and needs for years so they "earned" their vote. Even Bernie's support among African Americans has increased since he built some relationships with them four years ago. Buttigieg, Klobachar, and Warren were at a disadvantage from the beginning.
  16. If I accept the premise of your first option than the 2nd option is the only right answer.
  17. Maybe he's getting married in a couple weeks. It will definitely get real then.
  18. For those looking for Chris Harris stats. Make sure you google Chris Harris Jr. as he's not a 45 year old British journalist.
  19. I agreed with this assessment four or so months ago and then I saw Biden campaign. You're not going to get as many Bernie backers voting for Biden as you did for Hillary in '16 because they feel they were robbed twice. Especially if Bernie has a slight delegate lead going into the convention and they nominate Biden. My guess is you'll have even less turnout in the swing states on the Dem side compared to '16.
  20. That's pry why Clint Eastwood endorsed him which kind of tells you where Bloomberg is on the political spectrum. Because of his stop and frisk enforcement there's little chance he gets enough of the minority vote to be a contender and will pry drop out on Wednesday and throw his money to Biden.
  21. No. I'll vote for Biden but the problem is he generates no excitement leading to low turnout. It will be a repeat of 2016 and the GOP likely takes back the house.
  22. Which area will Trump hit Biden first? His corruption in Ukraine? His vote for the Iraq War? His declining mental faculties? His vote for NAFTA? His plagiarism scandal in the late 80's? Anybody who thinks Biden can beat Trump is beyond delusional.
  23. Amy's endorsing Biden. They're throwing the election away completely if Biden becomes the nominee. The DNC would rather have Trump in their than Sanders because they're afraid the gravy train runs out for them.
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