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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. The bigger picture is electing a Democrat who can replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court and any other openings that may arise. It's increasing environmental regulations, raising taxes back to 39.6% on the top tax income bracket to increase the social safety net, raise the minimum wage to help give raise increases to about 40 million people by the end of his first term, and push for a reduction in military spending. Bernie's all for those things even though he wants to go farther so he will fall in line and endorse.
  2. It doesn't matter. Biden's going to win Michigan big and this sucker will be over by the time the debate even happens. Biden will have a majority of delegates and it will be a normal convention. The media will try to hide his mental decline but it will become obvious over the next six months. Bernie will campaign for him because he's an adult who sees the bigger picture, but good luck energizing the base to turn out for him come November.
  3. I'd at least demand more than Goff (33.5 million per year, 110 million guaranteed). This deal pry gets done quickly if the Cowboys budge a little. Maybe put on some bonuses like the Eagles did with Wentz.
  4. I wore one as a joke during Y2K. Well, I at least said I was wearing it as a joke.
  5. That weird swirl thing reminds me of the Blue Jackets logo.
  6. 5 guys yes but overpriced. Primo Hoagies-negative. Biscuitville should expand up North.
  7. You'd have to bank on Harry moving to a 3 technique then. Or draft/sign somebody else to fill that role.
  8. Players this young and talented don't usually hit the open market which is why the Bills should jump at the opportunity. Good job BOB and have fun resigning Watson and Tunsil to record deals while having no 1st round picks this year or next. Having Fluker and Star rotate in will only help Oliver and whoever replaces Jordan Phillips.
  9. We all know he's talking about the top income bracket but this is just one of many reasons he's a terrible candidate. Didn't we recover quicker compared to every other advanced country?
  10. I enjoyed all the national media figures who trashed Roethlisberger publicly apologize to him once it was clear AB had some obvious mental issues.
  11. Please stop tagging me and I'll vow to try harder to get breast cancer to end sexism once and for all.
  12. A female candidate did win the Democratic nomination in 2016. I don't remember pieces written like that in The Atlantic when Carly Firiona dropped out. Actually, Michelle Bachmann would be the better example since she flirted as the front runner for a little bit like Warren.
  13. Jumps off the tape. Grow into his frame. Player's coach. We could've had Mahomes.
  14. It's just one of many reasons that point to poor judgment. Same thing with Hillary. Trump ran as an isolationist pounding the point ad nauseum that the Iraq War was a disaster and the Dems decide to run two candidates that voted for it. Brilliant job guys. Trying to run a bland "electable" establishment candidate against an incumbent is a death wish (Dole, Kerry, Romney). At least they weren't going senile.
  15. Trump's not an idiot. It's hard to scream socialism when every other country has various types of single payer. What's crazy about the exit polls in every state in the primary on Super Tuesday Democratic voters supported single payer over a public option. They even added the caveat you'd have to give up your private insurance and they still favored it. Voters bought the Biden is more electable narrative line, hook, and sinker. It's a huge mistake. Burisma, the Iraq War vote, NAFTA, career politician, and going senile gives Trump a lot to work with. It will be like 2016 all over again. Bernie would be somewhat off brand if he makes personal attacks outside policy but he might as he's in desperation mode. I wouldn't even agree to a debate if I was Biden. There's zero upside in it for him.
  16. Well, Conklin would be one hell of a blocking WR.
  17. Make sure you're well stocked on carona's. I am.
  18. Which is why he should just have Pence comment on it and then read teleprompter speeches from the oval office.
  19. Horrible take as the medley on the B side has never been matched.
  20. Yup. I see Beane being even more aggressive and trading our late round picks like he did last year to get at least four picks in the first three rounds. I'm hoping for five though. I'm thinking we stay where we are in the 1st (or trade down a few spots), two in the 2nd, and possibly two in the 3rd. Deep draft for OT and WR so he'd be wise to accumulate picks in the 2nd and 3rd round.
  21. ?? He couldn't even buy every American a McDonalds double cheeseburger which Brian Williams invented by the way.
  22. When he put Pence in charge I thought it was a good move so he wouldn't have to comment on it. I was wrong. Luckily, most people have grown to trust his actions and not his words by now. I hope.
  23. Yeah. Trump mentioned that. It was the right move. Having free flowing conversations in interviews giving his opinion about an area he has no expertise in isn't.
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