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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. With our luck we sneak into the final WC spot winning a three way tiebreaker despite losing head to head to the Chargers.
  2. I was referring to his third contract but you're right. Definitely an exception to the rule as they drafted very well to get to that Superbowl.
  3. Joe Flacco, Matthew Stafford, Matt Ryan, and Derek Carr come to mind when I see a contract like this. Good but not great starting quarterbacks that keep your team from taking that next step because they need talent around them on both sides of the ball in order to win a Superbowl. Their salary prohibits the team from acquiring that talent. This was a bad move for the Titans. Especially given last year may have been the exception and not the norm as far as Tannehill is concerned.
  4. Experts aren't sure by how much but they're all in agreement the mortality rates are higher and it's more easily transmissible. If the death rate is 1% which is the lowest estimate I've seen that's 10 times deadlier than the average flu strain (.1% death rate). So, as it exponentially increases you could be looking at more than 50 million people with the virus. That's 500,000 deaths which warps the average number of deaths every year from the flu which is usually under 40,000 per year. That's the reason the world is freaking out.
  5. Waste of wine. Since they cancelled March Madness this is the best we're going to get. You could've told me that was a Black Friday video and I would've believed you. You could have it and not know it. You could spread it to people your own age who will then transfer it to somebody more at risk of dying from it. Just don't be a prick and stay away from crowded areas.
  6. Three cases in Erie Country. Send Amari Cooper back to Dallas ASAP.
  7. I was just laughing at Fox News referring to Trump as the "White Knight" and you respond with bragging about your investment strategy.
  8. White Knight? Oh, Fox News. You still take the cake.
  9. They really haven't been able to show they can identify a rookie WR who will be a solid #1 or 2 WR. They could've stayed put in the 2nd last year and picked AJ Brown, Metcalf, or McLauren. Lots of teams passed on them but that's not a great excuse if your WR scouts are worth a damn.
  10. When Trump said Mexico would pay for it that's not what I had in mind.
  11. Now all those parents are going to have to find babysitters. I know it's hope for the best and prepare for the worst yet this whole thing seems to be a bit of an overreaction.
  12. All the more reason not to delay it being a Bills fan.
  13. Jordan Howard makes the most sense. Getting him at a reasonable deal would be a steal.
  14. This is the most plausible conspiracy theory I've read on here. Insert Hillary Clinton at the convention after Joe goes down from an arm wrestling challenge by an infected Ohio truck driver.
  15. Continuation is extremely important among the offensive line so I love this move. It will interesting to see if they look to upgrade at RT and have Ford compete for one of the guard spots.
  16. Markets are panicky to buy anything right now.
  17. Nobody knows. Be like William Devane and invest in gold.
  18. I agree with Poyer was the best bargain contract but Clay was clearly the worst FA signing as we made him one of the highest paid TE's at the time.
  19. I'd have been pissed if the virus impacted last year's games. I'd like to thank my good friend Xi Jinping for keeping this under wraps and jailing those who tried to leak the info about the virus since last December.
  20. This would be an okay comparison if Biden was still in his 60's. He was a good compliment as VP to Obama who was always so measured with his words to the point of annoyance sometimes. It's not just typical Biden gaffes anymore. He's in serious cognitive decline and most voters today won't know it tomorrow because the media is covering for him. I don't even know if he's aware of it and the Dems are sending him into the debates with Trump like a lamb to the slaughter.
  21. Beane will talk Emmitt Smith out of retirement.
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