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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Yeah there was. This massive stimulus bill isn't going to suddenly stop the pandemic. Hopefully it will calm the market a little and give small businesses temporarily relief. You're going to see far left and far right congressman oppose the bill like you did back then.
  2. Really? Do you remember the first failed TARP vote back in '08? It failed and the market went bonkers. A revised version passed a couple days later. This is two trillion dollars we're talking about. Let's try and get it right.
  3. I prefer the Tom Hanks flu. When he caught it I realized that it wasn't just some communist China problem.
  4. Gilmore wasn't nearly as good as T. White is at this point in his career. We were having discussions on whether Darby or Gilmore was the better CB in 2015. White may want to wait another year so the market price goes up before doing an extension.
  5. As long as it doesn't delay the NFL draft. It'll be interesting to see if it does get bad if we just lift the curfew and tell everyone at highest risk to self quarantine. Everybody else just get back to work and life as usual. Hopefully it won't come to that.
  6. You're acting like all Democrats are for late term abortions when it actually had more support in the late 90's. I'm pointing out that the issue of abortion is not completely divided along party lines on this issue. There is a sizable bloc of Republicans (not the majority obviously) who support abortion rights in most instances. There is a smaller (but not insignificant) group of Democrats who oppose abortion rights. These voices aren't heard because of the increasing vigor and power of conservative Christians in the Republican party and women rights activists in the Democratic party. That's led to politicians on both sides to either capitulate to those bases in risk of being primaried or being replaced by somebody who's more in line with their views. That was my only point. I never called you lunatics as fetal tissue research has always been controversial. However, I don't equate a billion dollar industry forced Chinese organ harvesting where they kill people and sell their organs to US women voluntarily making their aborted fetus available to research labs in hope of studying fetal tissue to lead to medical breakthroughs that will save lives.
  7. Nothing about abortion is cool. I really don't want to get into an argument about the ethics of fetal tissue research that's been brewing in this country since at least the 70's.
  8. That's what I thought he was referring to and I was wrong rereading his post. Sorry. Fetal tissue research has led to medical breakthroughs that's saved lives.
  9. So, they capitulated to their base who believe in bs propaganda by anti abortion groups.
  10. Are there any pro choice Republicans left or have both sides completely catered to their base?
  11. I'd like them to take a run at Markus Golden if his contract demands aren't too out of whack.
  12. I'd like to see the Pegula's respond to this report. Give their side of the story or it looks like a cutthroat business decision to me. It just doesn't make sense to me for them to do this given they seem to understand the importance of a good PR look. My cousin's husband works as an editor/producer for PSE and is being paid working from home right now. He doesn't really work with Terry but interacts with Kim often. He's had nothing but glaring reviews for her.
  13. I'm not sure about that. I mean he paid Percy Harvin nearly seven million for work not performed.
  14. It was actually a softball question that he easily could've hit out of the park despite his disgust with the person who asked it. Whatever. He is who he is and it's insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
  15. That "unity" led to an ill advised war that cost thousands of American lives, massive debt, legalized torture, and increased surveillance. Regardless, I have no doubt in another emergency we'll band together like we always do because it serves our best interests to do so.
  16. Main knock against Ebron is drop problems and inconsistent route running. The last thing this offense needs despite his physical talent. Knox and Kroft will be fine.
  17. I got it without giving a credit card number. Just create a username and password. You get every game since 2009 in full. You may want to avoid the 2009 season opener.
  18. Injured first game of year and then got in Kitchens's dog house. To be fair, almost every offensive player regressed with Kitchens as head coach. I don't know what they see in him that they don't see in Foster but competition for that fourth WR spot can't hurt.
  19. Can we get our Kenneth Davis then? Would love for Taylor or Dobbins to fall to us in 2nd round.
  20. We could be a poor man's version of the greatest show on turf (Bruce, Holt, Proehl) with our three wideouts (Diggs, Brown, Beasley). Now if we only had our Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk.
  21. Beane hasn't even woke up yet. We'll see if we sign him after 7pm or so.
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