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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That's how I saw it and why that motion by Sasse was just grandstanding. If it was more than four months I would agree with that sentiment but a black swan even calls for an overly aggressive measures to keep this economy somewhat functional.
  2. The bill apparently gives people who file for unemployment an extra 600 bucks a week (which is 15 bucks an hour if my math is correct) along with unemployment insurance for four months. Isn't the point of that to give people peace of mind to stay at home to help flatten the curve and pump money into the economy through consumer spending? I highly doubt most people wouldn't go back to work knowing that this will end in four months.
  3. They said it was a safety concern I believe as broken in helmets apparently offer better protection.
  4. Definitely not jerks on message boards that point out the incorrect spelling of the plural form of hero. Because in times of crises if somebody has the means to easily help their fellow citizens through a rough time then it's the decent thing to do. Most restaurant owners don't have those means.
  5. Trump should put a dome over NYC like they did in the Simpson's movie.
  6. They had those exact provisions in the original Senate bill?
  7. If Biden continues to Biden I wonder if Cuomo's name is going to be floated out there as a possible replacement.
  8. The BS in the bill is a negotiation tactic and some meat for her base as I'm sure 2008 is fresh in her mind given the criticism of the TARP bill by the far left. Tomorrow when they pass this thing we'll see how much of an improvement it was over the Senate bill.
  9. Here's the old vs. new. At least they're not the Rams.
  10. If it aint broke and you want to make some money....minor tweaks.
  11. I was wondering who was going to be our jet sweep gadget player when we didn't tender McKenzie. Looks like we found our answer.
  12. That's why I said Dalton, Flacco, Cam, and Winston in that order. I'd be more worried about the culture if a desperate Newton or Winston came here but it would be worth the risk to upgrade from Barkley.
  13. Obviously you'll ideally have them on a one year deal and pay them top backup money. The Saints paid Bridgewater 7.5 million last year and it worked out just fine for them when Brees got injured. The Steelers pry wish they had that much foresight. I wouldn't mind paying top money for a backup on a one year deal because Josh Allen is still a wildcard in my mind and may hold this talented team back if he regresses like Trubisky did..or...his style of play makes him more prone to injury and if that happens are season is basically over with only having Barkley and some practice squad QB on our roster. That may have been okay last year as our roster on the offensive side of the ball wasn't good enough to compete with the top teams in the AFC anyways. However, with the addition of Diggs and a likely upgrade at RB we should be able to compete with a borderline starting quality QB as our backup if we can find one.
  14. I'd be interested in Dalton, Flacco, Cam, and Winston in that order. Hey Beane, what if Allen doesn't work out or gets hurt this year? You willing to sacrifice next season and possibly your job after doing nearly everything else right by relying on Matt fricken Barkley.
  15. I love how this thread turned into rehashing a game from 30 years ago. It's still easiest to blame Norwood. Kick the ball 4 feet to the left and nobody's talking about the Parcells/Belichick genius game plan.
  16. I would never cite the Blaze though like I never cite Huffington Post or Mother Jones unless they're linking an article to more mainstream news sources like the WSJ, Reuters, USA Today, etc..
  17. That's with social distancing in place and not knowing the % of people who have it that don't show symptoms. I'd be curious to see at the end of this the transfer rate (does each person pass it onto 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)?
  18. Unclear because many people have it without symptoms and therefore don't get tested.
  19. Yeah. Let's get some strict provisions in there. Both sides are thinking.....
  20. I think the NFC West will own the Jets, Fins, and Pats this year. I'd go over on the Seahawks and Cardinals. I'd go under on the Panthers, Fins, Jets, and Chargers. Stay the hell away from the rest. I don't bet against Belichick.
  21. Yeah. Dunbar's injury history drove down the price for him I'm sure.
  22. He wants a new contract so the Skins got what they could.
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