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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Trump made the right call in restricting flights from China in late January. He then screwed up by downplaying the threat for the next month or so comparing it to the common flu. His opponent will have many ads in this time period to attack him with. The federal agencies that are supposed to prepare for this also initially screwed up. I think the magnitude of this thing caught us off guard when it shouldn't have. I think he's done a fine job since then however both on messaging and passing legislation to help us get through this.
  2. I'm glad the year of March is over. Can't wait until the decade of April to be over with. The NFL should release the schedule over a 17 day time frame. The sportsbooks can take daily bets of who we're going to play next. I'll take home against the Pats at +1400 for our opener.
  3. I don't believe there's a maximum income limit for the increased unemployment federal benefits. Anybody who qualifies for unemployment gets $600 a week from the federal government on top of what you qualify for at the state level. I get the frustration with regional cost of living but it's difficult to differentiate at the federal level.
  4. Why not just have all the teams make it and give them trophies after their final regular season game? Excuse me while I go yell at the cloud in the sky.
  5. I was actually pleasantly surprised at the extra unemployment benefits in that bill. What more do you think should've been in the bill?
  6. Yeah. I was surprised. There's more examples of 7-9 division winners making it. Once you expand the regular season to 17 games those 8-8 teams that made it under the current system will pry make it at 8-9.
  7. You are right. I am wrong. You're very good looking. I am not attractive.
  8. A couple of weeks? The big airline and hotel industries will be hit hard for at least a year for something that isn't their fault. You're preventing massive layoffs by bailing them out and possibly preventing a great depression.
  9. I still think we should give top backup money on a one year deal for Dalton, Winston, or Flacco. This roster is too talented to have a wasted season if Allen goes down or regresses.
  10. I was giving two extreme examples and your response proves my point.
  11. The NFL thinking long term about making more money pry partly made this move so they can get two new expansion franchises up and running in the near future. I think there were 28 teams when they expanded the playoffs from 10 to 12 teams.
  12. I agree with you on that point and I always favored a two party system because when one side becomes radicalized in terms of thought the voters will favor the other side forcing one side to reevaluate their position. Thus, it creates a system that keeps things between the 35 yard line using a football analogy. However, a recent problem with only having two parties is the increasing bitter partisanship where a lack of compromise with the other side is rewarded is leading to nearly complete gridlock in Congress. The elimination of the filibuster for judges, an increased call to eliminate the filibuster for major legislation, and talks of packing the Supreme Court is all a result of the frustration of this gridlock. It also puts enormous pressure on whoever the president is to try and expand his/her powers because they don't want to be remembered in history as a do nothing president. Just looking at countries with multiple parties, the majority party is usually forced to work with minority parties just to be able to run the country. Just passing a bipartisan economic relief package to help us through a global pandemic was like pulling teeth. There's also the long term survival of the country to consider as we've become bitterly socially divided into two teams both thinking they're the "real America." The left increasingly sees itself as representing and celebrating the multicultural values located mostly in coastal cities and the right increasingly sees itself as representing the Christian values located in the more desolate countryside (middle America). Those that don't see them in either of those two camps are kind of lost and forced to join one of those teams every November. Conservative democrats and liberal Republican politicians are now on the endangered species list. The social issue of abortion is pry the best example as it's extremely rare to win a primary being a pro choice Republican or a pro life Democrat. I just don't think we can continue to survive as a country this way.
  13. It's posts like these that make me think abandoning the two party system is a good idea. Start a socialist party if you think your ideas are so popular then they should have no trouble winning. You wouldn't have fringe politicians like Bernie Sanders and his "movement" pushing the party too far left forcing traditionally moderate candidates like Biden to capitulate to some of their demands. At least then you can proudly reject capitalism and look at billionaires as the true enemies.
  14. Just the law of averages tells you they'll be an 8-9 Wild Card team once every three or so years if you have a top heavy conference.
  15. The slow decline in the quality of the product during the regular season. Reminds me of when baseball added a Wild Card spot. Can't wait to see the 7-9 Lions take on the 14-2 Packers in the 1st round.
  16. I didn't say and/or imply that. I praised him for helping out. We're not a theocracy though and thought it was inappropriate bringing that up at a national news conference addressing all Americans.
  17. I don't care to be honest with you. You're getting into a religious holiday so some people may have a problem with Easter being pushed back. Here's his exact quote. I know people would've had a problem if a Muslim encouraged people to read the Quran at a national press conference aimed at the Coronavirus. “God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” Lindell began, referencing the day Trump was elected president. “Taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God.” Lindell then offered advice to families stuck at home because of various social-distancing guidelines: “I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word, read our Bibles and spend time with our families.”
  18. It's an onion article. Easter falls on the Sunday after the first full moon post March 21st.
  19. Pushing his religious beliefs was inappropriate in my opinion but he more than makes up for it by making much needed masks.
  20. I'm guessing behind the scenes they're exploring scenarios where they play without fans with stringent player testing. Too much money on the line to cancel the season.
  21. We'll know a lot more by summer but my guess is yes at this point. Why riski it? I'm hoping we'll have a much better understanding and control of the virus by then so it doesn't delay training camp. The warmer weather will hopefully help.
  22. We're doomed. Although Russia is starting to get hit pretty hard.
  23. I just caught that which is why I deleted my post. The beauty of the federal government is they don't have to balance their budget. The $600 is only good for four months which is still a little overly generous in my opinion.
  24. Tyrod's the most mobile game manager in NFL history. He perfected the deep ball throwaway. If you have a good defense, offensive line, and running game you might make the divisional round of the playoffs with him.
  25. Comeon man. Bars have been shut down just in Buffalo for not following NYS social distancing orders. Why should churches receiving multiple warnings be any different? Especially in NYC. A conservative mayor would make the same threat.
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