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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I don't agree with this. It's more that in general the left is often overly reliant on science while the right has a healthy skepticism of it (think climate change debate). You saw that play out here with Trump calling an unproven drug that subdues an overreactive immune response a potential game changer. This is the same guy that's pushed in the past that vaccines give some children autism. Plus, there's no doubt that even the most partisan person on the left can see the disdain most of the media has for Trump.
  2. That was great. White's got the crackhead Chappelle character's voice down. I still get a kick out of thinking about someone in a car driving down route 20 listening to the 2nd half of that game only to see Vontae Davis pass you.
  3. If it wasn't so serious I would find it funny. Hey, I'm going to provide some people hope with a relatively safe drug based off some anecdotal success stories (possible placebo effect) as we don't have time for large scale clinical trials as we want to save lives. Makes sense to most people. Media - HOW DARE YOU. I don't see this being a gamble as the OP made it out to be as the rift between the media and Trump has gotten predictable and boring. My guess is there will be anecdotal stories of hydroxycholoquine being a success and others about it not helping at all. The research will be inconclusive. There will pry be a case where someone dies of heart failure and the media will blame it as a side effect of hydroxycholoquine. As far as the election is concerned, the people that ultimately decide who wins don't even pay attention until after labor day. There will be a million news cycles between now and then.
  4. It's tough because you can't work anybody out right now or have our doctors evaluate them because of the tomhanks virus. See what remaining holes you have after the draft and then go bargain hunting. I doubt they make a run at the top FA DE's still available.
  5. I pry would've just drafted a WR in the 2nd round given it's supposed to be one of the best classes ever at the position and saved six or so million dollars. Giving away a 2nd rounder for a guy with five concussions and who was phased out of the Rams dynamic offense last year seems risky.
  6. Agreed. It's like investing in Microsoft instead of a promising IPO stock.
  7. Sorry for the delay as I lost track of time. With the 94th pick in the draft the Packers select Bryan Edwards, WR, South Carolina I gave Rodgers/Fromm their stud tackle and the next coming of Jerry Rice. @Golden Goat is on the clock.
  8. Some guys do become first time dad's when they're 25 years old. I thought they were cigarette butts at first.
  9. My first reaction to that 100k to 200k deaths was there's no way it's going to be that high because you don't want to take the heat for underestimating the number of deaths. Also, maybe it would scare idiot skeptics enough to stay the frig home. That's just nuts though. I like how Hayes said I can't "quite" bring myself to accept it because he knew he'd come off as a conspiracy theorist.
  10. He is. He was the 2nd rated WR prospect by scout.com coming out of high school. He turned down Ohio State, Florida, and USC to stay close to home in Maryland. That was a mistake and a couple of injuries as well as declaring for the draft early caused him to split through the cracks. He's absolutely as talented as most of these top prospects.
  11. Yeah. Walmart's CEO is calling for the federal government to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour.
  12. People in 22 or so states. I don't think they did. They just announced they'd start paying the $600 federal.
  13. A modest increase in the federal wage would get people off the welfare roles and increase consumer spending, but that much of a hike would make it impossible for small business owners to turn a profit.
  14. Employers are going to have to offer $25 an hour just to beat the weekly unemployment benifits some people are getting in some states right now.
  15. That's the part that scares me as old habits die hard.
  16. My concern is getting back to a functioning society again when these restrictions are lifted. There's not really a plan for that yet despite the short term optimism of the curve flattening due to social distancing.
  17. Most of us live in or near a city known for chicken wings and blue cheese.
  18. The Bucs improved their jerseys. It was like going from a gas station sandwich to a McDonald's sandwich though. The Falcons just decided that these jerseys are fine so we need to make new one's and make them a lot worse.
  19. LOL. No. Especially now during a pandemic. We have a low enough vote turnout as it is.
  20. Geography is one way to approach the process. Most of the U.S. has in fact been little affected by the virus. Depending on what “a few” and “reopening” mean, that could be excellent news. The administration needs to push aggressively to end the shutdowns that have unemployed millions, destroyed countless businesses, devastated the financial markets and put the economy–and the lives of hundreds of millions–in a state of suspended animation. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/04/more-good-covid-19-news.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+powerlineblog%2Flivefeed+(Power+Line) Kudlow. He's been so wrong over the years that this article makes me more pessimistic. I'm really hoping warmer weather will slow this thing down and a reliable antibody test is developed as you want to restart the economy without restarting the virus.
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