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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. You want Barkley? He'd tear it up in San Francisco.
  2. With the 4th pick in the 2020 NFL Draft the New York Giants select Isaiah Simmons, LB, Clemson Unable to trade back, the Giants get the versatile LB to upgrade their pathetic defense. @Kirby Jackson and the Miami Dolphins are on the clock.
  3. God no. He helped form the House Freedom Caucus for crying out loud.
  4. It's pry even higher than that. Even with the adjusted totals you mentioned there were still over 3,000 more who died in their homes in the last month compared to the same time period last year. NYC has really taken the brunt of this pandemic.
  5. It's too difficult to differentiate those that do and don't need it. You can give it back if you want through a personal check. I'll dm you with the address.
  6. I could be wrong but I'm guessing it's unusual for a team to draft a RB in the first three rounds two years in a row. I don't think Beane will trade up for or reach for a RB in the 2nd or 3rd. Maybe will take one if one high on their radar slips to them. There's a lot of FA RB's still out there and we still have Yeldon. Plus, who knows what they think of Wade. I would love if they drafted Dobbins in the 2nd round though if he somehow slips.
  7. Quote in context.... "Honestly, we practice every day in an empty grass area and pump in fake crowd noise for away games. But more often than not, you're used to it. OTA practices don't have a lot of pomp and circumstance to them. So honestly to go out and just play the game would kind of be refreshing, a breath of fresh air, to just let us know that we don't have to have all the smoke and the fire, we can just play football. So as long as we're playing the game, I won't have a lot of complaints, and hopefully if it's still not returned to normal, we can find a way to make it work."
  8. .....besides the mainstream media article that might prove I was right.
  9. Isn't it CDC protocol anyways for us to make our own tests anyways to ensure reliability and accuracy?
  10. You mean the flu strain that killed around 12,500 Americans in a 12 month stretch and 575,400 worldwide. The number of coronavirus deaths are more than double that in the US within a month and a half (with mitigation efforts) and have surpassed the swine flu in totalities nationally. I'm bullish on wanting to get the economy rolling again but people who compare this to the flu are misguided. Btw....the last thing I would've expected to be arguing on a football message board four months ago was which novel virus was more lethal.
  11. I'm not saying it's not bad. It's just that you saw a significant spike in the last three Tuesday's so take today's numbers with a grain of salt.
  12. Tuesday effect. Saw a similar spike last Tuesday as hospitals are slow to report over the weekend. I'd be shocked if the last couple of days weren't are peak.
  13. Hopefully he follows in the Oregon footsteps of Mariota, Harrington, and Akili Smith. I'm hoping an NFC team takes Tua.
  14. No. He's about as far left as you can get and would not cross the aisle. M4A, raising the federal minimum wage to more than double what it is now, student debt forgiveness, free college, banning fracking, raising taxes substantially on the rich, implementing massive financial and environmental regulations, and reducing our military budget wouldn't have been well received by Republicans. The only thing he had in common with Trump is he's an isolationist. He wouldn't have had any sway because Biden would've went into the convention with the majority of delegates. Plus, he called Trump the most dangerous president of our lifetime so his number one priority should be uniting the party to beat Trump and that's why he endorsed Biden so early on.
  15. What? He doesn't care what Repubilcans think. That's fair if you want to call him a sellout for running as a Democrat even though he labels himself as an Independent. He mostly votes lockstep with the Democrats in the Senate though so I question his "Indendent" label. The quicker you coalesce around a candidate the better chance that candidate has of winning. Old Joe's going to need it.
  16. That's exactly what Republicans were hoping for as too much infighting closer to the election leads to an automatic Trump presidency. That's the dumbest thing he could've done.
  17. Because endorsing him is the best "bad" option he had. You're downplaying the importance of the Supreme Court. If RGB is replaced by a Trump appointed nominee that means there's a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Every progressive agenda he's fighting for would be squashed at the national level for the next 40 years. I don't know how many Bernie supporters are able to grasp that harsh reality.
  18. I'm in. Give me any team but Green Bay. If I had to choose five I'll take the Lions, Giants, Fins, Chargers, and Raiders.
  19. Not really. If he believes in his progressive agenda long term then he absolutely had to endorse Biden given RGB isn't getting any younger. I predicted a long time ago that Bernie would quickly endorse Biden because he's more pragmatic than people think. Continuing political infighting would just drive the progressive wing further away and ensure a Trump victory. I know Republicans wanted him not to "sellout." Apparantly Obama was the big behind the scnes player in all of that which is pry why it was executed to perfection given he's pry the most powerful person in the party still. I viewed the James Clyburn endorsement as basically Obama's endorsement in SC. The speed in which they coalesced around Biden was shocking and something the Republicans were unable to do against Trump.
  20. True but a lot of districts have summer day camps that provide cheap babysitting services. It will be an extra cost for many adults if they have to go back to work and schools aren't open. I don't think reopening schools in a couple of weeks is a bad idea. It's going to have to get to a point soon where people highly suseptible to the virus self quarantine and the rest of us just get back to our daily lives practicing social distancing measures. Hopefully we develop herd immunity and not have any major second waves. The damage to the economy will be too great if we keep the country in lockdown for a year until a vaccine is developed.
  21. If 1 in 10,000 people who contracted this died do you really think we'd have taken these drastic measures? It's not practical to continue these extreme mitigation measures for over a year until a vaccine is developed. Luckily, countries in Europe will be our guinea pigs as they're attempting to reopen their economies.
  22. I thought from the start that if the social distancing measures works this will feel overblown. I agree that the postmortem will be very interesting. Maybe fear of jail overcrowding considering they're virus hot spots? I have no clue.
  23. Even the performances are getting tiring. Yes, we know Trump's thin skinned and doesn't respond to criticism well. Yes, we know reporters are just as narcissitic and want to be the one to "get Trump." I get more out of watching Tiger King at this point.
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