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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Something tells me you didn't watch a lot of Giants games as Jones gut hurt with a high ankle sprain and they had to put the decrepit Eli back in. Jones throws with better touch, accuracy, and goes through his progressions quicker than Allen. Allen has more zip on the ball and is more mobile. They both have fumbling problems but Jones's are worse. We got to the playoffs because of our defense and the Giants ranked 30th in points allowed (25th in yards allowed). I'm hoping Allen can become more consistent but I'd take Jones at this point in their careers.
  2. Besides his fumbling problems he was impressive. There's no way in hell the Giants would make that trade.
  3. Trump saying he has the power to reopen and then saying it's up to the governors just added to the confusion for people that don't follow politics. Governors begging the federal government for more PPE also added to the confusion. The Trump administration has done a decent job since the end of February but their messaging has been terrible.
  4. From wgrz. We're behind in two of the seven categories. We're getting there as far as hospital deaths. Progress still needs to be made on decline in hospitalizations. One category requires a 14-day decline in net hospitalizations (the Western region currently stands at 0), or having less than 15 new hospitalizations on average over three days, and right now our average is 28. The other metric we're not meeting is a 14-day decline in hospital deaths (we've only four days right now), or fewer than five hospital deaths on average over three days, and right now we average nine deaths per day.
  5. Good news. I'm not an epidemiologist but I think the main reason for the decrease in deaths are people increasingly wearing masks when hiking.
  6. We did have success against Prescott on Thanksgiving and then Watson in the playoffs (unlucky boomerang play won them the game). We also contained the QB's who beat us (except Wentz) and it was on our offense for the losses (Mayfield, Jackson, Brady 2x). Last game against ginger doesn't count. Even Wentz was just efficient as it was their running game that did us in. If our offense improves I'm really not that worried about top tier QB's faring much better against our defense.
  7. Effin Whaley. Did you even interview this guy before mortgaging your future for him? I always thought he was prematurely celebrating but maybe he was pointing to the cloud where his great great grandfather was watching from in spirit.
  8. Thanks for doing all that work. I'm curious how many made the practice squad as we are deep at the WR position and Davis could be the exception to the norm. Maybe they keep seven or put Duke on the practice squad again assuming Davis makes the team.....or they just cut Duke.
  9. Ah, to be 17 again. If I can't score at least I can watch the Bills score.
  10. He should've been developed as a TE in college. It will be interesting to see who they keep out of Davis, Hodgins, Duke, and Foster. I assume they keep six and with five spots most likely locked in already (Diggs, Brown, Beasley, McKenzie, Roberts), it should be a hell of a fight for that last spot.
  11. Results of baseball study testing for Covid19 antibodies. Important to note it was not peer reviewed before being released. About 60 out of 5,754 tested positive for coronavirus antibodies and 70% who tested positive showed no symptoms. My assumption is most who were tested are more wealthy and healthy than the general population. Few positive coronavirus antibodies tests among MLB employees Sixty of the 5,754 people in a study of the Major League Baseball employee population tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, a rate lower than what similar studies run in California found, the studies' authors said Sunday. "I was expecting a larger number," said Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, which ran the study. "It shows the value of doing the science as opposed to guessing." The results of the study, which was held in mid-April, revealed a prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in the MLB employee population of 0.7 percent -- a number adjusted to reflect testing accuracy. The survey showed that about 70% of those who tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies had been asymptomatic. After volunteering to participate, MLB was chosen by Stanford to join the study, which will have no bearing on the league's ability to return to play as it prepares to offer a proposal to the players' association this week that will outline a plan to do so. Twenty-six of MLB's 30 teams participated in the study, which sent out 10,000 test kits. Because of stay-at-home orders and other logistical complications, 5,754 of the tests, in which participants use a pin prick to draw blood and received almost immediate results, were completed. A total of 5,603 completed the tests and filled out a survey that accompanied it. Men comprised 60% of the population and white people 80% -- numbers that don't necessarily reflect the nation and make extrapolating the findings problematic. Similarly, Bhattacharya said, the prevalence of white-collar workers among the MLB population could account for a prevalence rate lower than those found in different samples with tests done in Santa Clara County in Northern California and Los Angeles County in Southern California. "There's a socioeconomic gradient where poorer populations are facing COVID infections at higher rates," Bhattacharya said. Among those with COVID-19 antibodies in the MLB study, in the two weeks prior to the test: 2.7% had a fever 14% had a headache 8% had a cough (compared to 9% among those who tested negative) 0.9% had lost a sense of taste and smell Bhattacharya said the study has not been peer-reviewed but that he plans to upload it to a preprint server for criticism as well as a medical journal to peer review. While the Santa Clara study drew criticism from some medical professionals and mathematicians for its use of statistics, Bhattacharya said the increased number of antibodies tests done nationwide has enhanced his confidence in the test's sensitivity and specificity, both of which are vital for accurate results. While the prevalence of the study is 0.7%, the adjusted prevalence, which accounts for error, is between 0.28% and 1.15%, according to the authors.
  12. Think whatever you want to think. Make it a conspiracy if you have to.
  13. Common cold? To my knowledge they're testing for presence of SARS-CoV2 which is the novel cornavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease. It has its own specific genetic sequence so they're able to distinguish it from other cornaviruses using the RT-PRC method.
  14. A no brainer would for them to just bring Harlan and Warner in from Westwood One. We already know what we're getting and it would be a significant upgrade.
  15. Not the greatest comparison as I don't think an aspiring doctor or lawyer has to worry about tearing their ACL that could potentially ruin their career.
  16. A few thoughts... 1.) I'm all for reducing draft eligibility from three to two years after graduating high school. College football will still be popular and profitable running their cartel. 2.) Players that don't get drafted should be allowed to return to school if they are finishing their sophomore or junior year. 3.) What about players drafted in the later rounds that get cut and not signed to a practice squad? Was their any discussion of that scenario about them going back to school?
  17. Is it really advantageous having a first year starting quarterback play five prime time games? Also, "no road games in cold weather" doesn't seem like a big deal considering they're built for the cold weather.
  18. It took a global pandemic for people to give Goodell credit for anything. LOL. Who cares. Everyone knows who they're voting for at this point anyways. They've replaced the Chiefs as the "how the hell do we play this team every year?" team.
  19. Can we have six? My deepest apologies to Andre and Kelly. If Kelly willed us to victory in any of the three Super Bowls following the Giants one he'd make the cut. OJ Simpson Jack Kemp Bruce Smith Thurman Thomas
  20. If there is a significantly shortened offseason they pry keep three qb's. If not, hit the road Barkley. Fromm will impress enough to supplant Barkley.
  21. Spike in new cases or deaths as increased testing capabilities could be responsible. I'm pretty bullish when it comes to working as quickly as possible to open things up, but we have to wear masks and social distance or we'll be back to square one. The "no masks" crowd drives me nuts.
  22. Generally when you give percentages you want them to equal 100%. My guess at this point is the season will start on time without crowds. Maybe by the time the 2nd half of the season starts they'll do a lottery system or something and fill 25% of the stadium requiring every 4th seat or so.
  23. Me neither. The return of Tyrod, Watkins, and Woods. First time Carroll will coach here since he coached the Pats in '99. Steelers home game atmosphere is always great.
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