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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Public figures should be fact checked whenever they make public comments (interviews, press conferences, posts on social media, etc.). However, social media platforms like twitter, facebook, etc. should not be in the fact checking business. Once they start fact checking some tweets and ignoring others they stake out partisan positions even if they don't intend to.
  2. His policies and rhetoric when it comes to censoring free speech are usually disconnected so I doubt he does anything. Twitter, google, facebook, etc. are just asking for regulation if they decide to become fact checkers though. That's supposed to be the media's job but the problem is nobody trusts the damn media anymore.
  3. I wonder if there's an extra lag because of the holiday weekend as far as the death count goes (Wednesday is the new Tuesday this week). The seven day rolling average is below 1,000 though so hopefully tomorrow we'll see it back below 1,000 deaths reported by tomorrow.
  4. That's the funny thing about the left wanting Trump banned from twitter. He only hurts himself on there by tweeting all this stupid unfounded conspiracy crap. He may get a cheer from the far right conspiracy theorist crowd but it doesn't help him at all with the few swing voters that will decide the election. Dear idiots on the left, let him tweet all he wants. I would say 90% of us are reasonable and will wear masks voluntary when in close spaces as long as that is the recommendation. It shouldn't be law though as this is only temporary.
  5. Never a fan of the guy who helped lead us to our only four Superbowl appearances? It didn't work out for us in the Super Bowl but you need to be a special coach to lead a team to four straight. Hell, Belichick hasn't even done that yet. Plus, I recall his regular season record against the elite NFC teams being pretty good during that stretch so I wouldn't say he was "destroyed when playing teams with as much talent as his team had." We were only favored in one of those Super Bowls and if Norwood kicks the ball straight we win that one.
  6. It was a forward pass. I felt the blow back from that loss from that game propelled this team to another level with all the overrated chatter from the local and national media. You could see it with the effort the next week in Miami as they played with an edge. Then we went on to win three of the next four against the Broncos, Cowboys, and Steelers.
  7. The Bryce Brown fumble while running into the end zone against KC and the collapse out west against the pitiful Raiders is what I remember about that season. Either one of those games we win and we're in I believe. Wasted a great year by our defense.
  8. I'm rooting for Allen and Jones to have monster careers to have all the critics who chastised the GM's for being drafted where they did eat their words.
  9. The death rate is likely between .2 and .6%. For comparison, the death rate in the US for the H1N1 flu of 2009 was .02%. We also know it's very contagious so even at the lower end of the estimate (.2%) if half the US population gets it that's 331,000 deaths. That's why social distancing, masks, avoiding large public gatherings, etc., and the race for a vaccine is so essential.
  10. A lot of fans visit 85 year olds between games. That's why you're going to see empty stadiums this fall.
  11. Ashamed he was ever a Bill. He'll be remembered as a Bill and he was in physical decline when he went to Houston. His lack of production there proved it. It's just a shame we couldn't give him consistently above average QB play.
  12. Vikings are way too low. Jets are way too high. Gore could be a surprise cut. Other than that, it's not a bad list.
  13. One thing Obama and Trump's presidency has proven is the partisan divide is now more about hatred of the other side as opposed to devotion to one's own party. That became crystal clear to me with the reactions on here when Trump agreed to meet with Kim Jong Un.
  14. The former caused by the latter before the 2018 season. The NFL tv networks like close games and this option would keep the viewer engaged in the game longer. One solution I like better if they're intent on changing it is to move kickoff spot to the 32 yard line when attempting an onside kick and the ball only has to travel 8 yards before the kickoff team can touch it. This would create more of a chance of recovery and not make the game as gimmicky.
  15. On the one hand I love the idea of taking the fate of a game out of a kicker's hands. Moving back the extra point was and still is a horrible move. On the other hand, this feels to gimmicky. They're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist as it should be a low percentage play.
  16. So, let's say a team's down 4 at their own 10 yard line. It's 4th and 20 and they have no timeouts left. Wouldn't they just take a safety and then hope to get the onside kick? I'm sure the NFL thinks this through and comes to the right conclusion like they always do. I mean, the challenge rule for the PI worked to perfection last season.
  17. What's the guaranteed money or did Jerrry not leak that part of it?
  18. I'd trust the Ohio governor given he pry was the best in the country at responding to this virus.
  19. I was actually going to guess Eric from the first Real World because he stuck around in obscurity and did all sorts of weird crap.
  20. What about private businesses? Particularly healthcare workers, food services, hair salons, etc...?
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