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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. You have to get body camera footage, witness testimony, autopsy results, etc... That's my guess of why it took that long.
  2. Better police training and the mandatory use of body cameras should continue to be the goal. Copernicus, Einstein
  3. Not so sure about that 80% number. Arrests from last night....
  4. Jerry Jones/Mike McCarthy won't trade for Josh Allen. Moot thread.
  5. Those astronauts aren't six feet apart.
  6. I wouldn't discount the cabin fever that Covid 19 caused with these mass protests (and looting/rioting in some cases). A chance to get outside and gather in large groups without being considered selfish just when the weather is getting nicer. Especially with so many people out of work that would normally not have the time to do this.
  7. Kelce is making about $9.3 million per season and that contract was signed in 2016. He'll pry get 13 to 15 million a year and he's worth it in Shanahan's offensive system.
  8. People already formed their views long ago (at least since Ferguson) so it's not going to make the average schmoe take up the cause. What it does do is give Trump the ability to run as the "law and order" candidate to appeal to the "silent majority" like Nixon did in '68.
  9. That was our agreement too. Sweetie, if I kill a person it's over between us.
  10. Or protecting at least half their assets from a civil suit.
  11. Finally some good news for the guy.
  12. I thought they did their shows at the CNN building in NYC?
  13. Cole Beasley because for some reason he likes Buffalo more than Dallas.
  14. Understood. I just found it funny you found a way to link this to the Russia investigation. That was the last thing on my mind.
  15. It's always back to the Russia thing with you. This particular cop had a dozen police conduct complaints against him (one leading to a letter of reprimand). It's not a good look for that police force regardless of what you think about the looting and rioting.
  16. To put it simply, the argument I've heard is that people won't take peaceful protests against police brutality seriously and it won't get as much media coverage leading to absolutely no meaningful change. Now that the officer has been charged with manslaughter they may point to the fact that it worked.
  17. Especially when the guy's screaming I can't breathe which is why it got the attention of the bystanders. I was surprised with how quickly they were fired. Pry to prevent mass protests and riots which didn't appear to work. Can you imagine if the Vikings win a Super Bowl? We'll need to deploy the entire US military.
  18. Not a bad idea. Just looked her up and she's not bad looking with her 35.6 billion dollar settlement. I love my wife but a teacher's salary won't get me that private jet.
  19. God. Don't get Trump started on him. Amazon's made me a lot of money over the years.
  20. I can see how complicated it is as just reading what goes into it gives me a headache. It does seem to favor mainstream media sources which slant left so you're pry correct right that they unintentionally favor left wing viewpoints. Given about a third of the people click the first link that seems significant to me when shaping public discourse.
  21. I read through google's explanation of their algorithm and am still confused. Particularly their PageRank system. It's not just traffic but also strength of the domain name along with how long the site has existed. There's no denying the designers could easily manipulate the algorithm to fit their political points of view.
  22. I don't hate the idea but there would need to be clearly defined standards about the purpose and limitations of such congressional committees. They'd also have to address whether oversight is constricted to just the major social media platforms that are publicly traded or all social media platforms.
  23. I don't really trust Congress to do it either. Who appoints these regulators and what guarantees they can remain politically neutral?
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