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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I don't mind it being intertwined in the offseason. Not that talking about Josh Allen being spotted with Stephon Diggs throwing to each other in sports isn't gripping stuff.
  2. I could care less to be honest but the point was like you said it's impossible to investigate private cell phone messages.
  3. They might have trouble checking cell phone texts between ex girlfriends.
  4. Daboll doesn't care about your petty stats. Frank Gore gets the damn ball on 4th and 1 damn it.
  5. He said he wouldn't touch the taxes of any household income below $400,000 I believe which is basically what Obama did with the Bush tax cuts in 2012. BTW, the Biden jokes write themselves.
  6. I didn't know Biden was going to repeal the Trump tax cuts. Is that in the official DNC platform?
  7. Trust me. Him doing it through a 3rd level spokesman is excellent because he pry would of said I'm against defunding slavery. I know you care more about the deep state, rooting out corruption, etc... but the economic and health care platform Biden runs on will do far more to help lower to middle income people than the Republican one.
  8. Smart move by Biden's team. Defunding the police plays right into Trump's hands. I'm growing more impressed by his team every day of him not caving to the radical left and appealing to the more moderate dems that made him their candidate and won the Dems the House in '18. I wonder who his main advisor is?
  9. Too little. Too late. Brees's name will be forever tied to Colin Kaepernick's whether he likes it or not. I always thought it would be another white quarterback (Brady) who would put his foot in his mouth.
  10. Just looking at the guy's twitter feed he's not some innocent bystander. He's a far left agitator who obviously wanted a confrontation to occur. The cops obviously should've handled it better but you can see why so many came out in support of their fellow officers.
  11. He seemed to be more ticked off at Brees and Fromm. By checking Allen I assume he passed with flying colors his two years here. Emotions among players are high right now and will eventually cool off. I'm sure Fromm will do and say the right things like Josh did. I'm not that worried.
  12. How's the federal budget doing? An opportunist as she's eyeing that VP slot.
  13. The real frustration it seemed to me listening to some of the players reactions is that they thought they moved the needle enough for the majority of the public to understand that kneeling was about police brutality and not disrespecting the military. They certainly expected their white teammates to understand that at the very least. They look at Brees as no dummy and rightfully question why he suddenly brings this up now during a time of heated racial strife in this country and not three years ago when the kneeling controversy began. I think Brees knew all this blowback would come and that he would have to issue an apology. The apology would quell some of his teammates reservations so he could play with them another year and also allow the right to claim he was a poor victim of the "woke/pc" culture. I wouldn't be surprised if he ran for office as a Republican when he retires.
  14. We're 23 pages in and it hasn't been moved to ppp yet. This is the progress Kaepernick was hoping for.
  15. Great. Does he have to do a Josh Allen like apology now?
  16. If he just randomly kneeled in the middle of the street people would just find him odd.
  17. GTFO with that. I'd go with Boker Huram, Isil, Al Quaeda, and the Hallmark Channel.
  18. Exactly. Someone was thinking about life after football in politics.
  19. LOL. No. Brees. Mattis would never write what he wrote if he was running for office as a Republican in the future.
  20. I'm sure he does which is pry why he'll go into politics. Why state it now though and not three years ago?
  21. I don't think Brees is stupid and the first thought that came to me when he made that statement in such a heated point in time in this country is he wants a future in politics. By the way, he's done more for that city than any of those people combined.
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