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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. It was a mistake because of how much money they put into their o-line. You don't need a premier running back to have a successful running game as the running game was fine before Zeke was drafted. It's the reason they didn't sign Murray to a huge contract. Even in 2015 when they went 4-12 McFadden had over 1000 yards with a similar ypc (4.6 to Zeke's 4.5).
  2. Congress only comes through when there's enough political pressure to reach a compromise. Trump isn't a fiscal conservative and it's a reelection year. As long as he has a stranglehold on the Republican party I don't see any reason Republicans in the Senate won't cave to extending federal unemployment benefits (at a reduced rate or slowly phased out) along with another round of stimulus checks.
  3. LOL. When I worked for Collins/Gowanda Correctional about 10 or so years they were still using that operating system. That's NYS for you. My sister is a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory and they're trying to lure back their workers by offering the maximum amount of hours you can work while still being able to collect the federal steroid unemployment benefits. My guess at this point is Congress will ultimately agree to extend the federal unemployment stipend for at least three months but reduce the amount. It all depends on the trajectory of the virus though.
  4. Depends on the virus. If states can open back up you'll see that unemployment number drop and spending should go back to pre covid levels. The government stimulus and beefed up unemployment benefits kept most people afloat which is pry the main reason for the increase in May. They may have to pass something similar again.
  5. In simple terms, if you compare the Northeastern states to most European countries you'll see a similar graph. The spikes in Latin America are similar to the spikes you're seeing now in FL, CA, TX, etc... The graph of the US is pointless unless you divide the states into geographical regions.
  6. Joe Pesci Steve Martin Norm MacDonald Barack Obama Elon Musk
  7. We'll split the drive. Meet me at the West Virginia/Virginia border.
  8. I don't want to sway anybody's opinions about the guy but pause this video at 2:50:30 . Never liked the guy.
  9. That's mostly due to economic anxiety. We're in a different situation as about 70% of those who lost their job are making more sitting at home doing nothing thanks to the jacked federal unemployment benefits. Most expect to get either their old jobs back or similar paying one's. I highly doubt you're going to see a significant increase in any of those (yet alone the ridiculously high numbers you posted). In fact, we've come to a point where our government is considering paying people to go back to work. It's the small business owners that got screwed over the most.
  10. I remember the uproar against banning of smoking in bars and restaurants back in the early 2000's in NYS. You barely hear a peep about it now. It will become that way with masks over the next few months.
  11. Nicky Haley. I haven't seen the "it" factor with a politician since Obama came onto the scene in '04 until now. She's one of the few who worked for Trump, stood up to him several times, and left on good graces.
  12. This is actually a decent statement. Maybe he realized he went too far.
  13. NASCAR will now require only electronic garage door openers. This is such a weird story.
  14. We all have posts we regret. Mine was saying we picked the wrong Josh.
  15. Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed Turning Japanese - The Vapors (a bunch of white guys) Rape Me - Nirvana
  16. I still think the easiest thing for people to stomach (although nobody will ever be completely satisfied with the resolution) is for everybody to stand for a 15 second moment of silence to honor the military (currently serving, veterans, deceased) after the national anthem.
  17. How's that conversation go.: Hey. Let's go to a place where we can train during the day and have some fun at night. I have just the place. Montana!!!!
  18. That's fricken awesome. Richard Petty being there was just elevated even further. Seriously? Any facts to back up this accusation?
  19. Masks help slightly but social distancing is still way more important. Masks can give people a false sense of security negating their benefits.
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