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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I don't know. It doesn't say whether it's a picture of a kid separated from his parents when he crossed as they awaited an asylum ruling in 2018 or if he cross unaccompanied seeking refuge from the violence in Central America in 2014. Sounds like a bulletproof plan. My prediction is you'll go back to fall 2009 sop by the third week.
  2. Federal food assistance is still available but some parents don't even take advantage of that. It's understandable from an older teacher's perspective of being afraid to go back to work as schools (especially elementary) are the perfect breeding ground for germs and this is a novel virus. Getting a cold/flu their first few years is common for a new elementary school teacher until they build up immunity. Just to add to your point, studies have shown that kids are about 1/2 to 2/3rds less likely to contract the virus and highly unlikely to transmit it once they have it. You're pry more likely to contract and spread the virus in a typical office setting. The fact this isn't common knowledge is where the media fails and the kids are going to be the one's who suffer because of it if they don't reopen in the fall.
  3. Giving him a small pay bump since he outperformed his contract when they have the money is the sign of a well run organization. Plus, they may need him more than we think as they traded Breida, McKinnon seems to get injured every time a leaf touches him, and Mostert clearly outperformed Coleman last year when asked to carry the ball more than 10 times. Some RB's are made for the outside zone running scheme that requires good vision and quickness. Mostert fits that bill. Give that man his money.
  4. Godwin benefits with them focusing on Evans and Cooper lacks consistency. Especially on the road. It'll be interesting to see how Thielen does this year without Diggs drawing the other team's best CB.
  5. No. You could put any of the four at #9 or #10 spot and I wouldn't have a problem with it.
  6. Antonio Brown would be #4 if he wasn't a headcase. I'd put Godwin, Diggs, Golliday, and Cooper in the same tier.
  7. Reservoir Dogs. One song in particular stood out.
  8. Yes. The guy who helped pass the crime bill (he'll pry increase police funding), invade Iraq, took money from bank lobbyists for over 40 years, and helped pass a national version of Romneycare will lead us to us being Venezuala. Give me a break. Bernie Sanders was rightfully rejected during the primaries just like McGovern was walloped in the '72 election to help bring an end to the hippie jam festival. We're still a center right country and will remain that way. I agree that all elementary schools should be open with little precautions based on the available evidence (teachers may be hesitant given elementary schools are usually germ breeding grounds for colds and seasonal flu). A little more cautious approach should pry be taken for middle and high schools. Here's a decent breakdown about what we know so far about schools reopening in other countries. You quoted a college football program though and college kids seem spread the virus just as efficiently as the rest of us.
  9. It spares the young but they can be carriers. I can't take seriously somebody that compares 135,000 deaths and rising within four months to 12,469 deaths over a year.
  10. Football generates them about 100 million a year in revenue and no other sports are close so it's understandable
  11. They're not out yet. This was just canceling spring sports this year and is from March.
  12. No college football revenue will devastate many athletic departments. It also creates a headache for the NFL when it comes to draft time next year. I hope they can find a way to play a spring season as fall isn't looking too good right now.
  13. I got that information off of this link which showed 2.7 but I won't argue with actual FBI statistics. Jews are also 2.3x as likely than Muslims to be victims of hate crimes. The fact that this isn't common knowledge is a failure of our media.
  14. I'm not sure he got the memo that percentage wise Jewish people are 2.7 times more likely than black people to be victim of a hate crime in America.
  15. Bill O'Brien will use "The District of Columbia."
  16. My point is people already know who he is. All his faults and strengths. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he paid someone to take his SAT's. His actual performance in office is what will sway those swing voters.
  17. Even if she had solid proof it wouldn't change a single vote. People already know who this guy is. It actually backfires and makes his supporters more motivated because they feel their guy is under attack. It's like when some fans flips out when a national writers bashes Josh Allen.
  18. You're pry right. I just wanted to slip the words my struggle into this thread.
  19. My struggle is determining whether he's anti semetic or an idiot. I'd bet on the latter. As a general rule of thumb, don't quote Hitler whether it's a real quote or not.
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