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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I don't believe he said that. This virus has thankfully spared the young and schools must reopen based off the research. However, this virus is highly contagious and is much more deadly for the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. You saw that over the past week with deaths spiking in FL, TX, CA, and AZ to the point where we were averaging over a thousand a day again.
  2. First off. It would be optional. Many low income students who enter kindergarten are behind immediately and make it difficult to catch up. Low income parents wouldn't have to pay for a preschool program or a babysitter. Screening would make it easier to identify kids with potential learning disabilities before they enter kindergarten so they get the extra services they need. Curriculum wise it would be similar to the Head Start program. Make sure children entering kindergarten have the basic reading and math skills while still providing ample time to play with other children (making acclimation into kindergarten easier). My problem with charter schools are a lack of accountability and oversight making it ripe for corruption, high teacher turnover because of low pay, poor track record on services for kids with disabilities, no solid evidence of them providing better outcomes than public schools so they're just a drain on public funding for regular schools (which enhances the negative public perception of them), they can cherry pick students, and kick out difficult students who the public schools are forced to accept.
  3. They seem like an easy Target to make national headlines for mask shaming.
  4. That doesn't mean he can't be a great leader. Ray Lewis was a great leader on the field/locker room and he murdered a guy.
  5. Pretty standard and not that different than 2016. Some things that jumped out to me. -They should emphasize Universal Pre K, $15 minimum wage, and adding a public option. Specific policies that can improve people's lives. -No mention of New Green Deal, defunding police, or recreational marijuana legalization. -I wish they'd end all federal funding for Charter schools but for profit one's are a good start. They at least call for more accountability for Charter schools but I have my doubts.
  6. I agree that I'd rather pay a proven asset than take a chance on a 1st rounder. That's assuming you only lose one first rounder. Not two. The Bills only gave up one first round pick though. Same thing with the Steelers and Minkah Fitzpatrick. Frank Clark to the Chiefs, etc...
  7. With the rookie wage scale first round picks have gone up in value. The Jets now have four opportunities in the next two years to draft solid starters in the first round and won't be cap strapped because they gave Adams a big deal. That saved cap space will be important if Donald is their guy when they look to resigning him.
  8. Just to give you an idea about how fluid the data is going into the main model is the cdc uses here's an article from April 21st. You have to wonder why they even bother to base policies off of models at this point. The model had last month predicted there would be more than 90,000 deaths by August, but that number dropped to 82,000 on April 7, before decreasing by another 20,000 days later. The drastic reduction signaled to experts at IHME that social distancing measures were working in the fightback against COVID-19. But the model assumes that all states are implementing 'broad, aggressive social distancing policies', and may not have factored in any plans from states, such a Georgia and South Carolina, to ease social distancing measures early.
  9. That's actually a good point. If you don't believe the polls then why cite one saying 96% approval within his party? I think it's somewhere in the 85 to 95% range which is about where most president's reside within their party. The Lincoln Project is a joke though as they bitched and moaned during the Obama administration and now are supporting Biden who is basically an Obama clone policy wise.
  10. If the Jets didn't value safety as a premium position they wouldn't have taken Adams with the 6th pick of the draft. He's very good in coverage and is elite as a pass rusher. It will be interesting to see how Seattle uses him as they play in a division loaded with WR and TE weapons. Meanwhile, the Jets can waste Darnold's rookie contract and continue to be on their ever lasting rebuilding process with two extra first rounders most likely in the 25 to 32 range.
  11. If I was an NFL GM I wouldn't trade for a box safety who wants that kind of money who might be a locker room problem.
  12. I like Roswell Park if they can't find a naming rights sponsor.
  13. Love it. A plus to the marketing team. Ever read Moby Dick or do you just like being one on here.
  14. That very well could be because those who have weaker immune systems are more likely to get the flu shot (and the flu). I refused to get vaccinated until I caught the flu one year. Get a shot every year since and have been fine. I doubt they'll be a mandate for every citizen to get the Covid vaccine when it comes out. Kids and teachers will pry be required to get it to enter public or private schools. I'm guessing healthcare workers and many private companies will also require it for their employees.
  15. I think Vivid gives you a 110% credit to a future event. Not positive though.
  16. I'd take the voucher in case they raise ticket prices next year.
  17. Not surprised. Every pandemic in history has likely been under counted.
  18. I guess it's better than the German experiments from 80 or so years ago.
  19. For a 4th round pick he was worth a shot given many believed his arm was the strongest in the draft that year (plus we still had Tyrod and Manuel on the roster). Most scouts had a 2nd to 3rd round grade on him. It was the Watkins trade that put the nail in Whaley's coffin.
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