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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Purposely infect all players, staff, media members, etc... right now and have then quarantine for a month. Proceed as usual with no fans allowed. If they die they die. Rocky 4 is the best bad movie of all time.
  2. It's frustrating because the virus ranges from no symptoms to deadly symptoms depending on your age and overall health. You'd think not having any symptoms would be a good thing but not with this virus. Without knowing your carrying the virus you're more likely to go out and spread it to somebody else extremely vulnerable.
  3. It'll be interesting to see if Belichick takes a different approach with Newton.
  4. It could just be I need a break from Belichick for a year and I'll sacrifice money to do it.
  5. Logically, if deaths per capita were only slightly higher than Norway and Finland with Sweden only having moderate damage to their economy than they absolutely got it right. They're not at this point though. If there's a similar overall death rate in 2020 between those countries because those that went down with Covid in Sweden were going to die anyways then Sweden got it right. If this virus eventually just burns through all the countries anyways then Sweden got it right. However, if the overall death rate is significantly higher than Norway and Finland when this virus is finally gone then there's a strong argument that they got it wrong. There's psychological factors to consider as well as I'm sure Sweden had less suicides, drug overdoses, cases of depression, domestic violence cases, etc.. Meanwhile, their were more grieving families in Sweden. It's just too soon to jump the gun and say that Sweden was right and most other countries were moronic with their draconian lockdown measures.
  6. Italy, France, and Spain got annihilated in March like NYC did so of course you're going to see few deaths when almost all the vulnerable have already died. Here's the deaths per million. Trump's argument is also just as dumb. Confirmed deaths (absolute) Daily increase (# deaths)¹ Population (in millions) Deaths per million Belgium 9,840 4 11.42 861.49 United Kingdom² 45,999 38 66.49 691.83 Spain 28,443 2 46.72 608.75 Peru 18,816 0 31.99 588.2 Italy 35,132 3 60.43 581.35 Sweden 5,739 9 10.18 563.58 Chile 9,377 99 18.73 500.66 USA² 151,826 1,339 327.17 464.06 France² 30,137 15 66.99 449.89
  7. I realize there's more than deaths to consider but the vast difference in them between its two border countries is difficult to ignore. I suspect their policy will be the best in the long run but if Finland or Norway's overall deaths from Covid are still significantly lower than Sweden's at this time next year I'm not going to call there unique approach a success.
  8. If I lost a loved one in Sweden to Covid I'd be looking at my neighboring countries right now and are asking why didn't we have those draconian shut down measures like they did? There's no easy answer in balancing the economy with the loss of life from a virus, but that's quite the difference in death rates. If this thing does burn out through all the population like we think it will then it's obvious they made the right decision. I'm just not there yet.
  9. You have to remember that the bubble at the time he decided was in the middle of the state with one of the highest outbreak in cases. Even with strict protocols we're seeing already in baseball how easily this thing spreads without the bubble. If I was truly concerned about contracting Covid I'd stay at home going out as little as possible. You're absolutely correct though if we see Mosley partying at a club that Jets fans will be pissed.
  10. The true test will be if Finland and Norway do eventually have a similar death rate per capita then the Swedish model would've been the most prudent. If you look at the normal death rate in 2018 per 1,000 people Sweden (9.1) falls in between Norway (7.7) and Finland (9.9). Right now they have five times the death rate of Denmark and ten times the death rate of Norway from Covid.
  11. Finland and Norway aren't seeing any spikes in cases though and they have far less deaths per capita. Is it more useful to compare Sweden to other European countries or their border countries?
  12. I'm pretty confident they'll have a vaccine readily available early next year and we'll slowly return to normal. As far as sports are concerned I think forcing players into a bubble is the only way to get some semblance of a season in. Four MLB games cancelled today and MLB pry has half the players/staff than the NFL does.
  13. I worked at three restaurants serving wings as a teen and each one had us bag five flats and five drums into a small ziplock type bag. They recognized the importance of balance. I enjoy both types but would prefer the drums if it were my last meal.
  14. Overnight sleepaway camps are different than school settings. It would be prudent to learn from other countries about reopening schools and here's a decent article on that subject. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/07/school-openings-across-globe-suggest-ways-keep-coronavirus-bay-despite-outbreaks
  15. Ok because I've enjoyed your takes on other topics and was surprised you just posted some nonsense Alex Jones type meme. There's a lot of validity in the media making it more scary than it needs to be and the news networks work hand in hand with politicians so it's obviously political. I don't think we overreacted at first given how little we knew about this thing, our knowledge of the devastating pandemics throughout history, seeing hospitals in Italy overwhelmed, etc.. I think the most logical reaction was to shut thing downs temporarily (that being the key term given the economic damage that we knew would ensue) to not overwhelm hospitals and learn more about the disease including possible treatments. As we learned more the political division increased and the left leaning media became more focused on using this crises to bash Trump and Republicans as much as possible. It was pretty obvious when they had no problem with thousands marching in protest but condemned Trump for holding a rally with people also in close proximity to one another. It's also an election year so that just exasperates the problem we have about fighting amongst ourselves on the best way to move forward. It's going to get ugly.
  16. Body fat percentage is a better measure of obesity than BMI so that 70% number is bullcrap. Football players weight train which puts on muscle. Muscle adds pounds to your body. Devin Singletary would be considered obese by BMI's metrics. Tyreek Hill is considered overweight for crying out loud.
  17. I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Please tell me it is.
  18. They might have to if we're going to have any hope of a season. Just look at all the baseball games cancelled after one week of not being in a bubble.
  19. I remember him as the most entertaining of the 2012 field. RIP.
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