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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. They like that he punches back to what they see as an increasing secular society more similar to European countries.
  2. Does he have enough arm strength to send Barkley packing? That's all I care about.
  3. Ironically, the "tough on crime bill" he helped write through was his biggest accomplishment as the reduction in crime was at least in part due to that bill and now he's running away from it.
  4. He scored a 33 on the Wonderlic and the Pats offense was also complicated so I'm sure he can handle it. Palmer and Warner thrived in Arians's offense so the pressure is on. No excuses.
  5. Frown at? Yeah. Would Beane be breaking any rules? No. It's more likely if Beane contacts him it's to assure him of what safeguards will be in place. I have a bad feeling he opts out as he seems freaked out by this virus.
  6. If this is financial then he's a great actor judging by his interview today. He's just freaked out by the virus and how it will impact his family. It's pry as simple as that. Used in this context it is fine. Used as dismissing 150K plus deaths is completely different.
  7. Bad use of words. The studies I've seen show that kids are 1/3 to 1/2 less likely than adults to catch the virus and far less likely than that to infect somebody with it. From what we know at this point the death rate of Covid for children who catch the virus is extremely low.
  8. There's a lot of misinformation out there too and I don't even know if he knows that kids are pretty much immune from this virus. Going to the practice facility is a lot different than playing actual football and traveling to other cities.
  9. Your family basically has to quarantine for five to six months if he wanted to see them and that's weighing on his mind. He mentioned the false positive with Stafford and that had him freaked out. The NFL's lack of a plan and pressure they're putting on these guys to make a big decision with a deadline sucks. Can Bills Mafia come up with a #staytrestay hashtag on twitter? Our cb's without him will do six feet of social distancing from the WR's on accident.
  10. Listening to him it didn't sound like that was even on his mind but you never know. I think he's opting out unless Beane/McDermott can convince him otherwise. What a backbreaker.
  11. That's where it tells me he's trying to score political points. Most of the protests have been peaceful. He made a good point that Fauci has advocated for businesses to be shut down, avoid restaurants and bars, etc but wouldn't commit to urge people not to protest. Jordan would've looked better just making that point.
  12. Not a good look with the undecided swing voters he's trying to win over. Also not a good look, apparently not being able to comprehend (or pretending he doesn't) the concept of deaths per capita are and why it matters when comparing the US response to COVID to other countries. I don't know why he booked this interview with an actual non sycophant reporter who did his homework but he might need another campaign manager. It was like watching McDermott throw Peterman into the lion's den against the Chargers.
  13. Only logical conclusion is we're freeing up cap space to sign Clowney.
  14. True although a lot of other countries made the same mistakes because of how quickly this virus escalated and how little we knew about it. If the Nordic countries creep up in similar death rates and Sweden doesn't experience a second wave then that should be the model to follow. I think the ultimate blueprint will be somewhere in between Sweden's model and South Korea's model.
  15. That's a good one but nothing beats this...
  16. I'd like my boss to also not see me as a human.
  17. I don't think Biden has anything to worry about after watching Trump's Axios interview.
  18. Pederson could be in the presymptomatic phase where he has it but hasn't developed symptoms yet (some people develop minor symptoms and don't even realize they have it (feeling lethargic, dulled tasted buds, slight cough, etc..). It's common to spread it while in that phase as that seems to be where the virus is most contagious. If he remains asymptomatic it's unlikely but still possible that he can transmit the virus to someone else based off what research has been done to the best of my knowledge. I'm hoping that the NFL executives and players can learn from MLB's mistakes and develop policies that increase the likelihood of being able to play a season without being in a bubble.
  19. Then he spreads it to somebody much more vulnerable who dies. How is this hard to comprehend?
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