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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Oh, Fitz has no problem cashing checks. I never questioned Taylor's effort or fight. Being an introvert can sometimes come across as being apathetic. Despite different styles, both were/are perfect bridge quarterbacks that can lead the team to the playoffs only if you have a good defense. They won't get you to a Super Bowl though. I'll admit I learned to appreciate Taylor a little more after Peterman threw as many picks in one half as Taylor did the entire 2017 season. The Chargers are my sleeper team this year with him back with Lynn.
  2. “I’m not concerned. I think LeSean still can play. If not, we would have made the decision to move on,” Beane said in July. “I definitely think he’s got enough left in the tank to help us in 2019.”
  3. Agreed. Plus, with term limits all you're going to accomplish is having more former politicians become lobbyists who will be even more effective at using their connections and experience to get legislation through that best serves who's paying them. It would only increase the revolving door problem.
  4. An overlooked problem is that more experienced cops (often with military training and/or a college degree) leave the city for the suburbs that either pay better or provide a better working environment. I don't blame them. I don't think community policing is going to impact a person who had a warrant for his arrest based on charges of third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse. Just a hunch.
  5. My problem with term limits (besides at the presidential level) is if you have a really successful politician who is good at his/her job then why would you want to replace them? You can always vote them out.
  6. Not to mention McDermott made him the 2018 starting quarterback. McDermott's stupidity may have been a blessing in disguise though as Allen was thrown into the fire right away.
  7. Not a lot is known about the cop who shot him except that he joined the force in 2013. He looked relatively young. It's probable that the fight or flight response kicked in and fearing for his life he pulled the trigger seven times after the taser didn't work. I doubt he even knew he fired seven rounds. He had a pretty clean police record (compared to the cop who killed Floyd).
  8. Boseman talking about kids with terminal cancer without us knowing he was going through it himself. Pretty incredible he made Black Panther and other movies while going through aggressive cancer treatment.
  9. Wow. Too damn young. Amazing he kept the diagnosis private for four years. I didn't see Black Panther but he was really good in 42. RIP.
  10. It's just the history of going with a rookie kicker is always more a roll of the dice than a veteran. Especially without a preseason. I just don't like it given how we've had a three year rebuild to get to this point and we have a wild card at kicker.
  11. We can and something had to happen behind the scenes that seems to have him blacklisted from the league. I know the flamboyant celebrations don't thrill head coaches but it's worth putting up with if he gives you solid production. At least bring him in for a workout.
  12. I don't like it. We have no clue how Bass will perform when the pressure is on or in inclement weather. This could be a case of the organization overthinking it.
  13. This is anecdotal but my cousin's husband works as a video editor for PSG and has nothing but great things to say about the organization (specifically Kim). Reports like this surprise me.
  14. The coaches who watch him everyday probably do.
  15. Agreed. You can't beat a Nolan directed movie with Bale, Ledger, and Caine. I'm pretty confident they'll never make a better Superhero movie. I loved Keaton too but he was a better Bruce Wayne than Batman while Bale nailed the Bruce Wayne/Batman personas equally.
  16. Or a scared human being. Why officers don't go through a more rigorous training process is beyond me. About 2/3rds of states allow police officers to start working before they go through basic training.
  17. I'll post that part Brown’s last day at Bills practice was Aug. 17, when he apparently violated the new policy for reporting on practices. Enforcement of the policy has varied from team to team. The 2020 media policy forbids reporting on game strategy, snap counts and with which units players are working out. The guidelines were revamped for competitive reasons, with the public unable to attend camp sessions and no preseason games being played. The Bills seemingly prefer to keep practice developments as proprietary as possible. General manager Brandon Beane on Wednesday suggested the Bills view anything that happens at practice to be valuable information the other 31 teams can use. Beane, in an interview with SiriusXM NFL Radio, said the Bills have their scouts mine media Twitter accounts for updates on players around the league. The Bills distributed their 2020 media policy to reporters Aug. 16. Shortly after “One Bills Live” began at noon the next day, Brown discussed what he noticed from the first practice with co-host Steve Tasker. Brown: “At least today, (rookie defensive end A.J. Epenesa) was lining up on the left side. In college, he was mostly on the right his senior year.” Tasker: “Defensive left?” Brown: “Yeah, so he was on defensive left today, primarily with the second team. It was Jerry (Hughes) and Trent (Murphy), and then the second group was A.J. and (Mario) Addison.” … Brown: “Here’s the interesting thing. The two rookie receivers we’ve talked about and the veteran receivers we have talked about, we had John Brown on the air last week, saying, ‘These two rookie receivers know our playbook better than any rookie receivers I’ve ever been around.’ They’re getting rewarded for that. At least today, they were rotating in with the starters. You have your top three, and then they roll in the next three. They’re two of the next three.” Tasker: “Who is the other third?” Brown: “I’m trying to think off the top of my head. It was rotating a bit. I know Robert Foster was out there once. Andre Roberts was out there once. But those two kids were rolling in. They didn’t make a ton of plays. Hodgins had a couple of catches, a nice 20-yard reception. But those two kids were rolling in, something to keep an eye on going forward.” … Brown: “As Coach McDermott told us in a Zoom call last week, Cody Ford would work at both guard and tackle, and that proved to be the case today.” Tasker: “Who was around him?” Brown: “Mitch Morse is the staple at the pivot. We know that. And Daryl Williams was the right tackle with him when (Ford) was playing guard, and then when (Ford) would switch and play tackle, he would have Brian Winters next to him. So he was flipping back and forth. You kind of wonder … I’m sure that how Cody plays at both of those positions will ultimately help determine where he winds up. But I think it’s also predicated, Steve, on who’s quickest on the uptick in terms of blending in with those four returning players. Does Winters work better or does Williams work better?” Those “One Bills Live” exchanges have been scrubbed from WGR’s online audio. Brown was absent from practice the rest of the week and disappeared from his radio show by Friday. He apparently has not logged into the 12 media video conferences the Bills have held over that time.
  18. This could very well happen in the NFL too. I don't know how the CBA accounts for a situation like this.
  19. Extremely poor judgment but from the video I saw that was self defense.
  20. If he's from Illinois you can't possess a handgun until you're 18.
  21. Seriously. How fricken stupid do you have to be to attack a guy with a gun. What do you think was going to happen? Just stay home people.
  22. They need to jack up the ticket prices then. Never let a tragedy go to waste.
  23. That's true but police use non lethal excessive force more against black people than white people. It's less likely to draw scrutiny or gain media attention. It's part of the reason there's such a deep mistrust between black people and the police so when a shooting like this occurs you see an outpouring of frustration leading to looting and rioting like you're seeing now. I think holding officers accountable for using excessive force (choke holds, pushing them to the ground, striking them with a baton, etc.) is a starting point for real policy change. Unfortunately, the "code of silence" still runs rampant among police departments. I'm highly skeptical that any meaningful change happens any time soon.
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