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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Surprised they didn't have Chiefs hosting Pats to start the year.
  2. They're not. I heard the tape though. As far as cases, WE ALREADY KNEW THAT it was rare to die from Covid without some preexisting condition. Thus, protecting the weak and vulnerable (people with preexisting conditions) from contracting the virus. It's not fricken rocket science.
  3. Dareus really wasn't controversial. Getting rid of Watkins and Darby caught people off guard and we knew there was a new sheriff in town. The fact that we made the playoffs that year under McDermott despite losing them just shows you how awful the Rex hiring was.
  4. That was my first thought but it goes beyond that with him. I don't feel like citing them but he's made some anti Islamic and homophobic comments. I wouldn't want him associated with any aspect of MNF although that song did used to get me pumped.
  5. The downfall began when Sunday Night football began in the 90's. Once it went to NBC and Thursday Night Football was added MNF just became another prime time game. The market became oversaturized and MNF will never be what it used to be.
  6. Didn’t know they got classified security briefings. It was obvious to me Trump downplayed/lied about the severity of the virus after those senators dumped all those financial stocks in late January after they were briefed. All this tape did was confirm it. Why Trump was still talking to Woodward after that unflattering book is the only surprising part.
  7. Was hoping they'd get White done before Ramsey. Good job Beane. Rams will be in trouble if the salary cap drops next year with Kupp up for a new contract.
  8. Hell no I wouldn't be happy with that. "If you ain't first. You're last."
  9. It's definitely not that black and white. In general though (with some exceptions), Democratic governors/mayors are more likely to impact stricter lock down rules than Republican governors/mayors which has an impact on NFL attendance policy. If I did sleep with your dad I want to put myself on my ignore list.
  10. That's no excuse. That happened years ago.
  11. Because Democratic and Republican governors implement and/or influence policies like fan attendance that could have a direct impact on the outcome of games.
  12. Yup and Thomas's was 5 years 96 million. Seems like a fair deal for the Cardinals and Hopkins.
  13. In normal times. Covid has directly impacted the NFL though so it's nearly impossible to separate the two.
  14. That's the threat they hang over us to make us accept the smurf look.
  15. The guy that beat him out for the starting role (Blaine Gabbert) is at a 62.
  16. Bills, Colts, Chiefs, Ravens - AFC division winners. Pats, Browns, Da Raiders - WC Eagles, Saints, Packers, Seahawks - NFC division winners. 49ers, Falcons, Cowboys - WC Superbowl: Chiefs over Seahawks
  17. True but that didn't stop Kelly from publicly criticizing Trump about the Ukraine phone call and other disagreements they had during his tenure after he resigned. It's quite possible Kelly was one of the anonymous sources given Goldberg's connections and that theory will always be out there unless Kelly publicly denies the story.
  18. Yeah it is cowardly if he says nothing given the gravity of the accusations against the president. He can simply confirm or deny it.
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