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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. You give Darnold what we gave Allen and he might be just as good. He looked pretty bad today though. I'm starting to question the Gase is a QB whisperer narrative.
  2. For some reason they made those designed runs and read options a big part of the game plan. Maybe it was specific to this Jets team. I don't expect them to run him as much in the future. You have enough weapons where you only do those designed QB runs once or twice a day.
  3. I think BOJO held the laces in on the 2nd miss. Still though. Not a good day and rookie kickers are a roll of the dice.
  4. I'd go A- just because of the fumbles, one bad throw, and one boneheaded throw across his body that was nearly picked off. Other than that, he looked REALLY good. Great pocket presence, ball placement, and made decisive decisions against a d-coordinator that can give young QB's headaches. It's nice to have WR's that can catch the damn ball as Diggs really opens up this offense.
  5. Let's do it. Props to the league for getting the season started on time.
  6. The one thing I hope they call more and improve on drastically are screens. Get Singletary and Moss in open space. I remember getting a chuckle after they let him go after Ryan's defense gave up 37 to Fitzpatrick for almost 400 yards passing. It would've been more appropriate to fire his own twin brother.
  7. I'm a sucker. Thanks for the reminder to cancel before November. Guess they weren't getting enough new subscribers with their $30 a year offer.
  8. Their founders are no doubt Marxist and I hate the name. However, downright rejecting the broader movement based off that may be a case of not being able to see the forest through the trees.
  9. I'd be surprised if they move Ford to RG as this regime seems dedicated to him developing at RT. I'm about 52.3% confident that it will be Williams at RG and Ford/Nyseche at RT.
  10. It's become pretty clear over the years that you find a RB in the draft and then dump him when he wants his second contract. I'm struggling to remember a Super Bowl winning team that had one of the highest paid running back in the league on their roster. Lynch maybe? Marshall Faulk before him. I'm more on board with the Kamara signing as he's more of a dual weapons threat. Given Cook's injury history the Vikings might regret this contract.
  11. Maybe for a playoff game. Nobody has any illusions of potential profits equaling a packed stadium. I'm just curious if you raise ticket prices (say 10 to 15%), would that be enough to at least turn a small profit?
  12. Couldn't they just jack up the ticket prices to ensure a profit?
  13. Stop whining. You got more than that if you have dependents and you didn’t have to pay taxes on it. I was thankful just to get that much. The extra 600 a week for the newly unemployed was sufficient as those were obviously the people that needed it the most. Small business owners took the hardest hit from the shutdown.
  14. I hope the Bills aren't as overconfident as you guys are. This team did finish 6-2 last year.
  15. The filibuster of the original bill (written by Democrats) in 2010 by Republicans to make sure they got the Bush tax cuts extended is why I never take their "blue lives matter" rhetoric that seriously. Granted it was Obama's first term and the only power Republicans had was through the filibuster.
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