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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. You wrote that you hope Trump dies. Who's the cancer?
  2. Again? There's even a deep state at TBD.
  3. Pry can merge this with this thread. I'm guessing they'll delay this game too.
  4. Incubation period. If no Patriots or Chiefs test positive tomorrow then the Pats will travel to KC to play a game on Monday or Tuesday.
  5. Pry African Americans in Africa. We're splitting hairs here.
  6. Only when the television feed cuts out. It rarely happens besides the last two weeks.
  7. Both are 3-0 teams going against 2-1 teams. I guess we'll have to wait for the coverage maps to update.
  8. I'm sure there are at least some African Americans born here who have moved to Africa or are doing missionary work there.
  9. He showed me who he is when he didn't dive for that fumble in the Superbowl. Screw him and his constant showboating. I say that knowing the odds of him recovering are extremely high (above 99%).
  10. I wonder how many ex secret service Dan Bongino like grifters we're going to get after this presidency?
  11. I'll never get used to no fans in the stands. Just eerie when you have camera angles like this.
  12. Wishing death on anybody who hasn't committed an egregious act of any kind during his life makes you a terrible person.
  13. Right. A guy that is terrified of looking vulnerable in any way fakes a positive Covid test as a publicity stunt. You're a terrible person btw.
  14. No. I won't for numerous reasons. What you'll pry see in the next few days are there will be a few idiots on the left who celebrate it. Then there's people on the right who will express faux outrage over those idiots celebrating it and generalize it to everybody on the left.
  15. I'm sure he'll be fine but I've noticed that people are getting much more lax when it comes to social distancing/wearing masks (including me). Hopefully, this is a wake up call.
  16. I thought he was tested daily. It's incredibly stupid on his part given his age and being obese. However, it was his decision as it was everybody that attended those rallies. I'm just curious if the Bills/Chiefs game will now not compete with the second debate. God. Give me Trump over Pence any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
  17. They liked Hodgins and Duke over him for whatever reason. His reduced role last season was bizarre.
  18. Are you saying we should've kept him on the practice squad? I agree with you that it was Josh and not Foster that was the problem.
  19. His personality is so toxic he went 5-3 with the Browns and they decide to hire a promoted QB coach for crying out loud.
  20. Breaking: Trevor Lawrence will forgo the 2021 draft to focus on his dream of being a bestselling author.
  21. Do you think Adam Gase will be escorted out by security?
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