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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That Bucs defense with those jerseys reminds me of the early 2000 Bucs.
  2. I'm glad Fox isn't focusing the camera too much on Brady tonight.
  3. I'd rather have the game played at a neutral site though. If I was a player I wouldn't want to even breathe Tennessee air.
  4. Yeah. Play it week 18. The entire Titan team should be immune by then.
  5. To give the Bills an extra two and 1/2 hours to prepare for the Chiefs? Who knows.
  6. They had two straight days of no positive tests and then suddenly had three positives in two days. Whoever came up with that protocal might want to adjust to the data coming in.
  7. If you're a Bills player to you want to go and play against a virus infected team at their stadium?
  8. I know that and I know Biden’s line of attack. I was answering a hypothetical. I just don’t think either one could clearly and concisely on a debate stage for different reasons. Trump because he talks in fragmented sentences and gets sidetracked easily. Biden because of his stuttering problems along with his memory loss. Maybe if they wrote it down I guess.
  9. A competent Biden - We wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if the president would've taken the situation more seriously. The death per capita is near the top compared to nearly every major industrialized country. Now because of the Trump's administration's incompetence we must institute a national mask policy so businesses can reopen safely without a spike in cases. The mandate can't be relaxed until we get a vaccine in which the president has repeatedly assured us in coming very soon. Then we can get our economy up and rolling again. A competent Trump - We had record low unemployment before the China virus. Our administration shut down flights for China despite criticism from the Democrats. We provided all the PPE equipment the governors asked for. A vaccine will be coming very soon but we can't afford to close down again. I trust the American citizens to take the proper safety precautions until a vaccine is available and widely distributed. Then you'll see a great economic comeback like never before. Do I think either candidate can give a coherent response like that? No. Do I think they'd be constantly interrupting each other? Yes.
  10. If no more positive tests come up between now and kickoff the game will pry be played on Sunday. Too much money to lose with TV contracts so I doubt they shorten the season. The only bubble like scenario I could see during the regular season is for teams to isolate themselves in hotels, practice facilities, etc. and not allow them to venture away from the team (including seeing their wives and kids). Not sure if the NFLPA would agree to that although they may be forced to if this gets too out of control.
  11. Gives substantive reasons why one would vote for Biden. Ignores and repeats the talking point that there is only voting against Trump.
  12. It even caught me by surprise as I was expecting a HB dive to Gore somehow.
  13. I was being sarcastic. It reminded me more of a cspan primary debate in the 80's which was fine with me. Politics should be boring.
  14. A decent debate by both candidates. I think it changed a lot of minds on here tonight.
  15. The NFL's cavalier approach to making the schedule business as usual seems to be backfiring. They should've included multiple bye weeks to be able to move missed games.
  16. Me entering this thread and then realizing the pinned covid policy.
  17. That's because both parties aren't that different when it comes to economic policy.
  18. Do you work for the Lincoln Project? If you're apolitical I get it as you just want a more palatable statesman in office. If you're at least somewhat of an ideologue just saying Trump's a narcissistic blowhard isn't good enough.
  19. Basically a one year rental contract like that. There's definitely teams that would've given him a similar contract as he'd be a better option at guard on some teams around the league.
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