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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I don't think it matters too much but rain and win can slow down some of their speed guys (Hill, Hardman, Robinson). I hope.
  2. It's a good question although I think there's still a 50/50 shot Trump gets reelected. My guess is f the Republicans have a really bad November then Trump will be seen as the major problem and it won't be any of the sychophants of Trump you mentioned (Jordan, Gaetz, Cruz). To lose the House, Senate, and presidency in four years should be a massive red flag that they need to switch strategy to a more moderate Republican. It will likely be Haley or somebody from outside Washington. I think there's too much ill will towards Romney for his impeachment vote of Trump and the fact he lost a presidential election already so I doubt he even runs. If it's a narrow defeat then Republicans will just blame it as bad timing with covid and a Trump like figure is more likely to win. MAGA politicians and hardline conservatives will likely run and draw the most support (Donald Trump Jr., Gaetz, Krenshaw, Jordan, Cruz, Cotton, etc.). It's a long way off though so who knows.
  3. True. I was impressed with her SOTU response in 2016 and she was one of the few who were able to escape the Trump administration unscathed.
  4. The only value I see in any of those lines might be Cuban at 100/1. If Americans want a business man in office who doesn't have Trump's massive bagage he'd be my choice. Haley reminds me of an '04 Obama though and that's where my money would go.
  5. Ah, the famous Willie Horton ad. If it wasn't for Atwater's impact/legacy I'd argue we wouldn't have Trump. It's not a good sign when you're banking on a second miracle as Trump should be at least within striking difference given he's an incumbent. Maybe we'll get another October surprise like the Weiner laptop.
  6. You're probably right and it has more to do with Republican voters being older on average.
  7. If that's true it kind of tells you how weak a candidate Bush was. The analysis of that election is a statistical nerds dream.
  8. Something tell me Bell would love to stick it to the Jets. He can do that in a week and a half if he wanted to.
  9. It's a different situation as the economy was doing great since at least 2013 and then you had to shut the whole damn thing down because of this virus. It's unprecented. The only advantage Trump has on the polls is who thinks they'll handle the economy better (usually by a few percentage points). The top two concerns are Covid (#1) and the economy (#2). Biden polls double digits better when it comes to who they think would better handle Covid. That's a common myth. People who look at polling for a living make the case that Perot hurt Clinton more. Clinton was just a more skilled politician as Bush road the cotails of Reagan.
  10. I don't really consider campaign strategy leadership but it's effective in drawing the contrast between him and Trump. It plays well with senior citizens who are most reliable voting block. As far as the question, if Biden is elected I expect him to serve one term and not seek reelection due to health concerns. We might have the first ever women vs. women presidential race with Harris and Haley in 2024.
  11. He's very good. He's pry in that six to ten range of top QB's. He benefits from some good weapons, a great running back, and a good offensive line. Something he never had all at once in Miami.
  12. Wonder if Sam Darnold should start liking tweets on twitter?
  13. Jay Feely commenting on OJ's golf game......."He only shot two over par which is impressive considering he's been held up in court these last eleven months."
  14. Enthusiasm is way up compared to 2016. Not sure if this helps Biden or Trump more.
  15. Just put Frazier up in the box. That will fix everything.
  16. C-. My grades are harsher now because I judge him on a higher standard now. He was very good on 3rd down and made some impressive throws. His 2nd interception was awful. He tried to force it too much on Diggs and ignored an open Beasley on a few of those plays. However, the lack of a running game, drops, and a defense who couldn't get off the field were much bigger problems. It hit him between the numbers and bounced off his chest.
  17. I learned tonight you can throw the ball two yards beyond the line of scrimmage so that should come in handy for any quarterback that thought it was illegal. The refs weren't to blame for tonight's loss but it would be nice if most of the calls didn't seem to favor the opponent for once.
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