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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Let's just call the Chiefs and call it a tie. That way we can both get healthy for next week. Win, win.
  2. When the best you can do is trick plays with Edelman as the QB you're getting desparate. They're going to have to make a deadline move because even with a fully healthy line they're lack of playmakers makes them a one and done team at best.
  3. It's interesting watching Brady and Belichick on different teams. They're just not used to not being able to rely on one another. Last week against the Bears I guarantee Brady knows what down it is with Belichick as head coach and the team wouldn't beat itself with 109 yards in penalties. Him screaming at his o-line was amusing. As for the Broncos game, Brady wouldn't have thrown those two picks or took as many sacks as Newton did. They pry pull it out in the end like we've seen them do ad nauseam for the last 20 years. The Patriots were dealing with a depleted line but their lack of offensive weapons makes them beatable. Harry's been disappointing. I don't know if a trade for AJ Green or Beckham is in the cards.
  4. This crossed my mind last week thinking about J. Phillips's and Lawson's forgot spat with Lewan last year. Did the Bills brass underrate the energy they brought to the team (especially Phillips)? The analytics say they weren't worth how much they got paid for but maybe we should've bit the bullet and resign one of them. It's obvious we need somebody needs to step up to fill that leadership void.
  5. Shouldn't have much effect then. It may help Bass as Butker has more experience in kicking in challenging conditions. Kind of ticks me off they're playing it so early on a weekday. I'd have taken a Sunday or Monday night game over this time.
  6. That's not necessarily true as sharp money can move a spread if a significant non QB players goes down. The Michael Thomas "discipline" one game suspension moved the Saints line from -9 to -7 against the Chargers example.
  7. Not sure about that. The '08 Lions were comically bad.
  8. I may be jumping the gun but I'm starting to wonder if Gase is the offensive guru he was made out to be.
  9. I'd take him over Barkley. We'd still be screwed regardless if Josh went down.
  10. I just want a fist fight between Gase and Williams. Is that too much to ask?
  11. True. On the flip side though if you don't score a touchdown the other team only needs a field goal. It's better than the old system of first score wins.
  12. I kind of like it the way it is now. If you can't stop a team from scoring a touchdown you deserve to lose.
  13. Titans should go for two. Gotskowski hasn't exactly been sharp today.
  14. Suicide blitz on NFL Blitz actually worked. Gutsy call.
  15. Damn. I thought this would be a stress free Sunday. LOL.
  16. Down nine you go for two every time in the 4th quarter. Yet it seems every week the coach gets it right and the announcer criticizes it.
  17. Especially when they have only five days to prepare.
  18. They've slept walked at home before but they usually find a way to win. That's with Tom Brady at quarterback of course. We'll see what Cam's made of here.
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