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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Trump's asking for a Wisconson recount. He's down about 20,000 and when they did a recount in 2016 there were plus 131 for Trump on the recount.
  2. Stay vigilant. Voter turnout is way up throughout the country. Things were pretty good in 2016. Now we're in a damn pandemic where you have to keep masks in your car glove compartment so it makes sense why people are voicing their opinion in the only way possible.
  3. Not so sure. Atlanta's better at blowing a lead. I wouldn't bet on it.
  4. It's strange how I remember the '90 to '93 Bills teams better than any of them since but that Zimmer forced fumble against Newton brought me back to the Kirby Jackson forced fumble against a backup Kubiak led Denver team in the AFC Championship game. Under two minutes with them driving down the field needing a field goal to tie it.
  5. Shoot. Cowboys were so desperate they were about to offer him a one year contract.
  6. Fine with me. Markets will keep humming along and hopefully we get a public option passed. No money to for profit charter schools will also be nice.
  7. It sucks that it happened against Brady but I wish officials would collaborate to make the right call like that more (the CB timed that perfectly and slightly turned his head). It takes away the need for a "sky judge" that will continue to be floated around. I always wondered wtf the other officials were looking at when NRC had that obvious pass interference against the Saints in that divisional game a couple of years ago. How did they not collaborate and overturn that?
  8. Wall Street wouldn't be donating massive amounts of money to Biden if Harris was the real candidate.
  9. I'm starting to think that too. I wrote that post before the 49ers Seahawks game. I didn't think the Seahawks would blow them out and had no idea SF would become crippled with Jimmy G and Kittle going down with injuries. It's pry more likely that we lose to AZ and beat SF than the other way around. I also started thinking about all the possible injuries that could accumulate before going to AZ. I'm not sold on the Cardinals though and think we're at least even with them talent wise on both sides of the ball. If our defense starts playing better then we will have the advantage. I could even make the bullish 12-4 case. Who knows though as the outlook changes from week to week.
  10. Biden wins a close won 279 to 259. He flips WI, MI, and PA. Flips 2nd congressional district in Maine. Everything else is the same as 2016.
  11. Biden takes back MI, WI, and PA (barely) from 2016. He'll also flip Maine's 2nd district. That's it. Biden wins 279 to 259. We won't know for sure until later this week and both sides will go nuts in the meantime.
  12. If Jones gets that ball out quicker it wouldn't have even been a concern.
  13. That was almost the identical position McDermott was in against the Jets.
  14. It's easy when we see it in slow motion on TV. I'm more and more in favor of a sky judge to help the officials on the field out.
  15. I could care less about national respect. McBeane needs to find a way to fix the weaknesses on this team in a hurry or we'll never compete with the upper echelon teams (Chiefs, Ravens, Steelers, Seahawks). We still haven't won a statement game since McDermott has gotten here. If we win one then the national respect will come. We have a chance next Sunday.
  16. Josh also checked into some run plays. Something he would've never done his first two years so that's a sign of growth. Last year Pats home game he forced some throws down the field and the interceptions pry ended up costing us the game. Josh Allen not doing anything stupid (the INT I put on Diggs) is a huge reason on why we should've put up 28 on a Bill Belichick coached defense that has given Allen fits in the past. The Seahawks defensive coaching isn't as strong with Ken Norton Jr. at the helm. We should have more opportunities to throw downfield on them.
  17. The wise guys don't follow this team as close as we do. Plus, Seahawks are usually fantastic on the games when they have to fly to the east coast.
  18. It's more of a suggestion by multiple people.
  19. I've pry been one of the staunchest Star defenders since he was signed. It took a pandemic for skeptical fans to pick up on it.
  20. Three? That's it? As a recovered gambling addict.........omg, line is down to 2.5 on heritage and they don't accept credit card deposits at these hours.
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