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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. One example https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2020/10/01/bidens-income-based-student-loan-plan-would-dramatically-lower-payments-for-some---heres-how/?sh=66cc95be6354
  2. Democrats need to focus on policy more and culture wars less to win at a much higher rate. Getting Trump out is hopefully a first step.
  3. I’ve got more since you asked... -Lowering Medicare age to 60 -Stopping oil extraction on public lands with Wildlife like Alaska -Making it easier to repay student loan debt that are destroying families. -Stop giving the Saudi’s financial support in their war with Yemen. -Increase taxes on those making 400k a year and raising corporate tax rate to help pay for increased social safety net programs. -Increased Wall Street regulations to avoid a 2008 type crash. -Stop increasing our bloated military budget. -Increase police funding for training including mental health training. -Help provide funding to retrain workers who’s jobs are gone likely forever (coal miners, retail workers) I have more though as that was an excellent retort.
  4. Yes. He won’t fund for profit charter schools. Farmers don’t have to worry about having to rely on welfare. The ACA won’t be under attack. If the Dems can somehow retake the Senate a public option would be passed expanding health care and driving down premiums.
  5. Which isn't that uncommon when an incumbent doesn't win reelection.
  6. A lot of shy Trump voters in the Suburbs/cities and a lot of shy Biden voters in the rural areas. We're a pretty polarized country.
  7. If there was massive voter fraud in those states they would've swung the election to Hillary in 2016 since Trump won by similar tiny margins. Also, if you are that conspiratal why wouldn't the GOP do the same this election cycle? Biden had some blue collar appeal and was Obama's VP. He wasn't an awful candidate. Average at best.
  8. I couldn't tell if this was a sarcastic post or not. Five states had massive voter fraud? I'm guessing NC is fine because Trump is leading there.
  9. We'd be 2-6 at best without Josh Allen. He's the MVP of this team. BTW....I have no clue what secret mvp means.
  10. Biden pulls ahead in Georgia by 917 votes. Recount coming. If Biden wins Georgia the best Trump can do is tie at 269. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524752-biden-pulls-ahead-of-trump-in-georgia
  11. It’s the Senate. I was hoping dems would win that so they could get a public option through but a Dem moderate president with a Republican Congress is the best Wall Street (and us) could hope for.
  12. I'd like to know why the Raiders punishment was harsher than the Titans.
  13. If we take Josh Allen out of the equation we'd pry be 4-4.
  14. As I tell Alexa to turn my lights off and set my alarm you'd think we'd be past having a machine unable to read a damn sharpie pen.
  15. It's not a horrible contingency plan as I'm sure the #1 seed would have no problem knocking out the #8 seed. I'd be more for a play in game for the 7th seed but then the 1st seed would have to wait three weeks in between games. Let's hope it doesn't come to this.
  16. I thought Trump TV was his 2015 plan. Trump’s main problem was he catered too much to their audience and never attempted to broaden his support. Plus, twitter.
  17. I'm guessing he has no problem with them continuing to count in Arizona.
  18. I predicted that most of the 2016 map would hold except for PA, MI, and WI just because of how close the margins were last time and Biden's a tiny bit better of a candidate than Hillary (I was 50/50 with Pennsylvania because of his stupid fracking comment at the debate). I didn't see Arizona coming. At all (assuming it holds up). What changed in Arizona?
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