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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. O'Brien starts David Johnson over him in his flex spot I hear.
  2. I agree with all of this but will just add that not having 73k fans may have played a factor here as they usually show the replay on the stadium big screen immediately after a play. I'm not sure they do the same without fans there. Even a few boos may have raised some eyebrows on the Bills sidelines.
  3. It shows your lack of political knowledge when you think he's for single payer healthcare First country to try and send a man to the sun. They failed but will try again at night.
  4. Bad karma adding AB. That was an awful decision by Brady.
  5. Too many cooks in the kitchen on offense for the Bucs?
  6. Did they just all out blitz them each practice. LOL.
  7. Give me Allen in a dome any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
  8. Agreed. The blowout loss to SF combined with the injuries just made people assume it should've been a blowout by us. It was a tough game in bad weather and it's not like we were fully healthy either. Look what Belichick did to the Chiefs with Brian Hoyer as his QB. He kept it close for three quarters.
  9. The Republicans were obstructionists for six years and got rewarded for it with both houses and the presidency. I don't share your optimism.
  10. Coming into this year I was mainly focused on Josh Allen's development and still am. If you can get a guy like Aaron Rodgers or Russell Wilson then you'll be able to compete each year for ten years or so. Sometimes you'll be a fringe playoff team and other times you'll be a legitimate Super Bowl contender. I don't think this team has the talent on defense to win anything more than a home playoff game this year, but I like what I've seen out of Josh Allen when he's given weapons. Man I hope he continues to improve. Going into each offseason trying to address areas of weaknesses is much easier when you have a franchise QB. Ask Belichick.
  11. I'm not sold on the Dolphins. I'd take the Raiders over them on a neutral field.
  12. They'll pry compromise for a Covid relief bill. That's about it. Anything with tax code, health care, infrastructure, education reform, etc......forget it.
  13. Vice president breaks the tie. There's no evidence whatsoever that one Republican will attempt to work across the aisle. Ask Obama.
  14. It's not quite a done deal that Republicans will hold the Senate as there's going to be an insane amount of money going into Georgia over the next two months.
  15. So, is Mexico going to send Trump a check for the wall before he leaves???
  16. You referenced the '86 drug bill as if cities were doing just fine at the time. You obviously didn't live through it. The crack epidemic of the 1980's decimated minority communities with drug related crimes and deaths from overdoses. Emergency room visits were at an all time high because of it. I would argue that along with the Crime bill the passage were more positive for minority communities than negatives. Saying he destroyed African American communities is ridiculous. As far as Trump, I don't think he's a racist but he easily motivated those that were.
  17. Can we reverse the red and blue for the CBS late game? Dolphins Cardinals game way more interesting than Steelers Cowboys game.
  18. If he holds on in Georgia Biden will finish with 306 electoral college votes. The same as Trump in 2016. Also, first president since Kennedy in 1960 to wing election despite losing Ohio and Florida. How old are you out of curiosity?
  19. Are you referring to the crime bill? If so, that's a really simplistic take. The results are mixed (crime decreased drastically helping inner cities but it eventually led to mass incarceration) but there were a lot of prominent black mayors in cities that were pushing for it at the time.
  20. Didn't know that and it surprises me considering the 13 year NFC winning streak from the mid 80's to late 90's. However, if you think of the teams with the most SB's I'd pry guess Pats, Steelers, 49ers, Cowboys in that order. The Raiders under Madden and the Dolphins under Shula also come to mind.
  21. I deleted my post because it was a troll post that pry went too far. It would've been great if the Bills beat the Chiefs in '66 to play in the first Super Bowl.
  22. I'd rather have my money go to making college more affordable than more tanks but helping relieve college debt would lead to a more vibrant economy in the long run as people have more money to spend.
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