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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Chris Collinsworth > Tony Romo I will die on that hill.
  2. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." I can't even find it on a menu. "Good things come to those who wait." I'm still waiting OBD. "All you need is love." And a bullet proof vest.
  3. I better not see him saluting a North Korean general.
  4. We just beat a better than their record indicates AFC West team at home to go 8-3 and now are going on the road for a national tv spot against an NFC preseason contender. It would be criminal not to bring back the white face masks.
  5. They also had 16 days to prepare and rest. Would love a rematch against them.
  6. You saw it with us and the Titans. You screw up a normal routine and the league keeps jerking you around you're going to come out flat.
  7. Baltimore's the last WC bubble team I'd like to face in a playoff game so I hope they lose. Let the Chiefs or Titans play them.
  8. Even when Mahomes makes some crazy throw across his body that almost gets picked the announcers just rave about how much arm strength he got on that ball. It's just frustrating how they nitpick Allen because they are convinced he'll eventually be a bust based off their pre draft opinion on him.
  9. It's become instinctive of me that whenever another quarterback makes a boneheaded play my first thought is "what if Allen had done that?"
  10. NFL Redzone justifies the cable bill. Especially this year with the Bills only having what....six or seven 1pm games on the schedule?
  11. That's why Barr said no evidence that would change the results of the election. I know there were four people who got caught trying to vote multiple times in 2016.
  12. Barr's investigation consisted of watching daytime soap operas as this "investigation" was just a courtesy to the conspiracy theorists.
  13. The "Patriot Way" is something apparently only Belichick can pull off. It's his ability to adapt his schemes to fit his personnel that allows him to show players the door that don't respond well to the "joyless" environment. Jamie Collins comes to mind. How'd trading Hopkins work out for BOB? He also gets players to buy in because he's already established himself as a winning coach so being a "hard ass" is something they're willing to except because they know it's a proven formula with him. Matt Patricia and Josh McDaniels tried that same approach as head coaches and failed miserably. We'll see how Joe Judge does.
  14. That's part of it. Some candidates calling for slavery reparations, medicaid for illegal citizens, free college, complete college loan forgiveness, and the banning of ALL fracking should scare the hell out of people. Biden was the only one in the field who could win and it took a poorly handled pandemic optically by the Trump administration to make me realize that. I give credit to Clyburn, Obama, and the rest of the DNC players to go all in on Biden right before Super Tuesday to avoid Sanders becoming the nominee. Based on Biden's announced potential cabinet appointments so far, they are thankfully giving the finger to the socialist wing of the party.
  15. Shanahan also didn't have the greatest reputation after resigning as the Browns OC because the front office pressured him to play Manziel.
  16. I think you're all nuts and suffering from recency bias. Milano is our best LB by far when healthy and is not a "liability" in run coverage. AJ Klein is painfully slow and should only be used in emergency situations. He is a good blitzer though. Which is nice.
  17. Exactly and Biden did that to a certain extent as he called for reforming the police by calling for additional funding for police for mental health training. Just the "defunding the police" slogan stuck with the Dems and Republicans were successful in exploiting that message. Same thing with the green new deal. "Free college" also stuck with their socialist message the Republicans pushed. It's why I think the Dems disappointed down ticket. You may be right and it's why he could easily be nominated again in 2024. Can there be Trumpism without Trump? Probably not. Reagan is pry the most apt comparison but he was an ideologue whereas Trump just told people what they wanted to here. In this case the far right. His inability to even attempt to appeal to anyone outside his base cost him reelection and I think the sober Trump supporters who aren't convinced the election was stolen from him recognize this. Maybe I'm just too cynical from the Obama years but maybe they can get a couple Republicans to get them to get something done through reconciliation. A public option seems off the table assuming a Republican wins one of the Georgia special Senate elections.
  18. He's unique in that he somehow has the ability to bring out low propensity voters to vote for him and even more low propensity voters to vote against him. That's why you had record turnout this election. I think if a more palatable Trump like figure with the same populist agenda would win in 2024 rather easily if the economy enters even a mild recession. People don't want to hear things like "defund the police" and "green new deal" in the middle of a pandemic. Biden only won because he was viewed as a moderate candidate as the Trump team failed in their efforts to paint him as a trojan horse to the radical left. Biden's platform was fine. One thing the Democrats now have is a news media that will give Democrats more coverage and won't be focused solely on Trump. First priority should be assisting small businesses and the unemployed until the vaccine is widely distributed enough so we can get back to a normal life. The Republicans will be brutal in the Senate at agreeing with any bill Biden in the House try to pass as they were rewarded for being unprecedented obstructionists under Obama. Biden is somehow going to have to use the bully pulpit to get a deal done.
  19. Worst realistic case scenario in my mind - the Fins go 3-1 over their next four (probable loss to Chiefs) and we go 1-3 (beat Broncos)....we just have to beat them at home in the finale to take the division. All games are important but it's not the end of the world if we lose this one.
  20. Arizona is the rumor. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to a Hal Mary.
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