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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. My only logical conclusion I could come up with last year was we kept Bojo as a punter as a detterent to the offense for going three and out. "If you don't get this first down you're going to have to watch Bojo punt the ball." It's seemed to work this year but then Bojo suddenly became a reliable punter. Weird.
  2. Alright. I guess we didn’t draft the wrong Josh.
  3. Seems to be predicated on our suspect run defense and them getting healthier.
  4. A third of Hillary voters thought Trump was an illegitimate president the months following the election and Hillary wasn't warning anybody about fraud before the election like Trump was. They're in the denial stage and prominent right wing sources they follow are profiting off of them by giving them easily debunked voting fraud accusations.
  5. I'm sure the owners thought about telling this coaching staff to tank but they figured they'd pry screw that up too.
  6. I'm guessing most people are wearing masks throughout the country. The debate shouldn't be about masks at this point as people have gotten the message. It's the extent to what lockdowns (if any) are necessary to save as many vulnerable people as possible until the vaccine is widely available enough to reach herd immunity. I'm glad there's finally light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. I'm rooting for Big Ben, Lock, and Newton. Tua I'm hoping will stay healthy.
  8. That's what you deserve for not starting Josh Allen.
  9. If he doesn't he needs to prove himself elsewhere as an OC to get out of Andy Reid's shadow. You know Josh Allen and this offense would intrigue the hell out of him if Daboll leaves.
  10. They don't have a budget in Georgia for new voting machines?
  11. We were told not to wear masks by the experts (including Fauci) in early March. A legitimate criticism of Trump is once it was recommended he should've expressed the importance of it and wore it every time he was in public.
  12. I think if he acted a week or so earlier he could've saved a few thousand people based on the studies I've seen. I'm not downplaying that but saying he's to blame Trump for over 250k deaths is crazy. This virus was going to burn through the country no matter what.
  13. He's pretty old. That's why. Plus, the Trump campaign pitch was that she's the outlet to the radical left which to me is hilarious.
  14. Exactly. I had to replay a lot of Trump videos to understand what the hell he was saying. Biden's not that much better. It was weird that he made a veiled threat at her though to show his decision was final and he expected the same understanding he had with Obama.
  15. This is to get all the potheads out to vote in the Georgia Senate runoff.
  16. This is a pretty deep thread but if I’m a bar owner I’m starting a church.
  17. The lowest they've scored this year is 13 against the Saints. It's a difficult game to predict because I've seen the 49ers blow out the Pats and then get blown out at home against the Packers. I'd pry put it in the 20 to 27 range in points scored for both teams.
  18. The ppp loan program discussion should pry go into the ppp forum.
  19. Trump's messaging was horrible but we're pretty close in deaths per capita compared to other major European countries (UK, Spain, France, Italy). It's a little unfair to pin it all on him and I'm glad he lost.
  20. Doesn't really make sense to me to bench proven veterans in order to motivate them. Who knows what would've happened if he played in that Arizona game. Cardinals may have not even had a chance to win on a Hal Mary.
  21. Agreed. Both could've fit on the door. Biotch.
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