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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Anybody know how winning the division impacts our comp picks?
  2. Yes. That's the rule. I'm surprised the NFL hasn't adopted it yet.
  3. Why is Murphy standing out in the cold while all the youngsters are comfortable in their living room or news studio?
  4. Also to clarify as this gets complicated, Fromm is the emergency backup if Allen and Barkley get hurt. Or catch covid.
  5. I actually like the model (for football where analytics has its limits) because it at least attempts to quantify the qualities of both the offense and defense in those situations. It just doesn't assume team x on offense and team y on defense have the same proficiency.
  6. Whenever I see something like this my first instinct is to look for the flaws in methodology. Unless the result is something that fortifies my preconceived notions. I think this is a brilliantly conceived model and should be considered the gold standard when it comes to analytic based head coaching decisions.
  7. The fact that Trump is in your head all the time and AOC is in a lot of Republican heads show that they're not as dumb as people make them out to be. What she said is absolutely correct in that we need better leaders than Schumer and Pelosi.
  8. Just stay safe as some things are bigger than football. Look at the bright side. It will just make next year home postseason games all the more memorable.
  9. Good quote but maybe there's some uncut version of that movie I'm not aware of.
  10. Because he’s Anthony Lynn. That’s why. Meatloaf reference.
  11. Anthony Lynn will go down in the large "good coordinator bad head coach" list by the time his coaching career is over.
  12. I know it's pry too soon to tell but I'm glad the Fins picked Tua over Herbert.
  13. I don't even think it matters that much. The last two years we're 10-4 at home and 10-4 on the road (I eliminated last years Jets game finale). However, if we have adverse weather conditions that make it difficult to pass it helps a team like the Browns and Ravens out who have a stronger running game.
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