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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. There's lots of ways players like him can attract Gen Z fans without being disrespectful to your opponent.
  2. Not mine but Steve Christie used to hunt on my Grandpa's property in East Aurora. As a thank you Christie had most of the '98 Bills sign an autograph designed football and we gave it to my late nephew as a Christmas gift (who had down syndrome). I just thought it was a really cool gesture by the team and Andre Reed in particular wrote him a nice message on it.
  3. Why not? About 51% of Americans got the flu shot last year. I'm sure we can bump that up 20% this year for the Covid vaccine as people want to get back to life as normal. Businesses can mandate it. Schools can mandate it. You seem to want to make this as political as possible when we all have the same goal of getting back to life before Covid.
  4. On the bright side it looks like he's accepted the fact he won't be president anymore. Well intentioned Trump people donating to the "stop the steal" grifter pacs should take note.
  5. This is pure paranoia. 2024? The most conservative estimates of reaching herd immunity I've read is next fall if we run into more problems than we thought in either distribution of the vaccine or compliance. We have two vaccines approved already and more are likely to come. Here's what Trump's vaccine czar predicted about a month ago. “Normally, with the level of efficacy we have, 95 percent, 70 percent or so of the population being immunized would allow for true herd immunity to take place,” he said. “That is likely to happen somewhere in the month of May, or something like that, based on our plans.”
  6. There is one guy familiar with this team that wasn't in close contact with the coaching staff....
  7. Did you see the crap in all the other omnibus spending bills he signed? Trump's done jack squat to drain the swamp. Lobbying money has been at an all time high since he took office. In fact, he's now pardoning people who were part of the swamp but dumb enough to get caught. He's essentially made it worse.
  8. Yes. Thanks for bringing back the memory of how the Jags got to that game. Mine as well reference the Titans losing to the Rams in the Super Bowl while you're at it.
  9. Most of the experts are projecting herd immunity by May or June depending on how many people are vaccinated which is why availability and compliance are crucial. People will be surprised at how quickly this thing goes away. Then we can get back to hugging random strangers in a sold out stadium without the burden of masks. I'm hoping Johnson and Johnson's vaccine will be out by the end of January as it has the advantage of only one shot instead of two.
  10. That $2000 stimulus was the number "the sqaud" was calling for I believe.
  11. Dems view was it's better than nothing like Republicans were pushing for. Now Trump just gave all Republican lawmakers a major headache by demanding $2000 stimulus checks instead of $600 one's. I don't even think Pelosi can screw this gift by Trump up.
  12. No. Just two spots. Hopkins and Thomas were elected last year. Julio was 2nd team. 1st team will pry be Adams, Hill 2nd team: Diggs, Hopkins
  13. Figures the year the Bills may get the #2 seed they expand the field to seven. Is we have the #2 seed clinched we rest our starters against the Fins. If not, we play to win the game and let the chips fall where they may.
  14. I can't tell the difference between Big Ben and their left tackle.
  15. That explains the Quinton Spain release. Beane is a Wizard.
  16. As long as we don't have to play the Ravens 1st round. Whether that means the 2 or 3 seed. I don't care.
  17. Surprised Jefferson made it ahead of Ridley. Really surprised Edmunds made it.
  18. He'd pry have to take this team to 14-2 or something like Harbaugh did last year. There's also pry a perception that Daboll has just as much to do with the success of this team with our jump in offense. I don't know what the odds are but my guess would be Stefanski, Flores, Tomlin, and Rivera in that order. Then there's pry the Reid, Payton, McDermott, LaFleur tier.
  19. I want us to beat the Patriots and then have the Colts, Titans, Browns, and Fins win out. That gives us the #2 seed playing host to the Dolphins and sends Lamar golfing.
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