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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. If Biden eliminates the legislative filibuster I'll call him out. It would be far more damaging than anything Trump ever did. They'll have to get most of their legislative agenda's done through reconciliation because there's little incentive to work across the aisle out of fear of being primaried.
  2. This has nothing to do with social media censorship but I always equated the #walkaway movement to the #nevertrump movement. Most of the talking points for the #walkaway movement were something along the lines of "I voted two times for Obama but now I see the error of my ways." For the #nevertrump folks it was "I voted Republican all my life but Trump's toxic personality and divisive rhetoric is tearing this country apart so I'm now voting Democrat." Meanwhile, they do national polls and both have between a 85 and 95% approval rating for both within their party. There's pry some who drifted away from their party but I think the majority were just bad actors on twitter.
  3. I've been saying that twitter was his worst enemy for the last four years when this site was mostly a conservative echo chamber. I kept hearing it's his only way to get his message out without being censored by the msm.
  4. Yeah I do. Just looking at the Bills record against the spread since Allen started there's a difference between the home and away games. IMO, with a home crowd behind him that eagerness to please can make him play hero ball too often and gets him overly amped before a game impacting his accuracy. Home: 2018-2019 (6-8) 2020 (6-2) Away: 2018 -2019 (9-3-2) 2020 (5-3)
  5. LOL. Yes. They're going to convince Joe Manchin to lift the filibuster. Give me a break. Not much is going to change. I heard the Democrat party was dead four years ago after the GOP took both houses and the presidency. Dems will now have control all three. It took eight years of Bush and Obama to accomplish the same. The Republican Party and Democrat Party will never be "dead" because most Americans will only elect politicians that keep the sides between the 30 yard line.
  6. I agree and it just proves Daboll doesn't deserve a head coaching job.
  7. Allen would pry have to out duel Rivers, Roethlisberger, Mahomes/Jackson, and Rodgers/Brady/Brees to win the Super Bowl. Can't we get Marino, Schroeder, and Hostetler again?
  8. Colts play a lot of zone coverage so Beasley's ability to find soft spots will be important. It's the playoffs and if a hobbled player can push through you play him as there might not be a next week.
  9. He has a 95% approval rating in his own party.
  10. The simplest way I can put it is the federal government doesn't have to balance its budget. If you tax wealthy people high at a state and federal level some may leave that state. The state doesn't then generate enough revenue to balance their budget and the first thing they'll cut are social programs that help the lower and middle class. Raising the federal tax rate on the highest income earning and lifting the SALT caps helps both the federal and state government provide the biggest possible social safety net.
  11. I agree with you but here's the counter argument. Many blue states (NY, MA, NJ) pay more in federal taxes than they take in while red states (MS, WV, AL, KY) pay less than they take in. In other words, these blue states who have higher income levels subsidize poorer red states who don't generate as much federal revenue per person. The SALT deductions try to help level that playing field.
  12. You'd think so but what it actually does is drive wealthy people out of highly taxed states because they can't rely on those SALT deductions anymore leaving the lower and middle class holding the bag due to budget decreases.
  13. In simplest terms, the public option if implemented correctly would give people the option to buy into a government run health insurance program at a lower cost over the private health insurance companies that currently compromise the ACA marketplace. This would theoretically force these private insurance companies to find a way to compete with this lower cost alternative in order to turn a profit. They would be forced to improve benefits and/or decrease premiums. It would help middle class people the most who don't qualify for federal assistance the ACA provides. Unlike single payer, it won't force anybody out of the plan they have now or potentially lead to a decrease in "innovations and treatments." I like your optimism but it would be an exception to the norm if the party of the sitting president didn't lose House or Senate seats in the midterms. I'm pretty sure 2002 was the last time the same party didn't lose seats and that was mostly due to 9/11.
  14. - Agreed. The opposing party usually wins the midterms. Biden was the most moderate candidate in the primaries and I was glad to see they thoroughly rejected Bernie after it looked like he might have a shot early on. The Dems only have two years with a razor thin majority so my hope is they have to somehow get a public option through, make the tax cuts for us plebs permanent, lift the cap on SALT deductions, and increase taxes on people making above 400k all through reconciliation. Increasing the federal minimum wage and getting $2000 stimulus checks out are also possible. If they don't achieve most of this they're screwed as a party at least until the next most important election of our lives.
  15. No. I'm only mostly commenting on the sports section on that site from now on at least until things cool down.
  16. Could happen but you'd think Dorsey would want to be an offensive coordinator with a head coach known for his defense.
  17. It's difficult to tell. Ken Dorsey seems like the logical choice to keep the scheme in place but it's nerve wracking because he doesn't have a history of calling plays. Bills changed offensive coordinators during the Kelly years and they still thrived if it makes you feel any better. Brady's had many different offensive coordinators.
  18. You're right. It's so easy for the msm to suggest a president shouldn't tweet that the storming and degrading of one of our nation's most symbolic and important buildings is just what happens when they've stolen an election despite no credible evidence that's held up in court. Just talking heads those damn leftists and msm types.
  19. His base is so rock solid that if you even distance yourself or push back at all you have no future in that party. Unless, you're someone like Romney who has Mormon support who don't particularly like Trump.
  20. You won't get enough Republican support to remove him even if they invoked the 25th amendment. They've made that abundantly clear the last four years.
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