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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. 14-3. Losses @KC and @TN. One unexpected home loss. Maybe the Pats.
  2. Waste Management - there will always be garbage to pick up.
  3. My advice that's served me well over the years is take your favorite company in each sector and buy some more stock every time the market dips if you have the available cash wish a good mixture of reliably high dividend value stocks (Johnson & Johnson) and growth stocks (Amazon). Avoid all the speculative crap.
  4. Yes. He's the exception to the rule though. I can't think of another current successful head coach that wasn't a coordinator at some point.
  5. They did a study in Iceland where it showed kids under 15 were only about half as likely to contract it and spread it. Basically the exact opposite of common cold and flu strands where they spread it like wildfire. Here's a snippet from the study.... National Geographic was given exclusive access to the results from an Icelandic study that provides definitive evidence of how much children contribute to coronavirus spread. Researchers with the nation’s Directorate of Health and deCODE genetics, a human-genomics company in Reykjavik, monitored every adult and child in the country who was quarantined after potentially being exposed this spring, using contact tracing and genetic sequencing to trace links between various outbreak clusters. This 40,000-person study found that children under 15 were about half as likely as adults to be infected, and only half as likely as adults to transmit the virus to others. Almost all the coronavirus transmissions to children came from adults.
  6. I'd like to hear from them. Looking at the school thing from a different perspective. I've worked for a lot of years with teachers and they've been programmed to accept that they're going to get a virus/flu as a 1,000 kids in a building will spread virus rapidly each winter. All new teachers will catch it within their first couple of years until they build up immunity. So teachers have become conditioned to accept the fact that they're at higher risk than most for catching whatever bug is going around each winter. However, with Covid being a more deadly virus for many teachers who fall in the "at risk" range I can understand why they're so hesitant to go back and the unions are fighting for them. It's entrenched in their mind that schools are a virus petri dish and their likelihood of catching it is high. Kids being less likely to catch it and spread isn't common knowledge unfortunately. The unions will keep fighting until the kids and teachers are vaccinated unfortunately. I get that people come here to vent and many bring up good points about whether government is doing too much or not enough. They're also looking for someone to blame for this disruption in our way of life and politicians are easy targets (both at a local and federal level). My thinking is just do the best you can and focus on convincing as many people as you can to get the vaccine ASAP if it's available to you. It's our only way out of this.
  7. Off the top of my head people that haven't been banned by twitter, facebook, etc...Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin (left in protest I believe), D'Souza, Charlie Kirk, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson. I'm sure there's many more. You know why they're still allowed - they haven't violated the terms and conditions agreed to. I also keep in mind that successful conservative pundits often use the "big government" scare to keep their audience and this "big tech" scare is just another example. As for the NYT, they also just fired a left leaning reporter for writing she was "having chills" watching Biden's inauguration. It's a private company that will lose their audience every time they make knee jerk reactions by firing someone due to public pressure.
  8. Again. The J&J vaccine approval will most likely be the determining factor in whether we're back to life as normal by fall and I'm optimistic based off preliminary results. I don't really understand this fatalistic attitude you have unless you're just venting. I agree that schools should be fully open right now but am much more optimistic that they will be this fall.
  9. That's why the J&J vaccine is so important. If their "one shot" vaccination is proved safe and approved they'll have at least 100 million doses available by June. I'm hoping this thread is a distant memory by the end of this summer.
  10. The most influential conservative voices who didn't violate the terms of service are still on all the social media platforms if they choose to be. I know people worry about a slippery slope. However, I don't think we're going to have another maniacal U.S. president tweeting about trying to overturn an election by suggesting a possible insurrection anytime in the near future.
  11. For the most part, yes. If Gore was elected it's probable he would've also invaded Iraq. Not taking out Sudaam in the first Gulf War still had him as Hitler 2.0 in American minds. After 9/11, the pressure from the Republicans and the public (WE WANTED VENGEANCE) pry would've pushed him to invade Iraq even if there was some opposition within his own party.
  12. Pretty close to that. He took home $29M this season (signing bonus) and will make $13.75M next season (42.75 million in his first two years). Doc is correct though in that he's getting $18.9M per season over five years. So, average yearly salary between Diggs and Hopkins this previous year and next year. Hopkins - About 21.38 million Diggs - About 13.52 million That's quite the difference.
  13. We ranked second in points per game and yards per game this season. NO!!!!!
  14. Then Hopkins basically answered by "this is why they pay me more." Diggs needs to strike while the iron's hot given his ridiculous production this season and him being so paramount to Josh Allen's success. I suspect that they'll negotiate something similar to last year to give him another raise.
  15. Hopkins has an average annual salary of a little over 27 million a year. Diggs average is 14.4 million per year. He's crazy if he doesn't demand a raise.
  16. That's a good tweak of the rules that they should consider. Intentional grounding is another area they should look at.
  17. Validation. I just sent this link out to everybody who thought I was crazy at the party last night. I said how the heck is that reviewable if Allen would've thrown a touchdown pass but the whistle blew?
  18. He should improve though given he's been trending in the right direction since his first game. The roster we have now had a bad night and can certainly be upgraded even with Josh's eventual salary cap hit. I think the Bills brass believes in Josh enough that he won't be another Wentz, Goff, Garoppolo, etc... They'll get a deal done similar to Watson's.
  19. I want KC to absolutely demolish the Bucs. I wouldn't bet against them but the loss of Fisher might hurt. Chiefs are 4-5 without him and 27-1 with him the last two seasons.
  20. I wouldn't waste my time comparing this team to a team from 30 years ago. The game has changed too much and the salary cap makes it more difficult to keep dynasties like that together.
  21. I’ve yet to see a defense stop this offense when they’re executing at close to 100%. The effort was pitiful tonight but you almost have to pray as a defense that they have an off game to have a chance.
  22. Need two two pointers eventually regardless. It’s the two fourth and shorts fg’s that pissed me off.
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