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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. If not boycotting the Olympics in a country that that is currently holding millions of people in camps isn't reason enough what would be? There needs to be a campaign to compare it to the Berlin Olympics before WWII. The idea that sports and politics should be kept separate is nonsense on an international stage which was the argument at the time. I doubt the US or anybody boycotts because of the potential economic impact such a move would make in international markets so there has to be political pressure to force their hand (worldwide protests would be a good start).
  2. Losing him creates too big a hole at LB which is especially important in this defense. We don't have a replacement and you can never count on a rookie. Bite the bullet. Franchise tag him and give him and Edmunds one more year of an evaluation before dishing out a big contract.
  3. A disaster in your state is usually a gift to a politician. You pretend to help those in need, do photo ops, and get great press. Cruz decides to take his family to Cancun and then blames his daughters when this genius suddenly realizes how bad the optics are. You'd expect better judgement from a Princeton and Harvard graduate. I'll go out on a limb and say this hurts his 2024 presidential nominee chances and possible SCOTUS ambitions.
  4. There was little enforcement mechanism and radio companies were reluctant to broadcast conservative points of view. It was mostly liberal and frankly boring to listen to.
  5. They paid Rivers the same amount last year and his salary is a bargain for the next four years if Wentz can get back to his MVP form. Colts have the salary cap space to take this contract on as I believe they'll pry be around 45 million under the cap now. Plus, they can cut bait with him after two years scotch free if he doesn't work out. This has the potential to backfire but it's more likely to work out than not imo. I'm just laughing at the Eagles having to eat 33.8 million in dead cap. The last three years was a complete organizational failure by the Eagles when it came to Wentz.
  6. If Wentz can go back to his 2017 form under Reich for the next decade this could be looked at one of the most lopsided trades in NFL history. Not even a guaranteed first round pick for a guy you had to give up multiple firsts, a 2nd, and a 3rd for to trade up and draft. I don't know if I've ever seen an organization win a Super Bowl and then become this dysfunctional as fast as they did. They seemed to do everything possible to set Wentz up to fail.
  7. Thanks. It helps when you're used to being laughed at. Just don't bring up any of the old 2018 QB draft rookie threads.
  8. Agreed for the most part (you could pry switch to nuclear energy only as a backup if you want to spend the dough). You also make a great case with ERCOT on the danger of too few government regulations.
  9. Without there being a liberal media bias there is no Rush Limbaugh. .Period. .The fact that he stayed relative so long is because they refuse to self correct.
  10. Just more proof Biden was smart to say we need to increase police funding before the election.
  11. Yeah. The whole messy ordeal makes me think maybe they should think about speeding up the transition time between the election date and inauguration. They pry could speed up the process to the beginning of January. I'm not sure if whether trying a former president for crimes committed in office is "constitutional" but I've heard convincing cases on both sides. I personally don't think the framers believed that a public officer shouldn't be held accountable for any actions during their lame duck period. Calling it being unconstitutional as a "likely potentially correct" interpretation is stretching it. I'm sure Trump will be tried in either criminal or civil court as more information comes out. McConnell basically invited those lawsuits yesterday. Intent is difficult to prove but there might be enough evidence there. I agree that the House managers waited to deliver the articles until the new Senate was convened to avoid having to deal with McConnell and maybe unwillingly gave Republicans who acquitted their needed "out" by doing so. I still think that the whole impeachment trial was necessary though to prevent future behavior by politicians in similar positions. Having seven defectors from your own party should be enough of a deterrent.
  12. I'm not surprised with that poster. I'm not really worried though because the headline "Republicans refuse to work on bill that will prevent cuts in medicare and farm aid" won't play well even with Republican voters.
  13. I thought the House managers made a pretty good case through past comments, past tweets, showing him encouraging people to march on the Capitol building to stop the steal right before the incident, and comments made during the attack about fighting for Trump that he could be directly blamed for the insurrection on the capital building. All the senators knew it too. The case against him was MUCH stronger than the quid pro quo impeachment case. That's why you saw seven Republicans break rank which is unprecedented in modern times. Zero from Clinton's party voted to convict and only one did (Romney) on one count in Trump's first impeachment trial. I get that McConnell doesn't want to anger Trump's fervent base so him and other Senators used the convenient rationale (unconstitutional to convict a president who is out of office which is in itself a stretch considering he was in office when this happened). That way they didn't have to defend Trump's conduct. As far as Democrats not calling witnesses, they made the right move in not dragging this out another few months when it was clear Republican Senators weren't going to change their minds. They have an agenda they need to get to and an aid package is needed to keep the economy afloat during this pandemic. It will be more difficult now that the Republicans can scream deficit again.
  14. The second most "bipartisan" impeachment in our country's history I believe behind Andrew Johnson. The technical reason of he's no longer a president had to be used by McConnell as a yes vote on acquittal for crying out loud. The usual political witch hunt argument couldn't even be used like it was in his first impeachment and Clinton's impeachment. Trump did manage to be the first president in four years to lose reelection and go from having the majority in the two houses to the minority since Hoover in '32. So Dems can thank him for that.
  15. It's a pipe dream. He's a scout for the Panthers now so he has a job to get way from the wife and kids. I doubt he'd ever play for someone else if he did come back. Given his instincts and coverage skills he'll pry be a pretty good scout.
  16. From the same article. This has me scared a tad.... I have faith there's at least 10 Republicans who would do the right thing if it came to that.... “Although Democrats swooped in to protect Medicare and other programs from significant cuts after Republicans used reconciliation to pass tax cuts for the wealthy, we need to be realistic that Republicans are less likely to do the same for us,” said one House Democratic aide, who asked to remain on background in order to candidly discuss the concerns. “Are we really going to find 10 Senate Republicans to prevent these cuts after they’ve found Jesus again on the national debt? Let’s be real,” the aide said in a statement. “There’s a good chance they will allow these cuts to happen and paint Democrats as the ones who are responsible since we have total power in Congress and the White House.”
  17. He was the second gunman on the Grassy Knoll.
  18. Hopefully enough Senate votes to make sure no lame duck president ever attempts this bs again. Most votes to convict a president ever I believe.
  19. Right now since he was released. Start the Pegula jet watch.
  20. Both are top five franchise QB's so I'm fine with either. Both are winners (made the playoffs two of their first three seasons) who play with moxie and their team loves playing for them. I'll take Allen just because he seems to embody Buffalo more than Watson. Plus, Watson has taken more of a beating than Allen with 174 sacks in four seasons (Allen had 92 in three). It's just nice having the most vital part of a franchise secured.
  21. If the salary cap is higher than expected then I would put the franchise tag on him and create cap space through cutting or restructuring contracts of less vital players. Gives us one more season to evaluate Edmunds and Milano. Hopefully the salary cap will jump significantly next year.
  22. Reading more about how dysfunctional that organization has been since the Super Bowl victory I don't blame him. I could see the Colts with Frank Reich and that offensive line resurrecting his career.
  23. Here's another crazy Brady stat. He lost two Super Bowls to this guy.
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