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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I do and I pry would if needed. It’s more forcing people who don’t want to fund pp to be forced to contribute.
  2. You'd pry need more than that as the median yearly cost for raising a child in the US is about $6,000 and the average is about $13,000. They've tried providing financial incentives in other countries for people to have children and it's been a mixed bag. Enhanced government benefits for having children have been successful in Nordic countries. France provides the most incentives in most European countries and has among the highest birth rates in Europe. Reforms in countries like Italy and Germany weren't as effective.
  3. None of those clinics have the infrastructure that planned parenthood has in the inner cities. Abortion rates are at pre Roe v Wade level so they're doing something right. I'm glad my paycheck goes there because it equates to less future money needed for welfare programs. You said, "We need to stop incentivizing people to have children they probably cannot afford." I assumed you were talking about the generous child tax credits on this all Democratic bill so that's why I brought up Republicans. There's just some irony in that the GOP is trying to force mother's who don't want to have children to have a child if pregnant. Meanwhile they complain about social welfare programs. Also, the birth rate declined by 4.4% from December of 2019 to December of 2020 because of the economic impact of Covid. This idea that people are having babies purposely to qualify for financial assistance is absurd when the exact opposite is occuring.
  4. Yet it's been a goal of Republicans to defund planned parenthood despite most of their money being spent on education, contraceptives, and woman's health. Especially in poor communities.
  5. Which would lead to an increase in abortions so pick your poison conservatives.
  6. I didn't know it was early September already. Jets would be nuts to continue with Darnold who still is seeing ghosts. Dolphins have more ammunition than any to go and get Watson who could be had at a discount now. The Pats pry stick with Newton but will bring in someone to compete with him in training camp. I don't know if that's a draft pick or they swing a trade for Garappalo. Maybe they bring in Mariota.
  7. My dream scenario would be to have Darnold, Tua, and Newton be the starting AFC East QB's next year. I don't want Watson or Z. Wilson in our division.
  8. Jets would be wise to take him and move on from Darnold. New regime so it's unlikely they fall into the sunk cost fallacy with Darnold. They pry could get at least a 3rd for him.
  9. We wish. He was dumb enough to sign him again midseason the following year. It was a nice play though.
  10. I got the Moderna one on Feb. 26th and the only thing I got was a surprising amount of muscle pain that spread throughout my whole arm. It got worse as the day went on but was gone the next day. That's it though. Expect to be in worse shape after the second one on Friday but it'll be a tiny price to pay.
  11. Off the top of my head right now I'd take Diggs, Hopkins, Thomas, Hill, AJ Brown, Adams, Godwin, Evans, Robinson, Ridley, Metcalf, Jefferson, McCalurin, and K. Allen ahead of him. Then there's OBJ, Julio, Sutton, Cooper, Moore, and Thielen who I could make the argument for short term. He's definitely not top 10.
  12. I said lower tier #1 (I'd put him in the top 15 to 20 range). He's excellent at using his size to win contested balls (like he did against White). His route running has improved but his ability to separate remains a weakness. Jones is going to have to trust that he wins a lot of 50/50 balls like Stafford did.
  13. It's definitely not a steal given his hamstring issues (16 games missed in 4 season) and he's more of a lower tier #1 WR. I think it's a fair contract.
  14. I wonder if they shop Engram now. Not sure what their exact cap figure is.
  15. It's called venting. We're all a little frustrated that our way of life has been impacted (although this mask thing/social distancing has really improved my overall health this winter). I do feel bad for the small business owners and high school seniors most of all. However, it's important to keep it in perspective. My uncle is 92 years old and said he'd trade this year for any year during the Great Depression and WWII. This virus spares the young and medical advancements have made it possible to have vaccines ready at record pace. To quote Jurrassic Park, "It could've been worse John. A lost worse."
  16. There has to be a good nickname for these two. Anybody? The Bash Brothers. Something like that.
  17. I'd add starting RT, LB, and RG to that list. Now we just need CB2 and feel free to draft BPA.
  18. Any rust belt city is probably going to be less desirable unless you field a consistent winning product. Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, and Cincinnati could pry rotate the last 30 years as the least desirable FA destination.
  19. A weird thing to be mad at as a lot of teams carry three RB's with the 3rd strength guy being a Special Teams Ace. I was more ticked off when we carried two kickers because Carpenter couldn't kick the ball far enough. BTW....what unit was on the field when the two most heartbreaking plays in Bills history occurred?
  20. We're not running a charity. LOL. He's a clear upgrade at backup though.
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