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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. They've catered to him more by making it illegal for a defensive player to even breathe on him. Not so sure when it comes to setting the schedule. Bucs had to play 12 games last year before a bye. Also, similar to our situation. Bucs play a MNF game at home this year and then have to travel to the Colts for a 1pm the following Sunday. I guarantee every team's fan base has a complaint with some aspect of their schedule.
  2. Do the networks (CBS in this case) still get to protect one game on their slot from being flexed? If so, this is pry the game they protect.
  3. Yeah. If I didn’t already get the vaccine I’d hold out for free Bills tickets if they’re giving out incentives.
  4. McDermott game planning against a rookie qb making his first start is fine with me.
  5. Perfect. Let's just give Allen a 10 billion dollar contract then. We'll make Diggs the highest paid WR in the NFL, trade for Ertz and give him a pay raise, and sign Sheldon Richardson to a 20 million dollar deal to shore up our D-line.
  6. It's impossible to predict above 100%. You're probably right but I give us a small possibility considering the NFL's official website has them at #1 and us at #3 in their power rankings. Saints are also possible with the return of Winston to Tampa.
  7. I give him credit for even attempting it. Just glad he didn't get injured working out away from the team facility.
  8. True but he's willing to take some more risks once the case rate falls low enough. Another argument for everyone getting the vaccine is there are people who get the vaccine that assume it worked (but it doesn't for whatever reason). The more vaccinated people around them in public the better off we all are. No.
  9. The vaccine won't work on some people with very weak immune systems. They have to rely on the people around them to be vaccinated until herd immunity is reached. My brother falls into this category with Crohn's disease as the spike protein blood test just came back negative (he got his second Moderna shot on March 26th). He's home bound until we either reach herd immunity or until they come out with a vaccine that will produce antibodies for people like him (like they did with the TIV vaccine for the flu).
  10. Not many planned parenthood centers provide the full range of prenatal care services. Just the bare minimum like first trimester ultrasounds like the girl said on the phone. I'm not sure what she's trying to prove. Here's what they say about prenatal care on their website....
  11. Should've hired a lawyer right away.... "They tried to purchase it. We did not want to sell it. The price that we offered reflected that, but then eventually they began the eminent domain process," according to Mallards Dairy managing member Charlie Bares. "I did not expect it. I didn't even know that eminent domain could be used for that."
  12. Trumps the guy who out of the blue said 2,000 dollar checks bucking his party that the Dems eventually passed through reconciliation. I doubt that gets done without him.
  13. Easy. Less pressure on Powell to raise interest rates. Bad news on Main Street can sometimes mean a good day for Wall Steeet. Unemployment ticking up also helps in that regard.
  14. All the players would be wise to get it. The less time you have to spend going through protocols the more time you have to study film, game plan, work out, practice, etc..
  15. Didn't last month's job report blow out expectations? How are these estimates even calculated?
  16. Are those the teams rumored? That doesn't make much since with Herbert and Wilson already there. I'd argue the Broncos roster is just as stacked as the Packers except at the QB position. The problem is he'd be in the same division as the Chiefs. The relationship is obviously broken and taking another team to the Super Bowl would pry be more satisfying to Rodgers than winning one with Green Bay (even if the odds aren't as good in Denver).
  17. The more this idiot talks the more likely this gets declared a mistrial. Overturning a conviction is difficult though and Chauvin's defense attorney did him no favors in the jury screening process.
  18. Maybe. You'd have to find a trade partner willing to deal with that player though. The league seems to be doing everything possible right now for those who don't get the vaccine to make life as uncomfortable to them as possible. Getting tested once a week > Getting tested daily. That along with peer pressure makes me think at least 95% of players will get vaccinated.
  19. Not used to this. Fifteen years of being a sleeper in the 16 to 25 range is my comfort zone.
  20. A message to the fringe players to get vaccinated. Smart. Really.
  21. I have a feeling the vast majority who watch him on a regular basis aren't getting the vaccine regardless. Still. This "just asking questions" shtick is pretty transparent.
  22. My favorite Churchill quote. "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."
  23. Don't they usually alternate home/away the first week of the season? Week 1 - @Jax 1:00 Week 2 - Jets 1:00 Week 3 - Pats - MNF Week 4 - @Saints - 1:00 Week 5 - Pitt - 1:00 Week 6 - @TB - 4:25 Week 7 - Fins - 1:00 Week 8 - @Jets - TNF Week 9 - ATL - 1:00 Week 10 - Bye Week 11 - @KC - SNF Week 12 - CAR - 1:00 Week 13 - @Fins - 4:25 Week 14 - WFT - 1:00 Week 15 - Colts - Flexed to Saturday Week 16 - @Titans 1:00 Week 17 - @Pats 4:15 (could be flexed)
  24. Investing is gambling too. Just better odds and usually a lesser return.
  25. Not really at DE. Carlos Dunlap in his prime maybe? The often forgotten Eagles DE opposite Reggie White. Cortez Kennedy holding the mantle so maybe he's destined to wreak havoc inside. Brandin Bryant already had #90. I don't mind 96 but if 99 were to open up for some reason I'd jump on it.
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