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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. True but fans have to be consistent (not saying you aren't). If they blame Whaley for drafting EJ then he should be given credit for trading for Hughes even though he technically wasn't GM at the time.
  2. Because the medical field as a whole is extremely cautious. The Cleveland Clinic study was conducted mostly with younger and healthy people (do older and more at risk people produce the same robust immune response?) and we don't know how long the natural immunity lasts. Vaccines have shown effectiveness against the different Covid strains up to this point while there's little information about how the strains impact people who got Covid that haven't received the vaccine. The CDC and the media should make people aware of the study though for people still on the fence about getting the vaccine.
  3. Doug Whaley did pull off two lopsided trades (this one and Shady). I'll give him that much.
  4. I'm wondering if this guy is aware they could've had Mahomes or Watson and not traded up. Edit: I dm'd him in his twitter account. He's WELL aware and not the kindest person.
  5. I love it. Twelve was perfect for the NFL with the top four teams getting a bye. One bad game won't ruin an entire season for some highly skilled teams and you'll have a lot more meaningful games near the end of the season trying to get into that 12 team playoff. You'll also get to see some Cinderella stories.
  6. The Lions and Packers and Bears oh my. Wonder if Bears fans will boo when Trubisky takes the field.
  7. That's why you look at the actual overall raw number of deaths as a whole (regardless of cause) because those are less prone to estimates and preconceived biases (if you think the lockdowns were overly restrictive you tend to find information suggesting it was an over count and an undercount if you think they didn't go far enough).
  8. 178 hospital employees out of 25,000? LOL. Enjoy that suspension without pay.
  9. If you go back in this thread there were studies that showed the death rate was likely 0.2 to 0.4% of those infected so that's not particularly surprising. If you took the .2% and half the US population got infected with Covid then there would be approximately 630,000 US deaths. I always wondered about excess deaths to access the severity of the virus considering we basically shut down our economy to combat it. Results released in April showed the US death rate increased in 2020 increased for the first time since 2017 with an increase of 15.9% from 2019. Suicide actually went down 5.6% which was surprising to me considering people didn't get their usual social fix. Here's a better explanation of the preliminary data on deaths in 2020. During January–December 2020, the estimated 2020 age-adjusted death rate increased for the first time since 2017, with an increase of 15.9% compared with 2019, from 715.2 to 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population. COVID-19 was the underlying or a contributing cause of 377,883 deaths (91.5 deaths per 100,000). COVID-19 death rates were highest among males, older adults, and AI/AN and Hispanic persons. The highest numbers of overall deaths and COVID-19 deaths occurred during April and December. COVID-19 was the third leading underlying cause of death in 2020, replacing suicide as one of the top 10 leading causes of death (6).
  10. Reid and Payton should be in their own tier at 1 and 2. Daboll definitely propelled himself into the top 5 though. I’ve never seen a Bills OC scheme guys wide open like Daboll did last year.
  11. The HVAC company your brother worked for was pry doing fine before Trump's tariffs. Biden extending Trump's tariffs and the executive order Biden signed enhancing them is like pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire that has costs job and increased consumer prices. Biden and Trump are both idiots.
  12. Could've gotten this shirt cheaper before Trump's tariffs...... It baffles me the GOP didn't fight Trump harder on them.
  13. I trusted the process that someone would finish it for me.
  14. I always compare them to a slot machine at a casino. They keep giving you hope but eventually the House always wins.
  15. I'll make sure never to say asterisk seven times. What was so maddening about the drought is we won six to nine games 14 of the 17 seasons and only drafted in the top five twice (not including the trade up for Watkins). We should get the mediocrity award or something.
  16. Every movie I was going to write down has been mentioned so far so I'll go with the one's I've seen the most not in this thread that I've watched often: -Back to the Future II and III -The Prestige -Fight Club -Minority Report -Silence of the Lambs -Tropic Thunder -Gangs of New York -Fargo -Prisoners -Big -Vacation
  17. "I love the smell of process in the morning."
  18. I like Sal but this was the first thing that came to my mind after reading this "scoop."
  19. Interesting comments by former FDA Commissioner. I personally made the mistake of assuming it came from a bat as those useless creatures were the origin of MERS and SARS. I'd like to hear from those people that were actually at that meeting. “I didn’t think there was anything remarkable in those emails. I don’t think there was anything that Tony said that expressed any ill intent, and nothing that was new,” Gottlieb replied, saying that there had always been two theories on the origins of the virus — a natural derivation or a leak from a lab — but that there had been little real evidence to support either one. “We have other information now that fits into this picture. The science is one piece of information, but there is a lot of other information that points in the direction that this could have come out of a lab, that we need to have a broader view about the potential risk that this was a lab leak,” Gottlieb continued. Dickerson pressed Gottlieb on that possibility, pointing out the fact that critics have claimed that Fauci had not been entirely forthcoming with regard to the idea that COVID-19 could have originated in a lab. “Well, I was told at that time, back in the spring, that Dr. Fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in Europe and actually briefed them on the information that they were looking at, that this could have been a potential lab leak, that this strain looked unusual,” Gottlieb replied. “I think early on, when they looked at the strain, they had suspicions. And it takes time to do that analysis, and that dispelled some of those suspicions.” Gottlieb concluded by saying that it was a mistake to only look at the virus from a scientific perspective. “The broader issue is we look at these things through the lens of science, and not necessarily through the lens of national security,” Gottlieb said. “A scientific mindset looks at the virus and the virus’ behavior and draws a conclusion. A national security assessment looks at that and then looks at the behavior of the Chinese government, the behavior of the lab, other evidence around the lab, including the infections we now know took place, and that changes the overall assessment.”
  20. Phluck Vrabel. I hope he and Julio give each other mono.
  21. We finished number two in offense last year. We're returning 10 of our 11 starters. I don't see our RB or TE production getting any worse this season. I see Sanders as a more reliable option than John Brown. I'd rather see Beane commit financially to a CB2 and/or 1 technique DT. Julio was too much of a risk to make that kind of financial commitment and give up future draft assets for. This move could easily backfire on the Titans if those soft tissue injuries linger and/or he loses a step. Julio could be great for them still but I'm never a fan of paying an aging veteran that much money based on past production.
  22. Sorry. I meant they could restructure his contract taking 15 million off the books giving them 20 million in cap space total to absorb Jones's contract.
  23. They could easily restructure Tannehill's contract to give them 20 million in cap space this year. Tannehill said the other day they haven't asked him to but I have a feeling they might now.
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