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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Just this year I try to think of what injury would negatively impact the team the most if they were done for the year. I'll go: 1.) Allen 2.) White (unless we upgrade at CB2 and then Diggs goes here) 3.) Diggs 4.) Dawkins 5.) Milano 6.) Edmunds 7.) Poyer 8.) D. Williams 9.) Hughes 10.) Hyde
  2. Remember when Cruz and Fiorina tried a similar stunt to oust Trump. LOL.
  3. I wonder if the league reached out to Beane after Beasley's twitter rant. They don't want another Kaepernick type situation which could happen if the Bills cut him and nobody else signs him. He'd have a case for collusion and the NFL doesn't want to shell out more money on a settlement like they did in Kaepernick's case.
  4. I’m agreeing with you. God help me. If you can keep the fans shielded from the rain/snow/sunlight along with the game being less impacted by the wind then an outdoor stadium would work. They’ll still have a harder time attracting fee agents and wouldn’t generate the yearly revenue a dome would produce. However, it’s better than what we have now. Unless global warming really picks up the pace the weather will still be here.
  5. I’m hoping the ultimate goal is to pressure the NFL to reconsider their protocols as cases should continue to go down over the next month. These unvaccinated players can then benefit from the small sacrifice that others have made in getting vaccinated. If that’s the case I just wish Beasley wasn’t the player to spearhead this movement as it makes the Bills look like a dysfunctional franchise again that seemed to have stabilized since McBeane took over.
  6. He has localized digestive scleroderma and relies on a J-tube for feeding. His symptoms are similar to those with severe gastroparesis. He's on a crapload of medicine but methotrexate is the main medicine that would prevent him from responding to the vaccine. He went off it a week before getting the shot.
  7. Yeah. My brother has an autoimmune disease and we knew he probably wouldn't respond to the vaccine. He got the antibody test after taking the vaccine and it came back negative (unsurprisingly). Whoops. I meant 318 million doses have been administered and 140 million are fully vaccinated. Hospitalizations and deaths are the lowest they've been since the disease got over here after the Wuhan research lab let their Frankenstein bat out of the lab. Sorry about the bad news.
  8. Of course there are going to be exceptions since the vaccines approved so far decrease your risk of getting infected by 95%, 90%, and 76% depending on which one you got. Not 100%. I love how over 315 million people in the US has received one dose (148 million fully vaccinated) and this clown finds one person who got Covid despite being fully vaccinated. All this article tells is young adults should get vaccinated ASAP because you can see the impact that Covid can have on them long term. If only I had some kind of mechanism that could allow me to travel back in time and invest in Peloton stock.
  9. The kid played through a painful injury last playoffs so I don't doubt his toughness and commitment. His intelligence on the other hand....
  10. Actual doctors don't seem to have reservations. https://consumer.healthday.com/b-6-14-almost-all-u-s-physicians-have-gotten-a-covid-vaccine-2653327263.html More than 96% are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions, according to a new survey from the American Medical Association (AMA). Even among the 4% not yet vaccinated, 45% said they do plan to get their vaccine.
  11. That "I expected it to be a lot harder" line hasn't held up well. Get Watson's agent on line one.
  12. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
  13. I don't know if his ego can take it but he'd be a possible upgrade as a change of pace back for the Titans behind Henry.
  14. It is but proof vaccination is easier to track. It's a data point combined with new cases, hospitalizations, deaths, etc.. that make easy to analyze when making policy decisions. Most only see that Cleveland Clinic study as useful in that if there's a scarcity of supply then they shouldn't be given top priority. Since supply outweighs demand right now it's useless information to most of them. If I'm a doctor I'd much rather have a person who gets both natural immunity on top of vaccine immunity. I asked my primary doctor if she's worried about the unforeseen side effects of the approved Covid vaccine and she said he's more worried about getting struck by lightning on her morning jog. Very anecdotal it's representative of the majority of the medical community as a whole (including those who work for the CDC) when it comes to the Covid vaccines.
  15. It's also why he didn't get tackled for a 20 yard loss.
  16. Neither were they as Mahomes put up 255 passing yards up on them and 23 (should've been 27 points on them) midway through the third quarter. He had all day to throw (Browns had one sack the whole game) as the Browns mainly only rushed four and his injury happened on a scramble.
  17. With a chance (no matter how minute) at a championship title and to put good film in against better teams they'll play. Internal pressure from both the team and your college as a whole also plays a factor.
  18. I remember a lot of experts saying he was the best WR prospect since Calvin Johnson. Better than Julio Jones and AJ Green. Little did they know at the time he believes he is an alien and that we are all possessed with demons inside of us. Did Whaley even bother to interview Watkins?
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