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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. It's prudent today given an opt out was raised as a real concern with him.
  2. I have no clue where his mind is at. Definitely a free spirit.
  3. Unrelated topic. Is today the last day for Beasley to opt out if he wanted to? I remember sweating out T. White last year. Haven't seen anything about Beasley yet today.
  4. I'd rather make the playoffs than Hard Knocks. Nice to not have to worry about it being forced on us.
  5. Good point. That extra game is going to devalue a lot of NFL single season records.
  6. People see what they want to see often without any teeth to back the claims up.
  7. Didn't know they passed that on a federal level. As far as wage growth, it slows during recessions and there's always a period of above normal wage growth to get back to where it would've been if there wasn't a recession. That's what your seeing in the leisure and hospitality industry right now.
  8. Not really. The labor shortage has been predictable given many people have been incentivized to stay home for a variety of reasons. Once fear of the virus dissipates, enhanced federal unemployment benefits ends, federal rent and evictions moratorium ends, and kids go back to school full time we should get back to a pre pandemic normal.
  9. I always look at the guaranteed money for my simple mind as agents tend to hype player contracts based on inflated annual averages. Ramczyk got 60 million guaranteed on a 5 year extension (10 million per year). Compare that to Dawkins who got 29.6 million guaranteed on a four year extension (about 6 million per year) and D. Williams three year deal (about 4.6 million per year). It makes both the Dawkins and Williams deal seem like a bargain.
  10. They should be held accountable and it's no coincidence both Obama and Trump became president as neither had to make that vote. If you want to go strictly by party breakdown though in the House 127 Dems, six Republicans, and one Socialist voted against it. Similar ratio in the Senate with 21 Dems voting against it, one Republican (later turned Democrat), and one Independent.
  11. They're both staying as they'll rotate the two kids with the two vets at DE. McDermott is already salivating at the thought of three young guys competing all year for two roster spots each Sunday.
  12. They also benefited from a softer schedule getting to play the Jags and the Bengals compared to us (Titans and Steelers) and won a few games just on defensive and special team touchdowns which isn't sustainable.
  13. I did. Why do you think some people are panicking?
  14. This is mostly how I've seen him too. He's shown flashes of what he can become but has been way too inconsistent to give him a market setting long term deal. It just seems the game moves too fast for him for whatever reason especially when he's in coverage. It's frustrating given he's an athletic freak that the Bills gave up a third round pick to trade up for. The pro bowl selection this year was a joke.
  15. I don't know the answer but the only problem going by that metric is Edmunds wouldn't be as "fresh" as the players finishing ahead of him giving them the advantage.
  16. He got it from PFF who has Edmunds as the 24th best LB entering 2021 (Milano was 11th). https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-linebacker-rankings-entering-2021-nfl-season He got those numbers from PFF.
  17. You seem to be ignoring the data that just .08% of the Covid deaths in the US in May were among those fully vaccinated and that the most widely used vaccine in the UK is the Astrozenaca one which is inferior to Pfizer and Moderna when it comes to protecting against variants. I wish everyone got the vaccine. Society still should do everything they can to get the movable middle to get vaccinated (preferably with the mRNA vaccines given their effectiveness against variants so far). It's not necessary just looking at the data to force vaccinations at this point in the US.
  18. Build a man a fire, he will be warm for the night. Set the man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life...👍
  19. The Pfizer vaccine is 88% effective against the variant according to the article while the Astrozeneca vaccine is only 60% effective. The mRNA vaccines (pfizer and moderna) have been resilient against all the variants. The most vulnerable people in the US received those vaccines. Only 150 of the approximately 180,000 (.08%) Covid deaths occurred among the fully vaccinated in the US in May. Those are incredible numbers so unless something changes then there's no need at all to require mask mandates or lockdowns. If unvaccinated people want to continue to die from Covid it's on them since the shots are available free of cost right now.
  20. Future generations is my main question when it comes to the idea of reparations if we as a society feel descendants of slaves deserve to be compensated. Let's say we do agree that reparations should be made in a one time cash payment. We determine who should receive reparations and who and how we pay for them. Does the next generation also get reparation payments of some kind? For example, let's say a POC who is a new parent receives a slavery reparation of 10k dollars and bets 10k on the Dolphins winning the AFC East this year. When the Bills win the AFC East do we as a society have an obligation owe anything to that child since the racism hasn't vanished because the child hasn't benefited financially. Is it society's fault the parent was dumb enough to think Tua would take that next step?
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