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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. And how many of those deaths consisted of people who were fully vaccinated?
  2. What situation? The delta variant in Israel produced a massive spike in cases but their wasn't a spike in hospitalization or deaths because of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
  3. It's dumb to single out Florida as the number of fully vaccinated there (46.87%) is only slightly below the national average (47.7%). Keep in mind that last year at this time Florida averaging around 10,000 cases a day as more people spent time indoors because of the heat.
  4. She really is a terrible person. Purposefully misrepresenting data (all deaths are counted among those vaccinated regardless of cause). St. Peter will not be kind to her.
  5. I've only had Jack in the Box once. They were fantastic but under cooked. Arby's still is better in my mind but am willing to give Jack in the Box another shot. I'm going to SF in mid August and will make it a priority.
  6. It pry won't belong before the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine will be FDA approved. They've proven themselves to be extremely effective against the virus and have a long enough track record to be considered safe (they've approved new pharmaceutical drugs in less time). This will give employers more legal cover to require their employees get vaccinated. Same goes for college administrators requiring student vaccination. That FDA stamp of approval give some people still on the fence more comfort about its safety given the amount of misinformation out there put out by drifters and/or crazy people. It'll save lives and the overall health of the economy come this fall.
  7. For all those cheering his latest political stunt with this frivolous lawsuit, he could've gone after big tech when he was president with the majority in both houses. It would seem he didn't care about monopolies until it impacted him personally.
  8. Plus, why delay the flight after kicking them off? Maybe the crew timed out by the time it took to get those jackasses off the plane.
  9. Arby's. Game, set, match. Five Guys if you want to take out a second mortgage.
  10. LOL. Justify the flawed logic of one bat$$hit crazy conspiracy theory by creating a new one.
  11. Ah, yes. Democrats want the market to have a 2008 market type collapse leading to a recession going into 2024 because that's what wins elections.
  12. Him being an ex quarterback and being proven correct on some evaluations of QB draft classes over the last few years makes his takes on QB's more relevant than most imo. Although I think he falls victim to falling in love with dual threat quarterbacks but that's just his preference. I wouldn't discount both these picks being busts. A majority of Bills fans and experts praised Whaley for drafting Lawson and Ragland who both were disappointments. Beane's draft history on the defensive line hasn't really produced much with Oliver or Epenesa yet. However, it's far more likely at least one of them (Rosseau or Basham) becomes an above average starter. Chris Simms hasn't changed my opinion of them though.
  13. Ties are also a metric. A little bit over the top reaction maybe given this is the dead time of year for the NFL. I almost want to do a Tyler Bass over/under 30 made field goals thread now.
  14. Tepid pushback from what I've seen so far. I wouldn't write Brown off even with a write-in campaign with Buffalo slowly on the upswing. You'll get at least double the turnout this November compared to the primary with Republicans and Independents eligible to vote. I'm guessing more moderate democrats and Independents would rather see Brown in office than a self described socialist. They've already dug up her past to portray her as a welfare queen who wants to defund the police (crime is up in Buffalo and across the country) so Republican turnout should be high. Brown also has the incumbency advantage and a lot of money that will be at his disposal. I guess if there was ever a write in campaign that would be successful this would be it.
  15. Florida ended its federal unemployment benefits a week ago. You may want to try a different hotel or keep yelling at the clouds.
  16. Some are decent articles the MSM won't report. Some are crap articles like that.
  17. At least they died with their freedom intact. It’s redstate.com
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