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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Nothing. I don't know if he wants to coach in the NFL. He is unemployed though, has experience in this system, is well liked by the organization, and many former QB's become QB coaches. He'd be hard pressed to find a job that pays more if he does retire.
  2. Interesting. I always found them generally cordial and upbeat.
  3. First you have to be aware of it which apparently about half the population isn't. Then you have to have a clear difference of opinion between the two races which isn't the case at all. When it comes to teaching CRT to the youth of America, those who say they are familiar with the concept have split views, with 37 percent in favor of teaching it in public schools and 43 percent opposed. When narrowing it down to just parents who say they are familiar with the concept: 50 percent are for adding it to the curriculum vs. 31 percent against. Roughly half of White voters familiar with CRT oppose teaching the theory in schools (48 percent), while nearly half of nonwhite voters support it (49 percent support). So...NO!!!! CRT will not be the catalyst for a race war especially since we're empirically less racist today than anytime in our history.
  4. I think he's closer to needing a walker than playing in the NFL. He'll be 37 in August which is 73 in football years for TE's. Having said that, I'd at least bring him in for a workout.
  5. Context seems a little one sided. Even if I took everything you said at face value I’d still expect the sitting POTUS to rise above it instead of whining about imaginary rigged communist backed voting machines.
  6. Beane's biggest mistake this offseason was not resigning Roberts so I went with KR/PR as field position is huge. You really couldn't match what's basically a one year 2.6 million dollar deal?
  7. This is actually a good article and mostly aligns with my views. It doesn't let Trump off the hook like so many on here are trying to do. It also recognizes it's a political club being used by Democrats trying to keep it alive Benghazi style. Second, I bow to nobody in my view that the Capitol riot was indefensible, that it involved lawbreaking and both real and threatened violence, that it targeted and disrupted an essential process in the peaceful transition of power, and that Donald Trump bears moral and political responsibility for it. Trump was responsible not only for his incendiary speech but for a two-month course of conduct consisting of (1) claiming, loudly and falsely, that the election was stolen; (2) continuing to contest the election result through every available forum for two months; (3) not limiting his contest of the election to the legally legitimate channels for an election contest; (4) focusing attention on the in-person gathering of the entire Congress and the vice president to count the electoral votes on January 6 as a point of vulnerability to mob pressure; and (5) specifically violating his oath to the Constitution by the attempt to get the vice president to unilaterally prevent the counting of electoral votes. I said at the time, and still believe, that Trump was properly impeached for this and should have been convicted. I said at the time, and still believe, that the maximum available punishments should be used against everyone who broke the law that day, in order to show for all time that this should never be repeated. I said at the time, and still believe, that a great many societies in human history would rationally have reacted to such an event by placing the heads of Trump and the rioters on pikes around the Capitol as a warning to others. He also realizes the cynical play by the Dems which could be effective as Trump continues to get back into the public eye when the Republican politicians are dying to move on from him. The temptation to keep January 6 alive as a never-ending partisan club in order to preserve the Trump-centric voter dynamics of the 2020 election and avoid contesting the 2022 elections around the current president and the current Congress. That undoubtedly is why unprincipled political operatives seem devoted to the “January 6 was worse than September 11” talking point. Never mind that 3,000 Americans died; the important thing is that Republicans won the 2002 and 2004 elections on the strength of George W. Bush’s response to the September 11 attacks. For Democrats still sore at that — and in particular for Democrats who were Republicans then and see money to be made now off January 6 — the desire to repeat that has overwhelmed their basic sense of decency and proportion.
  8. Not even close. Zeke Elliott, Matt Judon, Jamal Adams, Andrus Peat, Marshon Lattimore, and Evan Engram off the top of my head. Edmunds didn't deserve a pro bowl nod this past season though.
  9. That's just crazy. Making kids wear masks outside is a minor form of child abuse at this point.
  10. If execs think that much of Edmunds trade him now while his stock is high. Darius Leonard and a first would suffice.
  11. So we’ve gone from fans freaking out when McDermott said “week to week” when describing Beasley’s late season injury last year. Now to some it’s no big deal if he’s cut because he’s a year older and we replaced Brown with Sanders? Sorry. Beasley has been too instrumental to our offense and Josh’s development to let him walk. Whatever headaches he’s caused with his stupid vaccine comments are minor to deal with as he’s coming off what should’ve been a 1000 yard season. If he’s not on the team next year it better be because he retired or I’m writing a strongly worded letter to Beane.
  12. I actually tipped my hats to the broadcast crew on that one as I don't think anybody thought that was a touchdown (including the Bills obviously).
  13. Oh. I know why. I just wanted to see if he saw the flaw in his logic given their vaccination rate is about the national average and most states are now fully open like Florida.
  14. Good to hear. The most widely used US vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) so far have more effective than the AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK of fighting off the Delta variant so hopefully we won't have a similar outbreak.
  15. There hasn't been a huge spike in recent deaths in Florida. Quite the opposite. It's been in steady decline as more people have gotten the vaccines. If you're wearing masks outdoors despite being vaccinated you're an idiot. The Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths here in Buffalo continue to go down despite the lift of the mask mandate. Oklahoma is a better example given their low rates of vaccination compared to other states and I'm hoping that wakes people up there to get the vaccine.
  16. No. I'm against any lock downs or restrictions in the US right now unless those fully vaccinated start dying from Covid. I believe 99.5% of Covid deaths since the beginning of May in the US are among those not fully vaccinated. The minority (non vaccinated adults) shouldn't ruin it for the majority. If that means showing your vaccination card to go to a football game or a restaurant....so be it. You need ID to buy alcohol. You need a passport to travel to another country. It's just one more thing.
  17. NY and NJ have the same restrictions as Florida right now with similar vaccination rates. I don't see the correlation you're trying to make.
  18. There vaccination rate is average though compared to other states. I don't know why you're going so hard after Florida. Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, etc. have the lowest rates in the country by far.
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