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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That's one way to take care of her likability problem Vince Foster style. However, since she got the Moderna vaccine though she'd have to be a statistical anomaly to have to go to the hospital if she did catch the delta variant.
  2. The problem with polls are Republicans are more likely to say screw you to the pollsters. It's basically what Hannibal did to the census taker when he tried to test him. It was true in both 2016 and 2020 in swing states where the average polling error was about 2.5 points towards the Democrat. It didn't matter this election though as Biden had more of a sizable poll advantage in the Rustbelt "blue wall" states (PA, MI, WI) because Hillary was that awful of a candidate. These polling errors will be a problem for both sides when it comes to where to spend their money each election cycle.
  3. I'm kidding too using Beasley's twitter message. My best guess is 12-5 and the #3 seed. We won a lot of close games last year and stayed remarkably healthy so I think we'll regress record wise a little bit. If I had to guess the losses it would be the Chiefs, Bucs, Saints, @Pats, and a surprise loss to the WFT as Fitz always seems to play his best game against us.
  4. That's where I stand. Thankyou for everyone who has been supportive throughout this process. A lot of other posters hold my position but aren't in a place in their time here to be so outspoken. I feel for you and am hoping I'm doing my part to represent you guys well.
  5. 13-3. I won't allow their rule of an added game change my annual 16 game prediction. That is MY CHOICE based on MY experiences and what I think is best.
  6. A ham sandwich could beat Harris in 2024. Not sure about Trump though. If it was down to one state within hundreds of votes like 2000 then I'd give more credence to Biden possibly being an illegitimate president. Not having to reverse three out of five states by thousands of votes.
  7. I was being facetious and there's always going to be fraud in our election system in each state. Only .006% ballots suspected of fraud is laughable though after they spent all that money on an audit.
  8. Just read the ***** article. Life was so much more simple before the internet.
  9. I know you kid but the guy played through a painful injury in the playoffs for us last year. Nobody on the team can replicate his skill set in the slot as he's a master at finding soft spots in zones. It's definitely a concern as I don't want to see this offense take a step backwards.
  10. Does that include late term abortions? That's where I struggle when other lives are at stake which is kind of the crux of the vaccine debate.
  11. Not a bad comparison but luckily we have two more years to evaluate Edmunds. I wouldn't make him the highest paid LB in the league right now though if he threatened to hold out like Peters did.
  12. That's why there's an automatic recount if the votes are within .1% of each other. I think you mean Republicans. Just looking at the raw numbers you're probably right as it looks like the majority of people who voted third party in 2016 voted for Biden in 2020. Trump beat Hillary 48.08% to 44.58% in 2016. Biden beat Trump 49.36% to 49.06% in 2020. I always thought attacking a dead McCain as president was a bold strategy to ensure reelection in Arizona.
  13. So, 200 out of 3.4 million. That's a whopping .006%. Trump would've only lost the state by by 10,257 votes. God you people are paranoid.
  14. I'm done debating masks. I've yet to see convincing data that mask mandates are effective outside the N95 ones. If you're vaccinated you're unlikely to catch it from the unvaccinated. Even if you do it's extremely unlikely you'll be hospitalized or die. All mask mandates will do is increase the friction between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated which is the last thing our country needs. Get these vaccines FDA approved and at least you'll get some who aren't TFG to get vaccinated. Plus, it gives employers more cover to demand employees are vaccinated.
  15. Yup. It’s a fruitless effort. The sooner people realize it the better.
  16. Yes. It doesn’t matter though as there will be too much external pressure on politicians if hospitalizations and deaths are high enough.
  17. If cases spike enough even red state governors are going to have to take measures like this. Just get the damn vaccine as they're obviously extremely effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths.
  18. This is ridiculous. They better not start this crap in WNY because of the selfish minority.
  19. Patriots will always be our biggest threat as long as BB is at the helm. The Brown acquired a lot of picks over the years but were never able to find their QB. Even now I'm not convinced Mayfield is the guy. Same will go for the Fins.
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