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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. The only flaw in that logic is the way our offense is built. I don't expect our offense to get stuck between the 40's a lot where we're trying to pin them within the 10 yard line. Fourth and five from the opponents 41 we should be going for it most of the time. I'd rather have a kicker if we go three and out at our 25 can boom the ball to flip the field as much as possible. Haack is just average in leg strength.
  2. I think Matt Barkley has a burner account on here.
  3. Not sure but lock downs and mask mandates at this point should be out of the question given the effectiveness of these vaccines.
  4. No he wouldn’t because they know he’d split the vote handing it to the Democrat. If a vaccinated person somehow catches it they can absolutely pass it to an unvaccinated person. It would likely be an unvaccinated person.
  5. It’s less than 10% assuming you took the mRNA vaccine. Desantis held a press conference yesterday saying 95% of Floridians who tested positive for COVID were unvaccinated. As far as Trump supporters go, he is the most popular Republican among Republicans since Reagan so there should be outreach to Republicans based on all available polling. The same goes for poor communities consisting mostly of minorities.
  6. You don't. It would help for herd immunity but it's your choice. Because Republicans are the group least likely to get the vaccine. Yeah. If you're vaccinated though the likelihood of a vaccinated person passing it on to you is reduced by over 90% if you got the mRNA vaccine.
  7. They're technically not mandating it and the players had the option to opt after the revised protocols were issued for this season.
  8. It will always be around but you can't deny the mRNA vaccines effectiveness along with its ability to save lives right now. Almost 9k deaths that could've been prevented in Texas. You'd pry see similar numbers in every US state. Also, the mRNA vaccines are pretty damn resilient to all the variants so far including delta. The US developed the best vaccines on the planet at an incredibly fast pace. It's frustrating to me that people keep looking for flaws in the vaccines as an excuse for not getting vaccinated instead of taking advantage of a medical miracle (imo) so we can get back to living our lives. The government shouldn't mandate it. However, these mRNA vaccines are going to be FDA approved soon. When that happens I see no reason businesses can't mandate it for their employees or colleges mandate it for admission.
  9. Props to DeSantis here. If he won the GOP nomination I'd consider voting for him.
  10. You need the visual of him actually getting it or they won't believe it. A savant at marketing knows that so why didn't he do it? Because he knows a lot of anti-vaxers support him. That way he can say he pushed for the vaccine and then give a wink to the anti vaxers come 2024. It's a move reminiscent of when he said Covid policy should be left to the states and shortly after retweeted "liberate Minnesota" and "liberate Michigan." He's a master at doublespeak.
  11. Spot on. There's positives to be gained from the theory in race relationships but it's more likely to cause confusion and division because their brains aren't developed enough. Teach kids to be proud of their country and then let them slowly become more cynical like the rest of us. It is somewhat amusing to me that conservatives rail against the failing of our kids in the public school system but expect students to fully grasp CRT theory. CRT advocates would argue that racial profiling is a direct result of systemic racism in our legislation and public policy going back all the way to slavery. In your example it doesn't matter why the cops are profiling black kids.
  12. I can tell your love for the game by calling it the second period.
  13. Just a point of reference of their rankings three years ago (the amount of time they're projecting). Not one in the top five today. I wouldn't take these rankings too seriously. 1.) Eagles (now 30th) 2.) Patriots (8th) 3.) Saints (12th) 4.) Vikings (19th) 5.) Steelers (17th
  14. Careful with these comments. OJ may want to pad the cushion and Thurman is a competitive sob.
  15. Playing for the USFL didn't exactly help Kelly in that regard. He's still 17th all time in the NFL though. On the one hand today's game the rules protect the QB from big hits more, the fields are more forgiving, better equipment, and more emphasis is put on diet. On the other hand, Allen runs more and still will take unnecessary hits because it's in his DNA. Hopefully he won't be the next Cam Newton where a beating on his body over the years made him a shell of his former self.
  16. The two hardest for him will be all time Bills wins by a QB and AFC Titles. There's no reason he shouldn't shatter all his passing records in today's offensive happy game.
  17. Good write up but what do you think of special teams? I think Andre Roberts will be missed more than fans realize and not resigning Bojo was disappointing after a pretty good year.
  18. The best Sunday of my life pry was watching the Bills destroy the Raiders and then the Giants upsetting the 49ers without scoring a touchdown. It's between that and my second daughter being born.
  19. Preliminary data makes it extremely unlikely she caught it. If she did it's unlikely she required hospitalization. Public health officials have tracked 4,450 "breakthrough" cases of COVID-19 among Massachusetts residents fully vaccinated against the disease, representing about one-tenth of 1% of the roughly 4.2 million people immunized. About 92% of the infections in vaccinated residents did not require hospitalizations, while 303 people, or 6.8%, were hospitalized, according to Department of Public Health data through July 10.
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