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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. This is a fricken joke. These are the type of doctor's advising the CDC Delta breakthrough cases: rarely deadly but equally contagious. How this breaking news changes the landscape. The viral load, a very good proxy for contagiousness, among unvaccinated and breakthrough Delta infections appear comparable. This is breaking and important news. It’s the reason why the CDC has now altered its mask guidance in areas with “substantial or high” levels of transmission, advising indoor masking in public even for vaccinated people in these places. Given the threshold of 50 new cases per 100,000 people in a 7-day period, the new guidance applies to large swaths of the country now. wait for it.................. Things had already begun to change for me last week when two acquaintances tested positive for coronavirus despite receiving two doses of an mRNA vaccine this spring. Neither of them particularly enjoyed being sick, but both were at home, rather than hospitalized. What probably sounded scary to some—breakthrough infections—to me actually looked to be reassuring examples of the vaccines doing their job by preventing critical illness and death. But one of the two cases took me aback.
  2. This. I voted for Moss to punish Singletary for that drop against the Chiefs but the allotment of playing time will be influenced by Daboll's game plan each week. Also, it's sometimes just a matter of riding the hot hand. Regardless, I don't expect either to get above 65% of the RB carries.
  3. Alf. The justice department is already investigating everything that happened that day. A lot of the idiots who attacked the capital that day have been identified and charged. Maybe have some sort of ceremony honoring the Capitol and Metro police that day. If they need to investigate more maybe hire a special prosecutor. I don't care. This will just turn into another Benghazi under the veneer of a serious investigation. All while wasting taxpayer money.
  4. Nobody normal cares about this anymore. Nobody. It's been investigated and both sides presented thoroughly in Trump's 2nd impeachment. Everyone has solidified their opinion on how much of a role Trump played. It's a gigantic waste of time.
  5. The charred BBQ wings from La Nova are hard to beat.
  6. The best I can tell you is what the US surgeon general said on Thursday. About 97% of hospitalizations and 99.5% of Covid deaths are among the unvacinnated. As long as we stay around those numbers we shouldn't make any policy changes. The unvaccinated have the shot available to them and they should have knowledge of how effective these vaccines are. It's completely on them now what they want to do with that information. The only problem I have is you know our damn politicians will reinstate mask mandates for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated when hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise. This will just drive resentment from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated for screwing it up for everyone. It's what the NFL is currently doing to its players as you'll see division in the locker rooms as evidenced by Bills twitter.
  7. No. San Diego County. The seven day moving average of daily new cases in the US is 46,505. It was around 12,000 a month ago.
  8. Apparently. They're averaging around 1,200 new daily cases overall.
  9. I was thinking Stockton/Mallone but this is just as good.
  10. The delta varient is crazy contagious. Glad we got most of the vulnerable vaccinated in time.
  11. Just get him in here. LOL. Hard to follow twitter grifters and tweet while running wind sprints.
  12. I see help wanted signs all over the place. That's exactly what will happen. If you don't want to get fined get the vaccine. If you don't want to get the vaccine you have to abide by last year's rules. Life is full of making decisions about whether the risk is worth the reward. These two coaches determined the risk (getting vaccinated for whatever reason) wasn't worth the reward (staying employed).
  13. Oh good. I was wondering what OJ thought.
  14. No. That poll showed 25% identify as Republican, 30% as Democrat, and the rest as Independents. You cited which way the voters "leaned." As far as vaccination rates go here's an end of June poll I posted in another thread showing as the % of Republicans (and other groups) getting at least one shot of the vaccination.
  15. Because of polls like these. Rates of Opposition Have Ticked Down Among Black and Hispanic Adults, Remained Unchanged Among Republicans: Since Morning Consult began tracking in mid-March, the share of adults who say they do not plan on getting vaccinated has dropped by 2 percentage points (21 percent to 19 percent). Across major demographic groups, the largest downward shifts in vaccine opposition can be seen among Black Americans (27 percent to 23 percent) and Hispanic Americans (23 percent to 17 percent). Among Republicans, the largest major source of vaccine opposition, 28 percent do not plan on getting vaccinated, unchanged since tracking began. View more. Republican women are a major source of vaccine skepticism: 45 percent of GOP women do not plan to get vaccinated or are uncertain – 15 points higher than all adults, 10 points higher than GOP men and 30 points higher than Democratic women.
  16. I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Regardless, it's not ideal to have players on the same team argue about vaccines on a social media platform when we were told this would be handled in house. I'm not going to just brush aside the negative impact this could have on our team going into the season. Especially if we're talking forfeits then it's absolutely fair game for McBeane to cut marginal players that aren't vaccinated. Same goes for making a tough decision for a guy on a mission at slot WR if it comes to that.
  17. He can play X, Z, and the slot. With Sanders the Bills can rotate their WR's more and he can replace any of them if injured (or Covid positive ). Beasley has perfected the slot position the same way that Welker did. Finding soft spots in the zone by adjusting his routes. The Bills are better with Beasley on the team. Let's hope they "hug it out" (metaphorically) as I'm not sure what the Covid protocols are) when they get to training camp.
  18. I agree with most of this although I do think there's a slight mental decline. Not enough to envoke the 25th or anything like that. I'd also add the caveat that I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. There's a reason the "will you shut up man?" quote stuck in that first debate. Trump with the constant interruptions of this guy we knew had a stutter made Biden look like a sympathetic figure. That debate strategy Trump used with Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, Hillary, etc. on the debate stage worked for him it made this opponents seem weak. They were all younger than him and nobody questioned their mental acuity. It backfired with Biden because we already knew he had a stuttering problem and he was never a great speaker or debater even in his younger days. We've all seen relatives age to the point where they'll lose their train of thought easily, large crowds will overwhelm them, and their eccentricities (suck the blood) will exasperate. You talk to them one on one though and they seem more in line with their old selves. My guess is that's where the 78 year old Biden is at this point. I don't think he'll run for reelection at 81 years old but I wouldn't put money on it.
  19. Still debatable until I see a body. Why is his middle name spelled wrong on his tombstone?
  20. At least Brady kept his mouth shut despite the horrible drafting by the Pats, played out his contract, and then mutually agreed to split ways to avoid an ugly breakup. Edit: NM......Forget him too.
  21. Your last name isn't Williams by any chance?
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