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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. The CDC article you cited was "archived" in November of 2019. The CDC listed their initial estimate of 80,000 deaths in September of 2018. Here's a September 2018 article. https://www.statnews.com/2018/09/26/cdc-us-flu-deaths-winter/ Here's a NPR article in December of 2019 where they cited revised CDC deaths to 61,000 for the 2017-2018 season. Preliminary numbers from 2017 to 2018 are similar: 45 million infections, 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths. So, no. They didn't lower the numbers in April 2020 to make Covid look worse. Spread your disinformation elsewhere.
  2. And only seven hospitalizations in what was like the perfect tsunami for a super spreader event. The headline really should read, "WHOLLY CRAP THESE VACCINES ARE EFFECTIVE AT PREVENTING SEVERE ILLNESS AND DEATH."
  3. Interesting. I wasn't at practice but from the outside looking in the top 5 look pretty defined (Diggs, Beasley, Sanders, Davis, McKenzie). Are you predicting Kumerow is already penciled in as the 6th WR?
  4. It's hard to project WR's at this point because we don't know if they're keeping six or seven. We also don't know if McKenzie and/or Stevenson can handle punt and kick return duties. Kumerow's best chance would be the Bills feeling comfortable with McKenzie handling kick and punt duties and the Bills keeping seven (Diggs, Beasley, Sanders, Davis, McKenzie, Hodgins, Kumerow).
  5. Right but you haven't provided any evidence to back your theories.
  6. Based off what available data? The drop in revenue last year caused many rural hospitals to have to close.
  7. It's the opposite. Hospital admissions were down in 2020 mostly because of people wanting to avoid catching COVID.
  8. 1.) The mRNA vaccines work amazingly well against any variant thrown at it so far. These vaccines should be celebrated as an amazing scientific achievement. 2.) They can't let this thing go and they think we're idiots.
  9. May have to prove vaccinated or recent negative COVID test at the very worst.
  10. I agree. I'm just wondering if her situation is similar to a kicker who gets the yips or when Knobloch couldn't throw to first base anymore and voluntarily left in the middle of a game.
  11. Florida: July 30th 2020 - 7 day moving average Cases - 10,017 Deaths - 152 July 30th 2021 - 7 day moving average Cases - 14,575 Deaths - 50 The vaccines work. Those 50 daily COVID deaths are a personal choice. All viruses have mutations. Get your yearly Covid booster shot like the flu. This thing is over.
  12. No. We'd be seeing last summer's death rates without the vaccines. Businesses closed, no fans in stands, etc..
  13. I wouldn't go that far. They did a good job of getting the most vulnerable protected as quickly as possible given the low death rates your seeing even with a spike in cases recently. The messaging has been terrible this last week though. You got 70% of the adult population vaccinated which is mind blowing in a country that was built on rugged individualism. Now you're throwing that success all away based on overcautious scientists who aren't objectively looking at the hospitalization and death data. All you have to say is "Over 95% of Covid hospitalizations and 99% of deaths throughout the country are among the unvaccinated within the last three months. It's up to you what to do what that information but we will not punish those who have received their vaccines by recommending mask requirements."
  14. Who else was really out there? I was surprised Cobb's only 30 years old. Texans agreed to pay three million of his salary this year and there's no financial penalty for cutting him after this season. Rodgers and him had good chemistry.
  15. You stated above he was the inventor of the mRNA vaccines.
  16. Your right and I deleted the post. Still though. How are these two things consistent with each other?
  17. I agree with all of this. What does this have to do with the anti-vax bs you've been posting? There's a fricken reason case numbers are way up and hospitalizations/deaths aren't. VACCINES
  18. Or we could just go with the numbers on the ground. Enough of this anti-vax grifter nonsense.
  19. I'd have better luck convincing you that socialism is good for this country.
  20. That's shady even if she is a socialist. I prefer to let the people decide.
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