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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. God I'm glad I live in America. Which is like 400k American. I got it. America, "**** yeah." The title was just funny to me. It's "soccer" by the way. They should pry ask for a raise.
  2. Are there other countries that pay 43 million dollars a year to play quarterback?
  3. I think "process" was McDermott's first word as an infant. The positive of that tone is when he does call a player or the whole team out (even in a passive aggressive way), they'll get the message.
  4. Soreness in the arm afterwards. The shot is just a prick.
  5. Because they're looking for an excuse not to get vaccinated.
  6. Vaccines on the other hand..... Btw....I haven't worn a mask since May and your math might be a little off with year 3. Having said that, making kids wear masks in school is still borderline child abuse at this point.
  7. I remember having a project where I had to track GE stock by looking the opening and closing cost in the newspaper. Had to make charts, calculate P/E ratio, etc.. My how things have changed.
  8. I’d have to see the article but if banks and investment firms are involved it would have to be heavily regulated. They require an economics class to graduate high school but it’s too little and inadequate imo.
  9. Those returns aren't guaranteed in the future though. That includes the most diverse mutual and bond funds. Also, imo the people that have to rely on social security as their sole means of surviving are the least likely to make wise investment decisions if given private retirement accounts.
  10. I kind of miss making the Adam Gase jokes every time the Jets were brought up. Unfortunately, he took the lateral transfer to as high school football offensive coordinator at his old stomping grounds.
  11. Andre Johnson had to play with David Carr his first five years and his best years came with Matt Schaub. He should get in. I predict Tasker will get in next year.
  12. Agreed. All these COVID deaths you're seeing (at least 99%) wouldn't be happening if everybody got vaccinated. At this point though what more can you do without resorting to seriously infringing on someone's personal liberties?
  13. I apologize for the "glad you can afford it" response. It brought back memories of when I worked in Buffalo and would save dry cereal to send home with kids on the weekends because I knew it's all the food they'd have until Monday. As for the midterms, the party in power (Dems) will get slaughtered (like every midterm since '06) but whether it's 10 seats or 50 seats depend on how far the swing district Democratic incumbents can distant themselves from the progressives.
  14. To pressure people to get the vaccine with some unrealistic dream of zero Covid. It's pretty obvious at this point.
  15. I'm not an economics expert. Lol. Our country has never intentionally shut down our economy so there's no history you can draw off of to explain why you're seeing so many job openings that aren't being filled. There's been many theories people aren't going back to work to match the prepandemic employment level (enhanced unemployment benefits, older people retiring early, not being able to rely on schools to babysit their kids, fear of Covid infected work areas, etc.). I read the jobs report in July was encouraging though and suspect things will eventually return to normal. The unconstitutional eviction moratorium extension kind of pissed me off because there was no reason for it. From a distance it seems the more moderate wing of the Democratic party (which is the majority) need to stop caving to the progressive wing as the Overton window is slowly shifting and they'll pay for it electorally in '22 and '24. The one thing I like about social security is it provide a cushion against an unlikely market crash. It's a guaranteed source of income not subject to investment risk and market fluctuations that can wreak havoc on a 401k. I don't know the pre ss homeless rate but it was during the height of the Great Depression in the 30's so it was probably high. As far as taking care of our elderly family members, that's great but not all old people have that family support structure and for many of them their only source of income is social security benefits.
  16. I want Allen and the first team offense to play the entire preseason and destroy the opposing team's third stringers.
  17. You're never going to 100% fix something but social security for example has greatly reduced homelessness among the elderly. When I said education I meant child nutrition programs (free breakfast, lunch, after school food programs).
  18. It was never a winning message. Why do you think Biden said increase the funding in the run up to the election? Increased training for police officers to deal with mental health calls would be a winning message. This is a really broad statement. Are you talking health care? Education? Unemployment? Drug rehab?
  19. To your first point, I disagree in mask mandates whatsoever at this point. If you're at risk get the vaccine. If you're immunocompromised buy a N95 mask because cloth masks aren't very effective based off the data I've read. To your second point, it's a hell of an immunization considering above 99% of Covid deaths were people that weren't fully vaccinated.
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