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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That's why he did it. It doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. Keeping a small military presence in Afghanistan was the best option of the list of bad options. Only 66 soldiers have died in action since 2014 (less than one per month) so spare me the countless lives being lost rhetoric. This didn't have to happen and I pray for the citizens of Afghanistan.
  2. Biden easily could've reversed course on Trump's foolish Doha agreement but didn't for political purposes. The buck stops with him.
  3. Agreed. Open air is really short sighted and retractable roofs are a waste of money as they're closed most of the time anyways. Minnesota's stadium should be the blueprint.
  4. Some of the healthiest people in this country are men in their 20's and 30's in professional sports who eat right and exercise regularly. Yet we've seen Covid spread through locker rooms like wildfire. This is a dumb statement. Lamar somehow got it twice.
  5. Significantly limiting among the vaccinated. Which is why everyone eligible should take the vaccine and any booster shots to follow.
  6. Xavien Howard, Quinnen Williams, and Stephon Gilmore would be my guesses. May go with J.C. Jackson over Williams. Who knows.
  7. I think we're good and wtf is critical class theory?
  8. They kept him last year as a Special Teams only player (for the most part). He was called an elite gunner by Farwell recently. Him not playing tonight either means he solidified his spot or they want to give other players can become an adequate gunner. My guess is the former as McDermott values special teams contributors.
  9. Taiwan Jones not playing was interesting. Seems his Special Teams/reserve running back role is secure.
  10. To me It capped off a disappointing sophomore season after a promising rookie one. Tonight's performance was encouraging though.
  11. Didn't bother to read the replies but that Hart guy didn't look that great.
  12. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
  13. Diet Pepsi Free you fat phlucks. I'll only drink it with pizza and wings though.
  14. You're correct as far as I can tell after going through the whole survey. The only real controversial question has to do with gender identity which isn't at all related to CRT.
  15. Playing defense? Good trade for them as there's no dead money if they release him after this season.
  16. It took them ten years to realize the white face mask was superior to the gray. Patience.
  17. If I'm reading his contract details correctly I think he's safe considering it cost more to cut him (5.9 million) than keep him (4.6 million).
  18. Right. I shouldn't have wasted a google search but the 16 months late thing interested me.
  19. It says between 1K and 15K worth of Gilead and she ended up losing money. It's a nothing story as she bought Gilead stock two days after the WHO stated that remdesivir may have real efficacy at treating the virus back in February of 2020.
  20. It's pretty obvious vaccines work. There just isn't much evidence when it comes to masks. It's nuts that they're making kids wear them this fall.
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