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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Props to the reporter. Don't know if he can still cover the team but that was funny.
  2. My guess is to shift a lot of the media focus away from Lawrence, bring in a positive locker room presence as few know Tebow better than Meyer, and maybe he would defy the odds as their TE room is pry the thinnest in the league. It didn't work out and it hopefully backfires on him as we've seen countless highly successful college coaches fail in the NFL spectacularly before.
  3. Not really. Knowing how self absorbed I was in my 20's I pry would've waited a month or two also.
  4. Do you believe every anonymous twitter account? About 75% of NYS hospital workers are fully vaccinated as of yesterday. About 60% of NYC hospital workers were fully vaccinated in NYC on July 21st and it's pry gone up since then.
  5. You got that from that? Talk about putting words in someone's mouth.
  6. Cardinals smartly got what they could for Rosen and moved on. The Jets meanwhile......
  7. Allen was thrown into a worse situation than Rosen and Darnold his rookie year. Neither get sympathy from me.
  8. Wouldn't that be a great selling point for the vaccine though? The vaccine cut deaths at least in half and nearly all the deaths are among the unvaccinated.
  9. I don't care about the case rate. Give me the death rate.
  10. Pry the worst answer so far given we have Poyer and Hyde locked up. The Jets best move in the last decade was trading him for two 1sts after today's contract. He's horrible in coverage but can rush the passer. Good for him. Too expensive. If you went with a WR I'd go with Justin Jefferson.
  11. There's little evidence that anything other than N95/KN95 masks help at all at stopping the spread of the Delta variant. Even those advanced masks are subject to debate. Kids are still extremely unlikely to die from this virus. By hiding teacher's and other student's lips it negatively impacts the development of their social and linguistic skills. This is really problematic for students who have hearing impairments or are on the autism spectrum. The negative benefits of masks for children in schools far outweigh the positive benefits imo. There may be this false assumption that in order to go back into full person learning then mask mandates are a must.
  12. The media has successfully freaked enough people out with this Delta variant so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this. Having kids wear masks beats hybrid learning but there's no real science that supports masks in the classroom.
  13. There’d have been plenty of cameras no matter where he goes and the symbolism of peace talks at Camp David isn’t lost on the best reality tv star of all time. We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
  14. You seem to be more aware of the real Trump compared to most right leaning people. He would've been in his early 30's when the Camp David Accords happened and Carter got great press from it. Do you find it that much of a stretch that Trump is unaware of the "Camp David summon" symbolism when it came to peace talks over the years and would've loved to make a "deal" with the Taliban there?
  15. The isolationist/nationalistic views (especially when it came to trade) is one of the many reasons why I never cared for Trump. Biden knows this was the wrong thing to do and he cowardly went through with it anyways for political purposes.
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