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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Okay but Detroit and Minnesota have a dome and it's less windy there. I think you're living in the past a little too bit. This city was built on hard working blue collar people but the majority of jobs now are white collar jobs. Back in the glory days of the early 90's the tv experience was poor compared to today (rabbit ears) so more people were willing to go to the game for a far superior viewing experience. If you build an indoor stadium the diehards will still show up but you'll get more casual fans. Also, players don't want to play in the cold in Buffalo so it's harder to attract free agents. McKenzie admitted the current Bills players would pry prefer an indoor stadium on a podcast.......
  2. Took them long enough. You wonder how many deaths could've been avoided if they didn't have to cut through all the red tape to go from EUA to full FDA approval
  3. I'm getting there. The way the league is expanding the number of games means we're going to get more home games in December and January. The home viewing experience will continue to get better. The combination of wind off the lake and cold winter temperatures makes for the worst weather conditions of any franchise in the league. When this team gets back to mediocre where going to see a lot of empty seats again in December and January. Not to mention they'll have more trouble with season ticket sales and attracting free agents.
  4. That's the cheapest possible way they could build a new stadium so it benefits the owners in that regard. The myopic decision of an outdoor stadium will be the biggest regret when we look back at this process 30 years from now.
  5. The more I think about it the more unlikely it is for any state to secede from the union based on historical and legal precedence. The Civil War basically wiped out that option for states giving a lot of power to the federal government. I guess we're just going to have to learn to live with each other.
  6. Buffalo area because my friends and family all live here. If this country truly did split in two you'd slowly see a return to policies where we are now on the political spectrum in both sections. Then we'd pry talk about rejoining.
  7. Whichever side I think I can profit off of.
  8. You can apply the same thing to the slogan "Make America Great Again." For some people it means going back to a time when America was respected and feared in the world. Recapturing that American spirit. Bringing back blue collar manufacturing jobs and pushing back against political correctness. A sort of populist slogan that lead to a movement to fight against "the swamp" in Washington. For others it was viewed as a direct push back against the "browning" of America with a declining white population. It was a campaign slogan for a guy who openly called for a Muslim ban on the campaign trail. It was viewed as demeaning to hard working immigrants who had just moved to this country who already think America is great. They see an American flag on the back of pickup trucks with a MAGA sign next to it and boom.....the flag instantly is associated with those feelings. I'm sure there were other positive and negative interpretations on both sides. Neither side really wants to understand the other side though so @Dr.Mantis_Toboggan may be right in that we'll eventually reach a point where certain states will start to secede.
  9. Right off Transit in Elma so it's about a 10 minute drive. If they build a dome I'll buy season's.
  10. God. I barely have the energy to keep up on one account.
  11. Australia. LOL. What's wrong with you? Ask these people which country they prefer.... Australians seeking to flee from Kabul reportedly met with gunfire, smoke bombs
  12. There was no bomb in his truck. Just "bomb-making material." Just a mentally disturbed guy screaming for help.
  13. Way to prove his point. LOL. I applaud oldmanfan for his idealism but it reminds me of when my eight year old self found out Santa wasn't real.
  14. Sad to see somebody get to this point. Glad nobody got hurt.
  15. I'm not sure if Jones is good or the Eagles just suck that much.
  16. Injuries were a major reason the Bengals didn't resign him (tore both ACL's, hamstring issues) and the Jets were always rolling the dice giving this guy 30 million guaranteed. Some guys are just injury prone for whatever reason.
  17. I doubt it barring an injury. They pry have Josh Norman on speed dial.
  18. That's a net positive. Lol. Just not a country guy. It was his decision to cancel I believe.
  19. I appreciate you pinpointing one and it actually reinforced another reason I voted for Biden as Warren and Sanders would've banned all fracking which would have obviously driven up gas prices. I'm for the policy of not giving contracts to companies to drill on public land (although he technically stopped all "new" permits in his executive order). Conservation of some land in this country is important and public drilling accounted for about 5% of the crude oil extracted and 11% of the natural gas. The rise in crude oil is because producers decreased their production levels (both domestically and globally) last year because demand was low for the pandemic without as many cars on the road or planes in the air. Now you have so much demand that the supply can't keep up as these companies were surprised like the rest of us in how quickly the vaccines were developed and distributed. It's going to take a little bit for these companies to drive up production. The ransomware attack on the Colonel Pipeline didn't help things. Also, around $3.00 a gallon isn't bad for the summer months historically when you factor in inflation. Ironically, the rise in gas prices might stop some of Biden's more ambitious fossil fuel production goals to combat climate change.
  20. I wouldn't change it because he was pry the only candidate in the field that could've beaten both Sanders (a socialist) and Trump (a narcissist). No other candidate had the name recognition or any semblance of blue collar appeal. Since he took office it's been mostly positive.... The stimulus package passed by Dems in March kept the economy afloat and the stock market up near all time highs. Over seventy percent of adults are vaccinated preventing lockdowns you're seeing in other countries because of the Delta variant. I never thought this country would get to that 70% adult threshold. He's largely ignored the progressive agenda (raising minimum wage to $15, forgiving student debt, "reforming" the police - whatever that means, eliminating the filibuster, etc.). He actually was able to get a bipartisan Senate infrastructure bill through to the House. Inflation was always going to be a problem with the reopening process no matter who was in office. The biggest negative was obviously not only following through with Trump's deal with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan but the disastrous way in which we he implemented it. Extending the eviction moratorium also ticked me off as landlords continue to struggle. The thought of an alternative administration (whether it's Trump or Bernie) makes it easy to forgive.
  21. I'm not sure which concerts your referring too but the Billy Joel concert felt like a pre pandemic concert event. Even in the "indoor" areas hardly anybody wore masks and enforcement was non existent.
  22. Yeah. I'm not saying I agree with the decision. I just thought I might have some insight into what he was thinking being a similar self absorbed egomaniac.
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